module Skeptic module Rules class SpacesAroundOperators DESCRIPTION = 'Check for spaces around operators' include SexpVisitor OPERATORS_WITHOUT_SPACES_AROUND_THEM = ['**', '::', '...', '..'] IGNORED_TOKEN_TYPES = [:on_sp, :on_ignored_nl, :on_nl, :on_lparen, :on_symbeg, :on_lbracket, :on_lbrace] LEFT_LIMIT_TOKEN_TYPES = [:on_lparen, :on_lbracket] RIGHT_LIMIT_TOKEN_TYPES = [:on_rparen, :on_rbracket] WHITESPACE_TOKEN_TYPES = [:on_sp] def initialize(data) @violations = [] @special_tokens_locations = [] @unary_token_locations = [] end def apply_to(code, tokens, sexp) visit sexp mark_unary tokens @violations = tokens.each_cons(3).select do |_, token, _| operator_expecting_spaces? token do |left, operator, right| no_spaces_around? operator, left, right do |_, operator, _| [operator.last, operator.first[0]] end self end def violations do |value, line_number| "no spaces around #{value} on line #{line_number}" end end def name 'Spaces around operators' end private def operator_expecting_spaces?(token) token[1] == :on_op and not OPERATORS_WITHOUT_SPACES_AROUND_THEM.include? token.last end def no_spaces_around?(operator, left, right) return false if unary_operator?(operator) if LEFT_LIMIT_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(left[1]) mark_special_tokens right.first end if range_operator?(left) mark_special_tokens left.last end no_spaces_on_left_of?(operator, left) or no_spaces_on_right_of?(operator, right) end def no_spaces_on_left_of?(operator, neighbour) neighbour.first[0] == operator.first[0] and !LEFT_LIMIT_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(neighbour[1]) and !range_operator?(neighbour) and !special_token?(neighbour) end def no_spaces_on_right_of?(operator, neighbour) neighbour.first[0] == operator.first[0] and !double_negation_operator?(operator, neighbour) and !RIGHT_LIMIT_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(neighbour[1]) and !special_token?(neighbour) end def range_operator?(operator) operator.last[0..1] == '..' end def double_negation_operator?(token, other) token.last == '!' and other.last == '!' end def mark_special_tokens(*token_locations) @special_tokens_locations.concat(token_locations) end def special_token?(token) IGNORED_TOKEN_TYPES.include? token[1] or @special_tokens_locations.include? token.first end def unary_operator?(token) token[1] == :on_op and @unary_token_locations.include?(token[0]) end def mark_unary(tokens) @unary_token_locations = [] last_significant_token = nil tokens.each do |token| if token[1] == :on_op if [:on_op, :on_semicolon, :on_ignored_nl].include?(last_significant_token) @unary_token_locations << token[0] end last_significant_token = :on_op elsif !WHITESPACE_TOKEN_TYPES.include?(token[1]) last_significant_token = token[1] end end end on :blockarg, :rest_param do |ident| mark_special_tokens ident.last end on :args_add_block do |args, block| visit args if block case block.first when :symbol_literal, :dyna_symbol sexp_location = block.last.last.last symbol_location = [sexp_location[0], sexp_location[1] - 1] mark_special_tokens symbol_location when :vcall, :var_ref mark_special_tokens block.last.last when :call token = block while token.first == :call token = token[1] end mark_special_tokens token.last.last end end end on :mlhs_add_star, :args_add_star do |_, ident| if ident.first == :var_ref or ident.first == :vcall mark_special_tokens ident.last.last else mark_special_tokens ident.last end end on :block_var do |params| normal_params = params[1] || [] unless normal_params.empty? right_param = normal_params.last right_location = [right_param.last[0], right_param.last[1] ] mark_special_tokens normal_params.first.last, normal_params.last.last end end on :unary do |_, token| mark_special_tokens token.last end end end end