module Saml module Kit # This class parses a LogoutRequest SAML document. class LogoutRequest < Document include Requestable validates_presence_of :single_logout_service, if: :expected_type? def initialize(xml, configuration: Saml::Kit.configuration) super(xml, name: "LogoutRequest", configuration: configuration) end # Returns the NameID value. def name_id to_h[name]['NameID'] end # Generates a Serialized LogoutResponse using the encoding rules for the specified binding. # # @param binding [Symbol] The binding to use `:http_redirect` or `:http_post`. # @param relay_state [Object] The RelayState to include in the RelayState param. # @return [Array] Returns an array with a url and Hash of parameters to return to the requestor. def response_for(binding:, relay_state: nil) builder = Saml::Kit::LogoutResponse.builder(self) do |x| yield x if block_given? end response_binding = provider.single_logout_service_for(binding: binding) response_binding.serialize(builder, relay_state: relay_state) end # @deprecated Use {#Saml::Kit::Builders::LogoutRequest} instead of this. Builder ='Saml::Kit::LogoutRequest::Builder', 'Saml::Kit::Builders::LogoutRequest') private def single_logout_service return if provider.nil? urls = provider.single_logout_services urls.first end end end end