require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) require 'set' describe "Set#classify" do before(:each) do @set = Set["one", "two", "three", "four"] end it "yields each Object in self" do res = [] @set.classify { |x| res << x } res.sort.should == ["one", "two", "three", "four"].sort end ruby_version_is "" ... "1.8.8" do it "raises a LocalJumpError when passed no block" do lambda { @set.classify }.should raise_error(LocalJumpError) end end ruby_version_is "1.8.8" do it "returns an Enumerator when passed no block" do enum = @set.classify enum.should be_an_instance_of(enumerator_class) classified = enum.each { |x| x.length } classified.should == { 3 => Set["one", "two"], 4 => Set["four"], 5 => Set["three"] } end end it "classifies the Objects in self based on the block's return value" do classified = @set.classify { |x| x.length } classified.should == { 3 => Set["one", "two"], 4 => Set["four"], 5 => Set["three"] } end end