module ROCrate ## # A class to handle reading of RO-Crates from Zip files or directories. class Reader ## # Reads an RO-Crate from a directory or zip file. # # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname, #read] The location of the zip or directory, or an IO-like object containing a zip. # @param target_dir [String, ::File, Pathname] The target directory where the crate should be unzipped (if its a Zip file). # @return [Crate] The RO-Crate. def, target_dir: Dir.mktmpdir) raise "Not a directory!" unless begin is_dir = rescue TypeError is_dir = false end if is_dir read_directory(source) else read_zip(source, target_dir: target_dir) end end ## # Extract the contents of the given Zip file/data to the given directory. # # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname, #read] The location of the zip file, or an IO-like object. # @param target [String, ::File, Pathname] The target directory where the file should be unzipped. def self.unzip_to(source, target) source = if source.is_a?(String) if source.is_a?(Pathname) || source.respond_to?(:path) unzip_file_to(source, target) else unzip_io_to(source, target) end end ## # Extract the given Zip file data to the given directory. # # @param source [#read] An IO-like object containing a Zip file. # @param target [String, ::File, Pathname] The target directory where the file should be unzipped. def self.unzip_io_to(io, target) Dir.chdir(target) do do |input| while (entry = input.get_next_entry) unless ::File.exist?( || entry.name_is_directory? FileUtils::mkdir_p(::File.dirname( ::File.binwrite(, end end end end end ## # Extract the contents of the given Zip file to the given directory. # # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname] The location of the zip file. # @param target [String, ::File, Pathname] The target directory where the file should be unzipped. def self.unzip_file_to(file_or_path, target) Dir.chdir(target) do do |zipfile| zipfile.each do |entry| unless ::File.exist?( FileUtils::mkdir_p(::File.dirname( zipfile.extract(entry, end end end end end ## # Reads an RO-Crate from a zip file. It first extracts the Zip file to a temporary directory, and then calls # #read_directory. # # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname, #read] The location of the zip file, or an IO-like object. # @param target_dir [String, ::File, Pathname] The target directory where the crate should be unzipped. # @return [Crate] The RO-Crate. def self.read_zip(source, target_dir: Dir.mktmpdir) unzip_to(source, target_dir) read_directory(target_dir) end ## # Reads an RO-Crate from a directory. # # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname] The location of the directory. # @return [Crate] The RO-Crate. def self.read_directory(source) raise "Not a directory!" unless source = ::File.expand_path(source) metadata_file = Dir.entries(source).detect { |entry| entry == ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER || entry == ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER_1_0 } if metadata_file entities = entities_from_metadata(, metadata_file))) build_crate(entities, source) else raise 'No metadata found!' end end ## # Extracts all the entities from the @graph of the RO-Crate Metadata. # # @param metadata_json [String] A string containing the metadata JSON. # @return [Hash{String => Hash}] A Hash of all the entities, mapped by their @id. def self.entities_from_metadata(metadata_json) metadata = JSON.parse(metadata_json) graph = metadata['@graph'] if graph # Collect all the things in the graph, mapped by their @id entities = {} graph.each do |entity| entities[entity['@id']] = entity end # Do some normalization... entities[ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER] = extract_metadata_entity(entities) raise "No metadata entity found in @graph!" unless entities[ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER] entities[ROCrate::Crate::IDENTIFIER] = extract_root_entity(entities) raise "No root entity (with @id: #{entities[ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER].dig('about', '@id')}) found in @graph!" unless entities[ROCrate::Crate::IDENTIFIER] entities else raise "No @graph found in metadata!" end end ## # Create a crate from the given set of entities. # # @param entity_hash [Hash{String => Hash}] A Hash containing all the entities in the @graph, mapped by their @id. # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname] The location of the RO-Crate being read. # @return [Crate] The RO-Crate. def self.build_crate(entity_hash, source) do |crate| = entity_hash.delete(ROCrate::Crate::IDENTIFIER) = entity_hash.delete(ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER) preview_properties = entity_hash.delete(ROCrate::Preview::IDENTIFIER) = preview_properties if preview_properties crate.add_all(source, false) extract_data_entities(crate, source, entity_hash).each do |entity| crate.add_data_entity(entity) end # The remaining entities in the hash must be contextual. extract_contextual_entities(crate, entity_hash).each do |entity| crate.add_contextual_entity(entity) end end end ## # Discover data entities from the `hasPart` property of a crate, and create DataEntity objects for them. # Entities are looked up in the given `entity_hash` (and then removed from it). # @param crate [Crate] The RO-Crate being read. # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname] The location of the RO-Crate being read. # @param entity_hash [Hash] A Hash containing all the entities in the @graph, mapped by their @id. # @return [Array] The extracted DataEntity objects. def self.extract_data_entities(crate, source, entity_hash) crate.raw_properties['hasPart'].map do |ref| entity_props = entity_hash.delete(ref['@id']) next unless entity_props entity_class = ROCrate::DataEntity.specialize(entity_props) entity = create_data_entity(crate, entity_class, source, entity_props) next if entity.nil? entity end.compact end ## # Create appropriately specialized ContextualEntity objects from the given hash of entities and their properties. # @param crate [Crate] The RO-Crate being read. # @param entity_hash [Hash] A Hash containing all the entities in the @graph, mapped by their @id. # @return [Array] The extracted ContextualEntity objects. def self.extract_contextual_entities(crate, entity_hash) entities = [] entity_hash.each do |id, entity_props| entity_class = ROCrate::ContextualEntity.specialize(entity_props) entity =, id, entity_props) entities << entity end entities end ## # Create a DataEntity of the given class. # @param crate [Crate] The RO-Crate being read. # @param source [String, ::File, Pathname] The location of the RO-Crate being read. # @param entity_props [Hash] A Hash containing the entity's properties, including its @id. # @return [ROCrate::File, ROCrate::Directory, nil] The DataEntity object, # or nil if it referenced a local file that wasn't found. def self.create_data_entity(crate, entity_class, source, entity_props) id = entity_props.delete('@id') decoded_id = URI.decode_www_form_component(id) path = nil uri = URI(id) rescue nil if uri&.absolute? path = uri decoded_id = nil else [id, decoded_id].each do |i| fullpath = ::File.join(source, i) path = if ::File.exist?(fullpath) end unless path warn "Missing file/directory: #{id}, skipping..." return nil end end, path, decoded_id, entity_props) end ## # Extract the metadata entity from the entity hash, according to the rules defined here: # # @return [Hash{String => Hash}] A Hash containing (hopefully) one value, the metadata entity's properties, # mapped by its @id. def self.extract_metadata_entity(entities) key = entities.detect do |_, props| props.dig('conformsTo', '@id')&.start_with?(ROCrate::Metadata::RO_CRATE_BASE) end&.first return entities.delete(key) if key # Legacy support (entities.delete("./#{ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER}") || entities.delete(ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER) || entities.delete("./#{ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER_1_0}") || entities.delete(ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER_1_0)) end ## # Extract the root entity from the entity hash, according to the rules defined here: # # @return [Hash{String => Hash}] A Hash containing (hopefully) one value, the root entity's properties, # mapped by its @id. def self.extract_root_entity(entities) root_id = entities[ROCrate::Metadata::IDENTIFIER].dig('about', '@id') raise "Metadata entity does not reference any root entity" unless root_id entities.delete(root_id) end end end