module Nephophobia class ComputeData attr_reader :description, :dns_name, :image_id, :instance_id, :instance_type attr_reader :key_name, :launch_time, :name, :owner_id, :placement attr_reader :private_dns_name, :project_id, :public_dns_name, :state def initialize hash @project_id = hash['ownerId'] item = hash['instancesSet']['item'] @description = item['displayDescription'] @name = item['displayName'] @key_name = item['keyName'] @instance_id = item['instanceId'] @state = item['instanceState']['name'] @public_dns_name = item['publicDnsName'] @private_dns_name = item['privateDnsName'] @image_id = item['imageId'] @dns_name = item['dnsName'] @launch_time =['launchTime']).utc @placement = item['placement']['availabilityZone'] @instance_type = item['instanceType'] end end class Compute def initialize client @client = client end ## # Returns information about instances that +@client+ owns. # # +filter+: An optional Hash, intended for filtering. # See the API Reference for further details. # { # "Filter.1.Name" => "instance-type", # "Filter.1.Value.1" => "m1.small" # } def all filter = {} response = @client.action "DescribeInstances", filter item = response.body['DescribeInstancesResponse']['reservationSet']['item'] Nephophobia.coerce(item).collect do |data| data end end ## # Create a compute instance with the given 'image_id'. # Returns information about the new instance. # # +image_id+: A String representing the ID of the image. # +params+: An optional Hash. # See the API Reference for further details. # { # "DisplayName" => "testserver1", # "DisplayDescription" => "test description" # } def create image_id, params = {} filter = { "ImageId" => image_id }.merge params response = @client.action "RunInstances", filter response.body['RunInstancesResponse'] end ## # Removes the given 'instance_id'. # Returns instances response to a state change. # # +instance_id+: A String representing the ID of the instance. def destroy instance_id filter = { "InstanceId.1" => instance_id } response = @client.action "TerminateInstances", filter response.body['TerminateInstancesResponse'] end ## # Returns information about the given 'instance_id'. # # +instance_id+: A String representing the ID of the instance. def find instance_id filter = { "InstanceId.1" => instance_id } response = @client.action "DescribeInstances", filter response.body['DescribeInstancesResponse']['reservationSet']['item'] end ## # Reboot the given 'instance_id'. # Returns instances response to a state change. # # +instance_id+: A String representing the ID of the instance. def reboot instance_id filter = { "InstanceId.1" => instance_id } response = @client.action "RebootInstances", filter response.body['RebootInstancesResponse'] end ## # Starts the given 'instance_id'. # Returns instances current and previous state. # # +instance_id+: A String representing the ID of the instance. def start instance_id filter = { "InstanceId.1" => instance_id } response = @client.action "StopInstances", filter response.body end ## # Stops the given 'instance_id' # Returns instances current and previous state. # # +instance_id+: A String representing the ID of the instance. def stop instance_id filter = { "InstanceId.1" => instance_id } response = @client.action "StartInstances", filter response.body end end end