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Create an `app/actions/application_action.rb` file with this content: ```rb # app/actions/application_action.rb class ApplicationAction < RungerActions::Base end ``` ## Generate your actions This gem provides a Rails generator. For example, running: ``` bin/rails g runger_actions:action Users::Create ``` will create an empty action in `app/actions/users/create.rb`. ## Define your actions Then, you can start defining actions. Here's an example: ```rb # app/actions/send_text_message.rb class SendTextMessage < ApplicationAction requires :message_body, String, length: { minimum: 3 } # don't send any super short messages requires :user, User do validates :phone, presence: true, format: { with: /[[:digit:]]{11}/ } end returns :cost, Float, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 } returns :nexmo_id, String, presence: true fails_with :nexmo_request_failed def execute nexmo_response = NexmoClient.send_text!(number: user.phone, message: message_body) if nexmo_response.success? nexmo_response_data = nexmo_response.parsed_response result.cost = nexmo_response_data['cost'] result.nexmo_id = nexmo_response_data['message-id'] else result.nexmo_request_failed! end end end ``` ## Invoke your actions Once you have defined one or more actions, you can invoke the action(s) anywhere in your code, such as in a controller, as illustrated below. ```rb # app/controllers/api/text_messages_controller.rb class Api::TextMessagesController < ApplicationController def create send_message_action = SendTextMessage.new( user: current_user, message_body: "Hello! This message was generated at #{Time.current}.", ) if !send_message_action.valid? # We'll enter this block if one of the ActiveRecord inputs (`user`, in this case) for the # action doesn't meet the required validations, e.g. if the user's `phone` is blank. render json: { error: send_message_action.errors.full_messages.join(', ') }, status: 400 return end result = send_message_action.run if result.success? Rails.logger.info("Sent message with Nexmo id #{result.nexmo_id} at a cost of #{result.cost}") head :created elsif result.nexmo_request_failed? render json: { error: 'An error occurred when sending the text message' }, status: 500 end end end ``` You aren't limited to invoking actions from a controller action, though; you can invoke an action from anywhere in your code. One good place to invoke an action is from within *another* action. For a complex or multi-step process, you might want to break that process down into several "sub actions" that can be invoked from the `#execute` method of a coordinating "parent action". ### Available methods There are a few different methods that can be used to instantiate and/or run an action: 1. `::run!` class method 2. `::new!` class method 3. `::new` class method 4. `#run!` instance method 5. `#run` instance method #### `::run!` class method This will attempt to instantiate an action (via `::new!`) and then attempt to run the action (via `#run!`). If there are any validation errors and/or if any `fails_with` conditions are invoked during execution, then an error will be raised. Example: ```rb SendTextMessage.run!(user: current_user, message_body: 'Hello!') ``` #### `::new!` class method This will attempt to instantiate an action. If there are any validation errors, then an error will be raised. Example: ```rb action = SendTextMessage.new!(user: current_user, message_body: 'Hi!') ``` #### `::new` class method This will instantiate an action. Even if there are ActiveModel validation errors, an error will **not** be raised. Example: ```rb action = SendTextMessage.new(user: current_user, message_body: 'Hi!') ``` #### `#run!` instance method This will attempt to run an action. If any `fails_with` conditions are invoked during execution, then an error will be raised. Example: ```rb action = SendTextMessage.new!(user: current_user, message_body: 'Hi!') action.run! ``` #### `#run` instance method This will run an action. If any `fails_with` conditions are invoked during execution, then an error will **not** be raised. The errors will be registered on the `result` object. Example: ```rb action = SendTextMessage.new!