en: activerecord: models: carrier_type: Carrier Type content_type: Content type create: Create create_type: Create type embody: Embody exemplify: Exemplify form_of_work: Form of works frequency: Frequency of issue import_request: Import request item: Item language: Language license: License manifestation: Manifestation manifestation_relationship: Resource relationship manifestation_relationship_type: Resource relationship type medium_of_performance: Medium of performance own: Own agent: Agent agent_import_file: Agent import file agent_import_result: Agent Import Result agent_relationship: Agent relationship agent_relationship_type: Agent relationship type agent_type: Agent type picture_file: Picture file produce: Produce produce_type: Produce type realize: Realize realize_type: Realize type resource_import_file: Resource import file resource_import_result: Resource import result series_statement: Series statement country: Country donate: Donate identifier: Identifier identifier_type: Identifier type resource_export_file: Resource export agent_export_file: Agent export agent_merge_list: Patron merge list agent_merge: Patron merge series_statement_merge: Series statement merge series_statement_merge_list: Series statement merge list attributes: manifestation: original_title: Original title title_alternative: Title alternative title_transcription: Title transcription classification_number: Classification number manifestation_identifier: Local manifestation identifier date_of_publication: Date of publication pub_date: Date of publication deleted_at: Deleted at access_address: Access address start_page: Start page end_page: End page height: Height width: Width depth: Depth isbn: ISBN isbn10: ISBN 10 wrong_isbn: Wrong ISBN nbn: NBN price: Price volume_number: Volume number (integer) volume_number_string: Volume number issue_number: Issue number (integer) issue_number_string: Issue number serial_number: Serial number serial_number_string: Serial number (string) edition: Edition (integer) edition_string: Edition note: Note repository_content: Repository content lock_version: Lock version carrier_type: Manifestation form language: Language lccn: LCCN issn: ISSN subscription_master: Subscription master description: Description creator_string: Creator contributor_string: Contributor publisher_string: Publisher series_statement_string: Series statement serial: Serial publication series_master: Series master subject: Subject classification: Classification identifier: Identifier statement_of_responsibility: Statement of responsibility publication_place: Publication place parent_id: Parent extent: Extent dimensions: Dimensions fulltext_content: Fulltext content manifestation/subjects: term: Subject manifestation/classifications: category: Classification manifestation/identifiers: body: Identifier item: call_number: Call number item_identifier: Item identifier deleted_at: Deleted at include_supplements: Include supplements note: Note url: URL price: Price lock_version: Lock version acquired_at: Acquired at donation: Donation binding_item_identifier: Binding item identifier binding_call_number: Binding call number binded_at: Binded at budget_type_id: Budget type bookstore_id: Bookstore required_role_id: Required role agent: last_name: Last name middle_name: Middle name first_name: First name last_name_transcription: Last name transcription middle_name_transcription: Middle name transcription first_name_transcription: First name transcription corporate_name: Corporate name corporate_name_transcription: Corporate name transcription full_name: Full name full_name_transcription: Full name transcription full_name_alternative: Full name alternative deleted_at: Deleted at zip_code_1: Zip code 1 zip_code_2: Zip code 2 address_1: Address 1 address_2: Address 2 address_1_note: Address 1 note address_2_note: Address 2 note telephone_number_1: Telephone number 1 telephone_number_2: Telephone number 2 fax_number_1: Fax number 1 fax_number_2: Fax number 2 other_designation: Other designation place: Place date_of_birth: Date of birth date_of_death: Date of death lock_version: Lock version note: Note country: Country agent_type: Agent type language: Language email: Email url: URL agent_import_file: agent_import_file_name: Filename agent_import_content_type: Content type agent_import_file_size: Size agent_import_fingerprint: File hash note: Note executed_at: Executed at agent_import_updated_at: Updated at state: State edit_mode: Edit mode error_message: Error message user_encoding: Encoding language: name: Name native_name: Native name display_name: Display name iso_639_1: ISO 639 1 iso_639_2: ISO 639 2 iso_639_3: ISO 639 3 note: Note position: Position resource_import_file: resource_import_file_name: Filename resource_import_content_type: Content type resource_import_file_size: Size resource_import_fingerprint: File hash note: Note executed_at: Executed at resource_import_updated_at: Updated at state: State edit_mode: Edit mode error_message: Error message user_encoding: Encoding default_shelf_id: Default shelf series_statement: original_title: Title numbering: Numbering title_subseries: Title subseries title_subseries_transcription: Title subseries transcription numbering_subseries: Numbering subseries work: Work series_statement_identifier: Series statement identifier issn: ISSN title_transcription: Title transcription note: Note series_master: Master volume_number_string: Volume number creator_string: Creator country: name: Name display_name: Display name