# Author:: A.K.M. Ashrafuzzaman (mailto:ashrafuzzaman.g2@gmail.com) # License:: MIT-LICENSE # The purpose of the column module is to define columns that are displayed in the views module QueryReport module ColumnModule attr_accessor :columns # Creates a filter and adds to the filters # Params: # +column+:: the column on which the filter is done on # +options+:: Options can have the following, # options[:type] => date | text | whatever # options[:comp] => the comparators used for ransack search, [:gteq, :lteq] # options[:show_total] => set true to calculate total for that column # options[:only_on_web] => the column will appear on the web and not appear in PDF or csv if set to true # options[:rowspan] => the rows with same values in the same column will span if set to true def column(name, options={}, &block) @columns << Column.new(self, name, options, block) end def column_total_with_colspan total_with_colspan = [] colspan = 0 total_text_printed = false columns.each do |column| if column.has_total? if colspan > 0 title = total_text_printed ? '' : I18n.t('query_report.total') total_with_colspan << (colspan == 1 ? {content: title} : {content: title, colspan: colspan}) end total_with_colspan << {content: column.total} total_text_printed = true colspan = 0 else colspan += 1 end end if colspan > 0 total_with_colspan << {content: '', colspan: colspan} end total_with_colspan end class Column attr_reader :report, :name, :options, :type, :data def initialize(report, column_name, options={}, block = nil) @report, @name, @options = report, column_name, options @type = @report.model_class.columns_hash[column_name.to_s].try(:type) || options[:type] || :string rescue :string @data = block || column_name.to_sym end def only_on_web? @options[:only_on_web] == true end def sortable? @options[:sortable] == true end def rowspan? @options[:rowspan] == true || @options[:rowspan].kind_of?(Symbol) end def rowspan_column_humanized rowspan_column_name = @options[:rowspan].kind_of?(Symbol) ? @options[:rowspan] : self.name report.columns.each do |column| return column.humanize if column.name == rowspan_column_name end return self.humanize end def humanize @humanize ||= options[:as] || @report.model_class.human_attribute_name(name) end def value(record) self.data.kind_of?(Symbol) ? (record.respond_to?(self.name) ? record.send(self.name) : record[self.name]) : self.data.call(record) end def has_total? @options[:show_total] == true end def total @total ||= has_total? ? report.records.inject(0) { |sum, r| sum + report.content_from_element(r[humanize]).to_f } : nil end end end end