(user: current_user, message_body: 'Hi!') result = action.run result.nexmo_request_failed? # check if a `fails_with` condition was invoked ``` # Usage in specific ## An `#execute` instance method is required! The only real requirement for an action is that it implements an `#execute` instance method. ```rb class DoSomething < ApplicationAction def execute # you MUST write an #execute instance method for your action end end ``` Although all actions must implement an `#execute` instance method, you should generally not invoke that method directly in your application code. Instead, call `#run` on an instance of the class: ```rb # this will run the DoSomething#execute instance method DoSomething.new.run ``` ## Action class methods When defining an action class, these three class methods are available: 1. `requires` 2. `returns` 3. `fails_with` Those class methods are all optional, though. We'll detail/illustrate their usage below. ### `::requires` The `::requires` class method declares the necessary, expected inputs that are needed in order to execute an action. An action can have zero, one, or more `requires` statements. An action that requires no input values will have no `requires` statements: ```rb class PrintCurrentTime < ApplicationAction def execute puts("The current time is #{Time.now}.") end end PrintCurrentTime.new.run # => prints "The current time is 2020-06-20 03:25:14 -0700." ``` Most actions probably will take one or more inputs, though. Here's an example of an action with one `requires` statement: ```rb class PrintDoubledNumber < ApplicationAction requires :number, Numeric def execute puts("#{number} doubled is #{number * 2}") end end PrintDoubledNumber.new(number: 8).run # => prints "8 doubled is 16" ``` In the example above, because the `PrintDoubledNumber` action class declares `requires :number`, a `#number` instance method is available for all instances of that action class. This `#number` instance method is used within the `PrintDoubledNumber#execute` action. All subsequent arguments given to `requires` are used to define a "shape" via the [`shaped` gem](https://github.com/davidrunger/shaped/). The simplest way to define the expected "shape" of a required action parameter is probably to declare its expected class, as illustrated above (where we specified that the `number` input parameter must be an instance of `Numeric`). However, the `shaped` gem supports a wide variety of ways to specify the expected "shape" of an input. A few additional examples are shown below; see the [`shaped` documentation](https://github.com/davidrunger/shaped/) for more possibilities. #### Specifying the expected shape of a Hash input ```rb class PrintNameAndEmail < ApplicationAction # The `{ email: String, phone: String }` argument specifies the expected shape of `user_data`. requires :user_data, { name: String, email: String } def execute puts("The email of #{user_data[:name]} is #{user_data[:email]}.") end end PrintNameAndEmail.new(user_data: { name: 'Tom', email: 'tommy@example.com' }).run # => prints "The email of Tom is tommy@example.com." # The name and email keys are strings; they are supposed to be symbols. PrintNameAndEmail.new(user_data: { 'name' => 'Thomas', 'email' => 'tommy@example.com' }) # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch # The `:name` key is missing in the `user_data` hash. PrintNameAndEmail.new(user_data: { email: 'tommy@example.com' }) # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch ``` #### Specifying ActiveModel-style validations ```rb class PrintEmail < ApplicationAction requires :email, String, format: { with: /.+@.+\..+/ }, length: { minimum: 6 } def execute puts("The email is '#{email}'.") end end PrintEmail.new(email: 'jefferson@example.com').run # => prints "The email is 'jefferson@example.com'." # This email doesn't match the specified regex PrintEmail.new(email: 'Thomas Jefferson') # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch # This email is too short PrintEmail.new(email: 'a@b.c') # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch ``` #### Specifying arbitrary input "shapes" by providing a callable object You can leverage `shaped`'s [`Callable` shape type](https://github.com/davidrunger/shaped/#shapedshapescallable) by providing any object that responds to `#call` (such as a lambda). This allows you unlimited flexibility to define requirements for the action's input(s). ```rb class PrintSmallEvenNumber < ApplicationAction requires :small_even_number, ->(number) { (0..6).cover?(number) && number.even? } def execute puts("#{small_even_number} is a small, even number.") end end PrintSmallEvenNumber.new(small_even_number: 2).run # => prints "2 is a small, even number." # This number is not even PrintSmallEvenNumber.new(small_even_number: 3).run # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch # This number is not small PrintSmallEvenNumber.new(small_even_number: 200).run # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch ``` #### Specifying validations for ActiveRecord inputs When declaring a `requires` where the input is specified (via the second argument to `requires`) to be a class that inherits from `ActiveRecord::Base`, there are a few special things that happen: 1. You can provide a **validation block** for the ActiveRecord object. Within this block, you can specify validations on attributes of that ActiveRecord model. 