require 'volt/models/model_wrapper' require 'volt/models/array_model' require 'volt/models/model_helpers/model_helpers' require 'volt/models/model_hash_behaviour' require 'volt/models/validations/validations' require 'volt/utils/modes' require 'volt/models/state_manager' require 'volt/models/state_helpers' require 'volt/models/buffer' require 'volt/models/field_helpers' require 'volt/reactive/reactive_hash' require 'volt/models/validators/user_validation' require 'volt/models/model_helpers/dirty' require 'volt/models/model_helpers/listener_tracker' require 'volt/models/model_helpers/model_change_helpers' require 'volt/models/permissions' require 'volt/models/associations' require 'volt/reactive/class_eventable' require 'volt/utils/event_counter' require 'volt/reactive/reactive_accessors' require 'thread' module Volt class NilMethodCall < NoMethodError end # The error is raised when a reserved field name is used in a # volt model. class InvalidFieldName < StandardError end class Model include ModelWrapper include ModelHelpers include ModelHashBehaviour include StateManager include StateHelpers include Validations include Buffer include FieldHelpers include UserValidatorHelpers include Dirty include ClassEventable include Modes include ListenerTracker include Permissions include Associations include ReactiveAccessors include ModelChangeHelpers attr_reader :attributes, :parent, :path, :persistor, :options INVALID_FIELD_NAMES = { attributes: true, parent: true, path: true, options: true, persistor: true } def initialize(attributes = {}, options = {}, initial_state = nil) # Start off with empty attributes @attributes = {} # The listener event counter keeps track of how many computations are listening on this model @listener_event_counter = -> { parent.try(:persistor).try(:listener_added) }, -> { parent.try(:persistor).try(:listener_removed) } ) # The root dependency is used to track if anything is using the data from this # model. That information is relayed to the ArrayModel so it knows when it can # stop subscribing. # @root_dep =, @listener_event_counter.method(:remove)) @root_dep => { retain }, -> { release }) @deps = @size_dep = self.options = options @new = (initial_state != :loaded) assign_attributes(attributes, true) # The persistor is usually responsible for setting up the loaded_state, if # there is no persistor, we set it to loaded if @persistor @persistor.loaded(initial_state) else change_state_to(:loaded_state, initial_state || :loaded, false) end # Trigger the new event, pass in :new trigger!(:new, :new) end def retain @listener_event_counter.add end def release @listener_event_counter.remove end def state_for(*args) @root_dep.depend super end def id get(:id) end def id=(val) set(:id, val) end def _id raise "Accessing _id has been deprecated in favor of id" end # Return true if the model hasn't been saved yet def new? @new end # Update the options def options=(options) @options = options @parent = options[:parent] @path = options[:path] || [] @class_paths = options[:class_paths] @persistor = setup_persistor(options[:persistor]) end # Assign multiple attributes as a hash, directly. def assign_attributes(attrs, initial_setup = false, skip_changes = false) attrs = wrap_values(attrs) if attrs # When doing a mass-assign, we don't validate or save until the end. if initial_setup || skip_changes Model.no_change_tracking do assign_all_attributes(attrs, skip_changes) end else assign_all_attributes(attrs) end else # Assign to empty @attributes = {} end # Trigger and change all @deps.changed_all! @deps = run_initial_setup(initial_setup) end alias_method :attributes=, :assign_attributes # Pass the comparison through def ==(val) if val.is_a?(Model) # Use normal comparison for a model super else # Compare to attributes otherwise attributes == val end end # Pass through needed def ! !attributes end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) if method_name[0] == '_' # Remove underscore method_name = method_name[1..-1] if method_name[-1] == '=' # Assigning an attribute without the = set(method_name[0..-2], args[0], &block) else # If the method has an ! on the end, then we assign an empty # collection if no result exists already. expand = (method_name[-1] == '!') method_name = method_name[0..-2] if expand get(method_name, expand) end else # Call on parent super end end # Do the assignment to a model and trigger a changed event def set(attribute_name, value, &block) # Assign, without the = attribute_name = attribute_name.to_sym check_valid_field_name(attribute_name) old_value = @attributes[attribute_name] new_value = wrap_value(value, [attribute_name]) if old_value != new_value # Track the old value, skip if we are in no_validate attribute_will_change!