# Ideal Mollie (ideal-mollie) [][gemversion] [][travis] [][coveralls] [gemversion]: http://badge.fury.io/rb/ideal-mollie [travis]: http://travis-ci.org/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie [coveralls]: https://coveralls.io/r/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie?branch=coveralls A simple Ruby implementation for handling iDeal transactions with the [Mollie API](https://www.mollie.nl/support/documentatie/betaaldiensten/ideal/). Here you can find the [Documentation](http://rubydoc.info/github/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie/master/frames) ## Getting started ### Install To install the gem you could execute ```ruby sudo gem install ideal-mollie ``` Or you could add the gem into your `Gemfile`. ```ruby gem 'ideal-mollie' ``` Finally, if you don’t dig any of that gemming that’s so popular nowadays, you can install it as a plugin; ``` cd vendor/plugins git clone --depth 1 git://github.com/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie.git ideal-mollie ``` ### Configuration Add the following config parameters to your environment config file ```ruby config.ideal_mollie.partner_id = 123456 config.ideal_mollie.report_url = "http://example.org/report" config.ideal_mollie.return_url = "http://example.org/return" config.ideal_mollie.test_mode = false ``` Optionally you can add a profile_key if you have multiple profile's ```ruby config.ideal_mollie.profile_key = "123abc45" ``` ## Rails Example Below you will find a simple `TransactionController` and a view to display the bank selectbox. Note that this is just a very basic example. ### Transaction Controller ```ruby class TransactionsController < ApplicationController def index @banks = IdealMollie.banks end def start # redirect to banks if there is no bank_id given redirect_to transaction_path if params[:bank_id].nil? bank_id = params[:bank_id] # 10,00 EUR request = IdealMollie.new_order( amount: 1000, description: 'some payment description', bank_id: bank_id ) # Optionally you could override the report_url and return_url here, by doing: # request = IdealMollie.new_order( # amount: 1000, # description: 'some payment description', # bank_id: bank_id, # report_url: "http://url.org/report", # return_url: "http://url.org/return" # ) transaction_id = request.transaction_id # TODO: store the transaction_id like: # For example: # my_order = MyOrderObject.find(id) # my_order.transaction_id = transaction_id # my_order.save redirect_to request.url end def check transaction_id = params[:transaction_id] response = IdealMollie.check_order(transaction_id) if response.paid # TODO: store the result information for the paid payment # For example: # my_order = MyOrder.find_by_transaction_id(transaction_id) # my_order.paid = true # my_order.paid_on = Time.now # my_order.customer_name = response.customer_name # my_order.customer_account = response.customer_account # my_order.customer_city = response.customer_city # my_order.save else # TODO: store the result information for the canceled payment # For example: # my_order = MyOrder.find_by_transaction_id(transaction_id) # my_order.paid = false # my_order.save end render :nothing => true end def result transaction_id = params[:transaction_id] # TODO show the result # For example: # my_order = MyOrder.find_by_transaction_id(transaction_id) # if my_order.paid # render :text => "Thank you for your payment." # else # render :text => "Transaction has been cancelled or couldn't complete" # end end end ``` ### View (transactions/index.html.erb) ```erb <%= form_tag transaction_start_path, :method => :post do %> <%= select_tag "bank_id", options_from_collection_for_select(@banks, "id", "name") %> <%= button_submit_tag "Checkout" %> <% end %> ``` ## Changelog A detailed overview can be found in the [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). ## Copyright Copyright © 2013 Manuel van Rijn. See [LICENSE](https://github.com/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie/blob/master/LICENSE.md) for further details. [](http://githalytics.com/manuelvanrijn/ideal-mollie)