#-- # Amazon Web Services EC2 Query API Ruby library, EBS snapshots support # # Ruby Gem Name:: amazon-ec2 # Author:: Yann Klis (mailto:yann.klis@novelys.com) # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Yann Klis # License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby # Home:: http://github.com/grempe/amazon-ec2/tree/master #++ require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' context "EC2 snaphots " do before do @ec2 = AWS::EC2::Base.new( :access_key_id => "not a key", :secret_access_key => "not a secret" ) @describe_snapshots_response_body = <<-RESPONSE snap-78a54011 vol-4d826724 pending 2008-05-07T12:51:50.000Z 80% RESPONSE @create_snapshot_response_body = <<-RESPONSE snap-78a54011 vol-4d826724 pending 2008-05-07T12:51:50.000Z Daily Backup RESPONSE @delete_snapshot_response_body = <<-RESPONSE true RESPONSE end specify "should be able to be described with describe_snapshots" do @ec2.stubs(:make_request).with('DescribeSnapshots', {'SnapshotId.1' => 'snap-78a54011'}). returns stub(:body => @describe_snapshots_response_body, :is_a? => true) @ec2.describe_snapshots( :snapshot_id => "snap-78a54011" ).should.be.an.instance_of Hash response = @ec2.describe_snapshots( :snapshot_id => "snap-78a54011" ) response.snapshotId.should.equal "snap-78a54011" response.volumeId.should.equal "vol-4d826724" response.status.should.equal "pending" response.progress.should.equal "80%" end specify "should be able to be created with a volume_id" do @ec2.stubs(:make_request).with('CreateSnapshot', {"VolumeId" => "vol-4d826724"}). returns stub(:body => @create_snapshot_response_body, :is_a? => true) @ec2.create_snapshot( :volume_id => "vol-4d826724" ).should.be.an.instance_of Hash response = @ec2.create_snapshot( :volume_id => "vol-4d826724" ) response.snapshotId.should.equal "snap-78a54011" response.volumeId.should.equal "vol-4d826724" response.status.should.equal "pending" response.progress.should.equal nil end specify "should be able to be created with a volume_id and description" do @ec2.stubs(:make_request).with('CreateSnapshot', {"VolumeId" => "vol-4d826724", "Description" => "Daily Backup"}). returns stub(:body => @create_snapshot_response_body, :is_a? => true) @ec2.create_snapshot( :volume_id => "vol-4d826724", :description => "Daily Backup" ).should.be.an.instance_of Hash response = @ec2.create_snapshot( :volume_id => "vol-4d826724", :description => "Daily Backup") response.snapshotId.should.equal "snap-78a54011" response.volumeId.should.equal "vol-4d826724" response.status.should.equal "pending" response.progress.should.equal nil response.description.should.equal "Daily Backup" end specify "should be able to be deleted with a snapsot_id" do @ec2.stubs(:make_request).with('DeleteSnapshot', {"SnapshotId" => "snap-78a54011"}). returns stub(:body => @delete_snapshot_response_body, :is_a? => true) @ec2.delete_snapshot( :snapshot_id => "snap-78a54011" ).should.be.an.instance_of Hash response = @ec2.delete_snapshot( :snapshot_id => "snap-78a54011" ) response.return.should.equal "true" end end