(attribute_name, old_value) unless Volt.in_mode?(:no_change_tracking) # Assign the new value @attributes[attribute_name] = new_value @deps.changed!(attribute_name) @size_dep.changed! if old_value.nil? || new_value.nil? # TODO: Can we make this so it doesn't need to be handled for non store collections # (maybe move it to persistor, though thats weird since buffers don't have a persistor) clear_server_errors(attribute_name) if @server_errors.present? # Save the changes run_changed(attribute_name) unless Volt.in_mode?(:no_change_tracking) end new_value end # When reading an attribute, we need to handle reading on: # 1) a nil model, which returns a wrapped error # 2) reading directly from attributes # 3) trying to read a key that doesn't exist. def get(attr_name, expand = false) # Reading an attribute, we may get back a nil model. attr_name = attr_name.to_sym check_valid_field_name(attr_name) # Track that something is listening @root_dep.depend # Track dependency @deps.depend(attr_name) # See if the value is in attributes if @attributes && @attributes.key?(attr_name) return @attributes[attr_name] else # If we're expanding, or the get is for a collection, in which # case we always expand. plural_attr = attr_name.plural? if expand || plural_attr new_value = read_new_model(attr_name) # A value was generated, store it if new_value # Assign directly. Since this is the first time # we're loading, we can just assign. # # Don't track changes if we're setting a collection Volt.run_in_mode_if(plural_attr, :no_change_tracking) do set(attr_name, new_value) end end return new_value else return nil end end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = false) method_name.to_s.start_with?('_') || super end # Get a new model, make it easy to override def read_new_model(method_name) if @persistor && @persistor.respond_to?(:read_new_model) return @persistor.read_new_model(method_name) else opts = @options.merge(parent: self, path: path + [method_name]) if method_name.plural? return new_array_model([], opts) else return new_model({}, opts) end end end def new_model(attributes = {}, new_options = {}, initial_state = nil) new_options = new_options.merge(persistor: @persistor) Volt::Model.class_at_path(new_options[:path]).new(attributes, new_options, initial_state) end def new_array_model(attributes, options) # Start with an empty query options = options.dup options[:query] = [], options) end def inspect Computation.run_without_tracking do str = "#<#{self.class}" # str += ":#{object_id}" # First, select all of the non-ArrayModel values attrs = attributes.reject {|key, val| val.is_a?(ArrayModel) }.to_h # Show the :id first, then sort the rest of the attributes id = attrs.delete(:id) id = id[0..3] + '..' + id[-4..-1] if id attrs = attrs.sort attrs.insert(0, [:id, id]) if id str += do |key, value| " #{key}: #{value.inspect}" end.join(',') str += '>' str end end def destroy if parent result = parent.delete(self) # Wrap result in a promise if it isn't one return { result } else fail 'Model does not have a parent and cannot be deleted.' end end # Setup run mode helpers [:no_save, :no_validate, :no_change_tracking].each do |method_name| define_singleton_method(method_name) do |&block| Volt.run_in_mode(method_name, &block) end end def to_json to_h.to_json end private def run_initial_setup(initial_setup) # Save the changes if initial_setup # Run initial validation if Volt.in_mode?(:no_validate) # No validate, resolve nil else return validate!.then do |errs| if errs && errs.size > 0 else end end end else return run_changed end end # Volt provides a few access methods to get more data about the model, # we want to prevent these from being assigned or accessed through # underscore methods. def check_valid_field_name(name) if INVALID_FIELD_NAMES[name] fail InvalidFieldName, "`#{name}` is reserved and can not be used as a field" end end # Used internally from other methods that assign all attributes def assign_all_attributes(attrs, track_changes = false) # Assign each attribute using setters attrs.each_pair do |key, value| key = key.to_sym # Track the change, since assign_all_attributes runs with no_change_tracking old_val = @attributes[key] attribute_will_change!(key, old_val) if track_changes && old_val != value if self.respond_to?(:"#{key}=") # If a method without an underscore is defined, call that. send(:"#{key}=", value) else # Otherwise, use the _ version set(key, value) end end # Make an id if there isn't one yet if @attributes[:id].nil? && persistor.try(:auto_generate_id) @attributes[:id] = generate_id end end def self.inherited(subclass) if defined?(RootModels) RootModels.add_model_class(subclass) end end end end