2. You can check, by calling `valid?` on an instance of the action, whether the ActiveRecord object(s) that are inputs for the action meet the **validation block** validations. 3. You can access any validation errors (from the **validation block**) via the `#errors` method of the action instance. 4. You can execute the action instance via `run!` rather than `run`; this will raise an exception (and not run the `#execute` method) if any of the validations from a **validation block** are not met. ```rb class PrintFirstAndLastName < ApplicationAction requires :user, User do validates :name, format: { with: /.+ .+/ } end def execute name_parts = user.name.split(' ') puts("First name: #{name_parts.first}. Last name: #{name_parts.last}") end end user = User.find(1) user.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) # => true user.name # => "David Runger" action = PrintFirstAndLastName.new(user: user) action.valid? # => true action.errors.to_hash # => {} action.run! # => prints "First name: David. Last name: Runger" user = User.find(2) user.name # => "Cher" action = PrintFirstAndLastName.new(user: user) action.valid? # => false action.errors.to_hash # => {:name=>["is invalid"]} action.run! # => raises RungerActions::InvalidParam ``` ### `::returns` The `::returns` class method describes the value(s) that an action promises to return (if any). As with `requires`, an action can have zero, one, or more `returns` statements. An action that is used for its "side effects," such as most of the examples above that use `puts` to print output, will probably not have any `returns` statements. However, if you want the action to return object(s)/data to other parts of your code, then you'll need to declare those return values using the `returns` class method. Here's an example: ```rb class MultiplyNumber < ApplicationAction requires :input_number, Numeric returns :doubled_number, Numeric returns :tripled_number, Numeric def execute result.doubled_number = input_number * 2 result.tripled_number = input_number * 3 end end multiply_result = MultiplyNumber.new(input_number: 1.5).run multiply_result.class # => MultiplyNumber::Result puts("The number doubled is #{multiply_result.doubled_number}") # => prints "The number doubled is 3.0" puts("The number tripled is #{multiply_result.tripled_number}") # => prints "The number tripled is 4.5" ``` #### The `result` object We can see in the example above that `MultiplyNumber#execute` references `result`, which is an object provided automatically to action instances. Because the `MultiplyNumber` action declares `returns :doubled_number` and `returns :tripled_number`, the `result` object automatically has `#doubled_number=` and `#tripled_number=` writer methods, which can (and should) be invoked by the action instance in order to set those values on the `result` object. When we call `MultiplyNumber.new(input_number: 1.5).run`, the return value of `#run` is the action's `result` object. Outside of the action, we can then access the return values that were set within the action's `#execute` method; we do this via the `#doubled_number` and `#tripled_number` reader methods that are defined on the result object (which we captured in a local variable called `multiply_result`). #### All promised values must be returned If an action fails to set any promised return values on the `result` object, then an error will be raised when `#run` is called: ```rb class MultiplyNumber < ApplicationAction requires :input_number, Numeric returns :doubled_number, Numeric returns :tripled_number, Numeric def execute # PROBLEM BELOW! An error will be raised when this action is executed, # because we fail to set a `doubled_number` return value. # result.doubled_number = input_number * 2 result.tripled_number = input_number * 3 end end multiply_result = MultiplyNumber.new(input_number: 10).run # => raises RungerActions::MissingResultValue ``` #### Validating the "shape" of returned values As with the `requires` action class method, the "shape" of the promised return values declared via `returns` can be described via the arguments to `returns`, which are passed to the [`shaped` gem](https://github.com/davidrunger/shaped/). Leveraging this functionality allows you to ensure that your action is providing the expected type of return values. ```rb class UppercaseEmail < ApplicationAction requires :email, String, format: { with: /.+@.+/ } returns :uppercased_email, String, format: { with: /[A-Z]+@[A-Z.]