require 'active_record' require 'errors' module RequiresApproval extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do |klass| klass.send(:extend, ClassMethods) end def approve_all_attributes self.approve_attributes(self.fields_requiring_approval) end # # approve a list of attributes def approve_attributes(*attributes) # validate an normalize our attributes attributes = self.check_attributes_for_approval(attributes) # make sure that all attributes are provided if we have never # been approved fields_not_being_approved = (self.fields_requiring_approval - attributes) if fields_not_being_approved.present? && self.never_approved? raise "You must approve #{self.fields_requiring_approval.join(", ")} " + "for a new #{}" ) end attributes.flatten.each do |attr| write_attribute(attr, self.latest_unapproved_version.send(attr)) end # if we have approved all requested changes, make our latest # unapproved version approved unless self.has_pending_changes? self.latest_unapproved_version.update_attribute(:is_approved, true) else # makes our latest_unapproved_version approved and # creates another unapproved version with any remaining # attributes self.create_approval_version_record end self.is_frozen = false self.reload true end def deny_attributes(*attributes) unless self.has_approved_version? raise end attributes = self.check_attributes_for_approval(attributes) attributes.flatten.each do |attr| self.latest_unapproved_version.send("#{attr}=", self.send(attr)) true end # if we have denied all changes, remove the record unless self.has_pending_changes? self.latest_unapproved_version.destroy else end self.reload true end # have any of our versions ever been approved? def has_approved_version? self.versions.where(:is_approved => true).count > 0 end # have we already approved all outstanding changes? def has_pending_changes? self.pending_changes.present? end # the changes users have requested since the last approval def pending_changes return {} if self.latest_unapproved_version.blank? ret = {} # check each field requiring approval self.fields_requiring_approval.each do |field| # if it is the same in the unapproved as in the parent table # we skip it unless self.send(field) == self.latest_unapproved_version.send(field) # otherwise we get the change set ret[field] = { "was" => self.send(field), "became" => self.latest_unapproved_version.send(field) } end end ret end protected # the attributes that require approval def attributes_requiring_approval{|k,v| self.fields_requiring_approval.include?(k)} end # check if our attributes are valid for approval def check_attributes_for_approval(attributes) # normalize attributes attributes = Array.wrap(attributes).flatten.collect(&:to_s) # check for invalid attributes invalid_fields = (attributes - self.fields_requiring_approval) # if we have fields not requiring approval, raise an error if invalid_fields.present? raise "fields_requiring_approval don't include #{invalid_fields.join(",")}" ) end attributes end # creates the record of an individual approval def create_approval_version_record outstanding_changes = self.pending_attributes # update our old latest_unapproved_version to reflect our changes self.latest_unapproved_version.update_attributes( self.attributes_requiring_approval.merge(:is_approved => true) ) # reload so this unapproved version is out of our cache and will not # get its foreign key unassigned self.latest_unapproved_version(true) self.latest_unapproved_version = self.attributes_requiring_approval.merge(outstanding_changes) ) end # gets the latest unapproved version or creates a new one def latest_unapproved_version_with_nil_check self.latest_unapproved_version ||= begin end end # has this record never been approved? def never_approved? !self.has_approved_version? end # ActiveRecord-style attribute hash for the # requested changes def pending_attributes ret = {} self.pending_changes.each_pair do |k, change| ret[k] = change["became"] end ret end # the class which our versions are def versions_class self.class.versions_class end module ClassMethods # adds the correct tables and columns for requires_approval def prepare_tables_for_requires_approval self.reset_column_information # adds is_active to the parent table self.add_requires_approval_fields self.reset_column_information # adds our versions table self.drop_versions_table self.create_versions_table end def requires_approval_for(*attrs) self.set_options(attrs.extract_options!) # set up our attributes that require approval self.class_attribute :fields_requiring_approval self.fields_requiring_approval = attrs.collect(&:to_s) # set up delegates self.set_up_version_delegates # create a blank version before create to handle if no # attributes were ever set self.before_validation( :latest_unapproved_version_with_nil_check, :on => :create ) # create the versions class self.create_versions_class self.has_many :versions, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => self.versions_foreign_key self.has_one :latest_unapproved_version, :autosave => true, :class_name =>, :foreign_key => self.versions_foreign_key, :conditions => [ "#{self.versions_table_name}.is_approved = ?", false ] end def unapproved includes(:latest_unapproved_version) .where("#{self.versions_table_name}.id IS NOT NULL") end # the class which our versions are def versions_class "#{}::#{self.versions_class_name}".constantize end protected def add_requires_approval_fields # add is_frozen unless self.column_names.include?("is_frozen") self.connection.add_column( self.table_name, :is_frozen, :boolean, :default => true ) end # add is_deleted unless self.column_names.include?("is_deleted") self.connection.add_column( self.table_name, :is_deleted, :boolean, :default => false ) end true end # create a class def create_versions_class versions_table_name = self.versions_table_name self.const_set self.versions_class_name, self.versions_class.class_eval do self.table_name = versions_table_name end end def create_versions_table self.connection.create_table(self.versions_table_name) do |t| self.columns.each do |column| t.send(column.type,, { :default => column.default, :limit => column.limit, :null => column.null, :precision => column.precision, :scale => column.scale }) end t.integer self.versions_foreign_key t.boolean :is_approved, :default => false end self.connection.add_index( self.versions_table_name, [self.versions_foreign_key, :is_approved] ) end # drop the versions table if it exists def drop_versions_table if self.connection.tables.include?(self.versions_table_name) self.connection.drop_table(self.versions_table_name) end end def set_options(opts = {}) @versions_class_name = opts.delete(:versions_class_name) @version_foreign_key = opts.delete(:versions_foreign_key) @versions_table_name = opts.delete(:versions_table_name) end def set_up_version_delegates self.fields_requiring_approval.each do |f| define_method("#{f}=") do |val| self.send("#{f}_will_change!") self.latest_unapproved_version_with_nil_check.send("#{f}=", val) end end end def validates_approved_field(*args) self.versions_class.class_eval do validates(*args) end end # class name for our versions def versions_class_name @versions_class_name ||= "Version" end # foreign key for our class on the version table def versions_foreign_key @version_foreign_key ||= "#{}_id" end # table name for our versions def versions_table_name @versions_table_name ||= "#{}_versions" end end end ActiveRecord::Base.send(:include, RequiresApproval)