module ConditionsFu module Base # overriden sanitization in order to highjack the way that the condition string is formed # the attribute_condition method needs to have the attribute query object in order to # determine which operator to apply for the condition # alias_method_chain :sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions, :attribute_queries def sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions_with_attribute_queries(attrs, table_name = quoted_table_name) condition_join_string = attrs.delete(:connect) || ' AND ' # ' OR ' or ' AND ' attrs = expand_hash_conditions_for_aggregates(attrs) # view_statement("[sanitize] initial attrs", attrs) conditions = do |attr, value| unless value.is_a?(Hash) attr_string = attr.to_s # Extract table name from qualified attribute names. if attr_string.include?('.') table_name, attr_string = attr_string.split('.', 2) table_name = connection.quote_table_name(table_name) end # Here is the where the difference occurs: attribute_condition_for_query takes in the attr object # table_name.`quoted_attribute_name` [result of attribute_condition_for_query] attribute_condition_for_query("#{table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name(attr_string)}", attr, value) else sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions(value, connection.quote_table_name(attr.to_s)) end end.join(condition_join_string) # view_statement("[sanitize] conditions", conditions) # view_statement("[sanitize] attrs values", attrs.values) final_result = replace_bind_variables(conditions, expand_range_bind_variables(attrs.values)) # view_statement("[sanitize] final result", final_result) end # returns the operator and value portion of the query string for a given condition (i.e "= ?") # the actual operator is determined by the attribute_query type ( i.e => '>' ) def attribute_condition_for_query(column, attribute_query, value) # immediately return to regularly scheduled programming if the attribute is a plain old symbol return "#{column} #{attribute_condition(value)}" unless attribute_query.kind_of?(AttributeCondition) return "MATCH(#{column}) AGAINST(? IN BOOLEAN MODE)" if attribute_query.condition_operator == :match # in the case that the attribute is actually a query object, determine the query type op = case attribute_query.condition_operator # (i.e :gt, :lt, :like, :eql) when :eql then "= ?" when :lt then "< ?" when :lte then "<= ?" when :gt then "> ?" when :gte then ">= ?" when :like then "LIKE ?" when :in then "IN (?)" when :not then "NOT IN (?)" when :regexp then "REGEXP ?" end "#{column} #{op}" end # similar Model.all which is an alias for Model.find(:all), except concatenates conditions with "OR" instead of "AND" # Model.any(:conditions => { => "%Na%", > 30 }) # => `name` LIKE "%Na" OR `age` > 30 def any(*args) options = args.extract_options! # extract the options off the end options[:conditions][:connect] = ' OR ' if options[:conditions] # set the condition_join condition args << options # add options back on the end find(:all, *args) end def view_statement(title, expression) puts "--------->#{title}<----------" puts expression.kind_of?(String) ? "==== #{expression} ======" : "==== #{expression.inspect} ======" puts "\n" expression end end # define symbol methods for each possible condition qualifier module SymbolQueryExtensions [ :eql, :lt, :gt, :gte, :lte, :in, :like, :not, :match, :regexp ].each do |query_operator| define_method(query_operator) do, query_operator) end end end # An attribute condition simply contains an attribute name as well as a condition operator class AttributeCondition # attr_name : String => the attribute that will be used in the condition (i.e :name, :age, ...) # operator : Symbol => the operator which will be used for comparison (i.e :gt, :lt, :like, :eql, ...) attr_accessor :attribute_name, :condition_operator def initialize(attribute_name, condition_operator) @attribute_name, @condition_operator = attribute_name, condition_operator end # returns just the attribute name for simplicity def to_s @attribute_name.to_s end # returns the attribute name as a symbol def to_sym @attribute_name.to_sym end # redefines comparison for attribute condition objects if the attribute name and operator are the same def <=>(other) [self.condition_operator.to_s, self.attribute_name.to_s] <=> [other.condition_operator.to_s, other.attribute_name.to_s] end # redefines equality within the ruby objects based on the new comparison operator def ==(other) (self <=> other) == 0 end def eql?(other) self.hash == other.hash end def hash ["AttributeCondition", self.condition_operator.to_s, self.attribute_name.to_s].hash end end end