require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper') require 'mocha/setup' class RapidshareBaseTest < Test::Unit::TestCase # general setup, can be overriden or extended in specific tests # def setup # don't allow internet connections for testing (we should use fixtures, except # integration testing) FakeWeb.allow_net_connect = false super end context 'calling invalid method' do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '¶m_1=value_1', :body => 'ERROR: Invalid routine called. (5b97895d)' ) end should 'raise InvalidRoutine error' do assert_raise Rapidshare::API::Error::InvalidRoutineCalled do Rapidshare::API.request(:invalid_routine, {:param_1 => 'value_1'}) end end end context 'initialize method' do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '', :body => 'ERROR: Login failed. Password incorrect or account not found. (221a75e5)' ) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '', :body => 'ERROR: Login failed. Login data invalid. (0320f9f0)' ) end should 'have cookie' do @api = => 'valid_login', :password => 'valid_password') assert_equal @cookie, @api.cookie end should 'not require login if cookie is provided' do @api = => @cookie) assert_equal @cookie, @api.cookie end should 'accept just a cookie string instead of params hash' do @api = assert_equal @cookie, @api.cookie end should 'raise LoginFailed exception for invalid login data' do assert_raise(Rapidshare::API::Error::LoginFailed) do => 'invalid_login', :password => 'invalid_password') end end should 'raise LoginFailed exception for invalid cookie' do assert_raise(Rapidshare::API::Error::LoginFailed) do => 'invalid_cookie') end end should 'allow free users to skip login' do assert_nothing_raised(Rapidshare::API::Error::LoginFailed) do => true) end end end context 'request method' do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}", :body => read_fixture('getrapidtranslogs.txt') ) end should 'return response body as it is by default' do assert_equal @rs.request(:getrapidtranslogs), read_fixture('getrapidtranslogs.txt') end should 'optionally parse response like CSV file' do response = @rs.request(:getrapidtranslogs, :parser => 'csv') assert_equal 5, response.size assert_equal response.last, ['1278352832', '0', '-4', 'Daily account billing (Events in July 2010)'] end should 'optionally parse response like key=value hash' do response = @rs.request(:getaccountdetails, :parser => 'hash') assert_instance_of Hash, response assert_equal response, { :rapids=>'100', :curfiles=>'100', :country=>'CZ', :billeduntil=>'1320093121', :jsconfig=>'1000', :language=>nil, :username=>'valid_account', :nortuntil=>'1307123910', :addtime=>'127273393', :cookie=>@cookie, :mailflags=>nil, :directstart=>'1', :servertime=>'1217244932', :curspace=>'103994340', :email=>'', :accountid=>'12345' } end should 'raise error on invalid parser parameter' do assert_raise Rapidshare::API::Error do @rs.request(:getrapidtranslogs, :parser => 'surprise_me') end end end context 'method_missing' do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}", :body => read_fixture('getrapidtranslogs.txt') ) end should 'should redirect to request method' do assert_equal @rs.getrapidtranslogs, read_fixture('getrapidtranslogs.txt') end should 'should transform user-friendly aliases to correct method names' do assert_equal @rs.get_rapid_trans_logs, read_fixture('getrapidtranslogs.txt') end end context 'get_account_details method' do setup do @account_details = @rs.get_account_details end should 'return account details in hash' do assert_instance_of Hash, @account_details end should 'return corrent account details' do assert_equal @account_details, {:accountid=>'12345', :servertime=>'1217244932', :addtime=>'127273393', :username=>'valid_account', :directstart=>'1', :country=>'CZ', :mailflags=>nil, :language=>nil, :jsconfig=>'1000', :email=>'', :curfiles=>'100', :curspace=>'103994340', :rapids=>'100', :billeduntil=>'1320093121', :nortuntil=>'1307123910', :cookie=>@cookie } end end context 'checkfiles method' do setup do FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}", :body => read_fixture('checkfiles_single.txt') ) # for free users, without cookie FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, '', :body => read_fixture('checkfiles_single.txt') ) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}&filenames=HornyRhinos.jpg%2CHappyHippos.jpg%2CElegantElephants.jpg&files=829628035%2C428232373%2C766059293", :body => read_fixture('checkfiles_multi.txt') ) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}", :body => 'ERROR: Files invalid. (1dd3841d)' ) FakeWeb.register_uri(:get, "{@cookie}", :body => 'ERROR: Files invalid. (1dd3841d)' ) @files = %w{ } end should 'return information about file' do file_info = @rs.checkfiles(@files.first) assert_instance_of Array, file_info assert_equal 1, file_info.size assert_equal :ok, file_info.first[:file_status] assert_equal file_info.first, {:file_id=>'829628035', :file_name=>'HornyRhinos.jpg', :file_size=>'272288', :server_id=>'370', :file_status=>:ok, :short_host=>'l33', :md5=>'8700146036606454677EFAFB4A2AC52E'} end should 'be available for free users too' do file_info = => true).checkfiles(@files.first) assert_instance_of Array, file_info assert_equal 1, file_info.size assert_equal :ok, file_info.first[:file_status] assert_equal file_info.first, {:file_id=>'829628035', :file_name=>'HornyRhinos.jpg', :file_size=>'272288', :server_id=>'370', :file_status=>:ok, :short_host=>'l33', :md5=>'8700146036606454677EFAFB4A2AC52E'} end should 'accept single file or array' do assert_equal 3, @rs.checkfiles(@files).size assert_equal 3, @rs.checkfiles(@files[0], @files[1], @files[2]).size assert_equal 1, @rs.checkfiles(@files.first).size end should 'raise error if called without file parameters' do assert_raise(Rapidshare::API::Error) { @rs.checkfiles } assert_raise(Rapidshare::API::Error) { @rs.checkfiles('') } end should 'raise error if called with obviously invalid files' do assert_raise(Rapidshare::API::Error) { @rs.checkfiles('http://server/file') } end end context 'download method' do should 'download file through Download class' do # PS: downloading is tested in integration tests Rapidshare::Ext::Download.any_instance.expects(:perform)'') end end # helper methods context 'decode_file_status method' do should 'return :ok symbol if RapidShare file can be downloaded' do assert_equal :ok, Rapidshare::API.decode_file_status(1) end should 'return :error symbol if RapidShare file cannot be downloaded' do error_status_codes = [ 0, 2, 3, 4, 100 ] assert_equal [:error], { |status_code| Rapidshare::API.decode_file_status(status_code) }.uniq end end context 'fileid_and_filename method' do should 'return file_id and file_name in array from valid rapidshare link' do assert_equal ['', ''], @rs.fileid_and_filename('') end should 'return array of empty strings for invalid rapidshare link' do url = '' assert_instance_of Array, @rs.fileid_and_filename(url) assert_equal ['829628035', 'HornyRhinos.jpg'], @rs.fileid_and_filename(url) end end context 'text_to_hash method' do should 'convert text in specific format to hash' do assert_equal Rapidshare::API.text_to_hash(" key1=value1 \n\tkey2=value2"), { :key1 => 'value1', :key2 => 'value2' } end should 'convert rapidshare text response to hash' do assert_equal Rapidshare::API.text_to_hash(read_fixture('getaccountdetails_valid.txt')), {:accountid=>'12345', :servertime=>'1217244932', :addtime=>'127273393', :username=>'valid_account', :directstart=>'1', :country=>'CZ', :mailflags=>nil, :language=>nil, :jsconfig=>'1000', :email=>'', :curfiles=>'100', :curspace=>'103994340', :rapids=>'100', :billeduntil=>'1320093121', :nortuntil=>'1307123910', :cookie=>@cookie } end end end