#### Server configuration
# The :base_url specifies the prefix for all default http responders.
:base_url: '/'
# This setting defines if requests should be gzip-compressed or not.
# This is a trade-off between cpu cycles used and network bandwidth used.
# It's generally a good idea to leave it as false (gzipping enabled).
:no_gzip: false
# Enabling this appends all msg.reply call output to stdout
:trace: false
# The settings for the index_html plugin
# HTML template file path relative to the plugin dir
:index_tmpl: 'tmpl/index.html'
# The index.html page
:title: 'RSence'
:noscript: 'Sorry!
This site requires a Javascript -capable web browser.
Please enable Javascript or upgrade your browser.
:instance: null
# A list of javascript dependencies to include in the html
:deps: [ ]
# Boot library (default dependency, the package to load into html):
:boot_lib: rsence
# Default additional libraries to use:
:default_libs: []
# Default HTML contents
:body: ''
# The default language to use
# * Used in user_info[:lang] as the default
:lang: en
# The settings for the main plugin
# The background color of the web page when loading is done
:bg_color: '#ffffff'
# how many milliseconds to wait before doing an idle poll
:server_poll_interval: 2000 # 2 seconds
# Mobile browser default settings, by device group and model:
# iOS devices, defaults to iPads:
scale: 1.0
scale_min: 1.0
scale_max: 1.0
# Horizontal mode:
# Fullscreen (app) mode
width: 1024
height: 672
width: 1024
height: 600
# Horizontal mode:
# Fullscreen (app) mode
width: 768
height: 1024
width: 768
height: 928
# Dummy iPad override (same as default)
# nothing to override
scale: 0.5
scale_min: 0.5
scale_max: 0.5
width: 960
height: 600
width: 960
height: 536
width: 640
height: 920
width: 640
height: 856
# The settings for the daemon
# How long to wait before binding the broker to the
# HTTP address and port after starting the Transporter.
# A value of -1 disables the broker completely.
# Before waiting, the daemon starts all subsystems except the
# http handling front-end (Broker).
# Useful in situations where RSence itself configures the
# network interfaces or the interfaces become available after
# RSence is started.
:http_delayed_start: 0
# Save plugin and session state every n seconds.
# Set to 0 or negative to disable.
:autosave_interval: 180 # once every 3 minutes
# Daemon helper files, leave empty for defaults.
#:pid_fn: /var/run/rsence.pid
#:log_fn: /var/log/rsence.log
# Switches on debug-mode:
# - Generates more output
# - Each time /hello is post-requested:
# - Plugins are reloaded from source
# - GZFiles are reloaded (if more recent than in memory)
:debug_mode: false
# Web server-related settings:
# Simulate network latency. Good for testing how your
# app behaves with laggy connections.
:latency: 0
# HTTP Port number to listen to.
:port: '8001'
# Bind this ip address ('' means all)
:bind_address: ''
# Rack handler to use, defaults to puma
:rack_require: puma
# These are default options. Ymmv, but these work fine for puma
:Verbose: false
:Threads: '4:64' # puma default is '0:16'
# When enabled, sets http cache headers
# to cache content as long as possible.
:cache_maximize: true
# When :cache_maximize is enabled,
# this is the time (in seconds) the cached
# content will expire in
:cache_expire: 14515200 # 6 months
# Paths to scan for available plugins
:plugin_paths: [ ]
# List of files that include strings
:string_files: [
# Transporter settings:
# The HApplication priority of the client, when actively polling.
:client_poll_priority: 60
# Reload the client after any plugins are reloaded:
:client_autoreload: true
# Session-related settings
# Enable cookie-based sessions
:session_cookies: true
# Trusting the cookies means ignoring the client protocol session key exchange.
# Enabled by default, because in most cases, extreme security measures aren't necessary
# and the drawback of having an invalid session because a tcp packet got lost isn't
# tolerable as a default setting.
:trust_cookies: true
# The comment string in the session cookie
:ses_cookie_comment: "RSence Session Key"
# Disposable keys. When enabled, runs in a more secure way and changes the session key on each xhr.
:disposable_keys: true
# Timeout controls how long a session is valid
:timeout_secs: 900 # 15 minutes
# Separate timeout for the first request to prevent session flooding
:timeout_first: 15 # 15 seconds
# Key length controls the length of the random-part of the key.
:key_length: 12
# Cookie keys are this many times longer than xhr keys
:cookie_key_multiplier: 2
# When enabled, deletes all old sessions upon server startup.
# If the --reset-sessions command-line switch is provided,
# switches this one to true.
:reset_sessions: false
# When this is enabled, multiple sessions are allowed for each client
# When it's enabled, the old session is left intact and a new one is
# created by making a clone of the last session.
# If enabled, also check the maximum number of clones allowed in
# :session_cookie_max_clones
# Defaults to false, will be the default in a future version.
:clone_cookie_sessions: true
# This option overrides the default session timeout.
# Don't set this to less than the expected poll interval,
# otherwise the session might expire before the previous
# (cloned) session re-connects the next time.
# A safe value for a 60 second poll interval is 120 (default).
:cloned_session_expires_in: 120
# Session store/expiry sleep (in seconds) between sessions (to prevent too high loads on cleanup tasks)
:db_sleep: 0.001
# Message strings
# if the session is invalid for one reason or another, display this:
:title: 'Invalid Session'
:descr: 'Your session is invalid. Please reload the page to continue.'
:uri: '/'
# MongoDB-specific settings
# MongoDB Connection Pool Timeout:
:pool_timeout: 10 # seconds
# MongoDB Connection Pool Size:
:pool_size: 500 # amount of connections
# Database configuration
# Session database storage string. Leave empty here to enable the wizard for storage.
:ses_db: 'sqlite://db/ses.db'
# ValueManager settings
# Key length controls the length of the random-part of the key.
:key_length: 8
# Disposable keys, when enabled, changes the value id on each session restoration
:disposable_keys: true
# Entered by code, empty container
:broker_urls: { }