+/ } def execute result.uppercased_email = email.upcase end end UppercaseEmail.new(email: 'david@protonmail.com').run.uppercased_email # => "DAVID@PROTONMAIL.COM" ``` If an action attempts to set a return value that doesn't match the specified "shape" for that return value, then an `RungerActions::TypeMismatch` error will be raised: ```rb class UppercaseEmail < ApplicationAction requires :email, String, format: { with: /.+@.+/ } returns :uppercased_email, String, format: { with: /[A-Z]+@[A-Z.]+/ } def execute # PROBLEM BELOW! This action is supposed to _upcase_ the email, not downcase it! result.uppercased_email = email.downcase end end UppercaseEmail.new(email: 'david@protonmail.com').run # => raises RungerActions::TypeMismatch ``` ### `::fails_with` The `::fails_with` class method can be used to enumerate possible "failure modes" for the action. As with `requires` and `returns`, an action can have zero, one, or more `fails_with` statements. Generally, it's best to try to write actions in a way such that we don't expect any failures, but sometimes there are things outside of our control; in such cases, using `fails_with` to list these possible points of failure is a good idea. For example, a call to an external API might time out or receive a 500 error response. Here's a (contrived) example with one `fails_with` declaration: ```rb class PrintRandomNumberAboveFive < ApplicationAction fails_with :number_was_too_small def execute random_number = rand(10) if random_number > 5 puts(random_number) else result.number_was_too_small! end end end result = PrintRandomNumberAboveFive.new.run # => prints "9" (sometimes) result.success? # => true result.number_was_too_small? # => false ``` In the case above, we didn't encounter the error condition, which we can verify via the `#success?` and `#number_was_too_small?` methods on the result. `#success?` is available on all action results, and `#number_was_too_small?` is available for this particular action result because the action class declares `fails_with :number_was_too_small`. And here's what a failure case would look like: ```rb result = PrintRandomNumberAboveFive.new.run # => [doesn't print anything, if the random number is <= 5] result.success? # => false result.number_was_too_small? # => true ``` In this case, we entered the `else` branch of the action's `#execute` method and called the `result.number_was_too_small!` method (made available automatically because of the class's `fails_with :number_was_too_small` declaration). Since we called the `result.number_was_too_small!` method, indicating that that failure mode occurred when executing the action, `#success?` returns `false` and `#number_was_too_small?` returns `true`. #### Setting an `error_message` When invoking a `fails_with` error case, the bang method can optionally take an error message as an argument, which will then be made available via a special `error_message` reader on the result object: ```rb class SellAlcohol < ApplicationAction requires :age, Numeric fails_with :too_young def execute if age < 21 result.too_young!("Age #{age} is too young to buy alcohol.") else puts('Enjoy your alcohol responsibly!') end end end result = SellAlcohol.new!(age: 17).run result.success? # => false result.too_young? # => true result.error_message # => "Age 17 is too young to buy alcohol." ``` # Alternatives This project is not the first of its kind! Here are a few similar projects: * [`interactor`](https://github.com/collectiveidea/interactor) * [`active_interaction`](https://github.com/AaronLasseigne/active_interaction) * [`mutations`](https://github.com/cypriss/mutations) * [`service_actor`](https://github.com/sunny/actor) # Status / Context I wouldn't recommend using this gem in production. It's very new (i.e. probably rough around the edges, subject to significant changes at a relatively rapid rate, and arguably somewhat feature incomplete) and I am not committed to maintaing the gem. I mostly built this gem because I wasn't _quite_ satisfied with any of the above alternatives that I knew about at the time that I decided to start building it. I built this gem mostly to scratch my own itch and for the sake of exploring this problem space a little bit. I am actively using this gem in the small Rails application that hosts my personal website and apps; you can check out its [`app/actions/` directory](https://github.com/davidrunger/david_runger/tree/main/app/actions) if you are interested in seeing some real-world use cases. # Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `bin/rspec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. # License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).