alpha_2: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 alpha_3: ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 numeric_3: ISO 3166-1 numeric note: Note position: Position medium_of_performance: name: Name display_name: Displayname note: Note position: Position content_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position agent_relationship_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position manifestation_relationship_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position license: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position import_request: isbn: ISBN state: State agent_relationship: parent_id: Parent child_id: Child agent_relationship_type_id: Agent relationship type manifestation_relationship: parent_id: Parent child_id: Child manifestation_relationship_type_id: Manifestation relationship type carrier_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position picture_file: picture_attachable_type: Picture attachable type picture_file_size: Size picture_content_type: Content type title: Title picture_file_name: Filename height: Height width: Width thumbnail: Thumbnail picture_fingerprint: File hash picture_updated_at: Updated at form_of_work: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position exemplify: position: Position own: position: Position produce: position: Position realize: position: Position frequency: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position content_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position agent_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note position: Position embody: position: Position create: position: Position resource_import_result: body: Body error_message: Error message lineno: Line agent_import_result: body: Body create_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note realize_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note produce_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note identifier_type: name: Name display_name: Display name note: Note identifier: body: Body manifestation_id: Manifestation primary: Primary resource_export_file: resource_export_file_name: Filename resource_export_file_size: Size state: State agent_merge_list: title: Title agent_merge: series_statement_merge_list: title: Title series_statement_merge: resource_import_file: update_relationship: Update relationship default_shelf: If "shelf" column is not set in the TSV file, this shelf is set to the new item. agent: creator: Creator contributor: Contributor publisher: Publisher library_group_agent: "Agents of %{library_group_name}" work_agent: "Creators of %{work_title}" expression_agent: "Realizers of %{expression_title}" manifestation_agent: "Producers of %{manifestation_title}" activate_as_user: "Activate as an user" deactivate: "Deactivate this user" add: "Add a agent" publication: "Publications" recent_publication: "Recent publications" all_publication: "All publications" other_address: "The other address" add_derivation: "Add derivation" creator: "Creator" contributor: "Contributor" publisher: "Publisher" owner: "Owner" manifestation: date_of_acquisition: "Date of acquisition" physical_description: "Physical description" edit: "Edit this manifestation" add_next_issue: "Add a next issue" edit_creator: "Edit creators" edit_contributor: "Edit contributors" edit_publisher: "Edit publishers" edit_expression: "Edit expressions" edit_item: "Edit items" expressions_manifestation: "Manifestations for %{expression_title}" library_group_manifestation: "Manifestations in %{library_group_name}" reserve_this: "Reserve this manifestation" cancel_reservation: "Cancel this reservation" user_who_bookmark_this_resource: "Users who bookmark this resource" query_search_result: "Search results for %{query} in %{library_group_name}" serial: "Serial" number: "Number" invalid_isbn: "Invalid ISBN." already_imported: "This manifestation is already imported." record_not_found: "Record not found." add: "Add a manifestation" specify_expression: "Specify the expression." pickup: "Pick up" showing_all_record: "Showing all records." showing_reservable_record: "Showing reservable records." reservable: "Reservable" all_result: "All results" reservable_list: "Reservable list" post_to_twitter: "post to Twitter" web: "Web" send_email: "Email this information" attachment_file: "Attachment file" add_derivation: "Add a derivation" new_item: "New item" item: current_checkout: "Current checkout" donor: "Donors" library_group_item: "Items in %{library_group_name}" add: "Add an item" specify_manifestation: "Specify the manifestation." this_item_is_reserved: "This item is reserved!" create_shelf_first: "You should create a shelf first." this_item_include_supplement: "This item includes supplements." all_item: "All items" add_new_copy: "Add a new copy" no_manifestation: "No manifestation" no_number: "No number" add_lending_policy: "Add a new lending policy" edit_exemplification: "Edit exemplification" accepted_at: "Accepted at" page: add: Add remove: Remove add_series_statement: Add another series statement merge: "Merge!" merge_resource: "Merge %{model}" new_acquisition: Acquisition merge_list: successfully_merged: "%{model} were merged successfully." specify_id: "Specify %{model} ID." import: manifestation_found: 'Manifestation skipped: This manifestation is already created.' item_found: 'Item skipped: This item is already created.' isbn_invalid: "ISBN import error: ISBN string is invalid." isbn_record_not_found: "ISBN import error: Bibliographic record is not found in the external service."