# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # frozen_string_literal: true module Rouge module Lexers class SQF < RegexLexer tag "sqf" filenames "*.sqf" title "SQF" desc "Status Quo Function, a Real Virtuality engine scripting language" def self.wordoperators @wordoperators ||= Set.new %w( and or not ) end def self.initializers @initializers ||= Set.new %w( private param params ) end def self.controlflow @controlflow ||= Set.new %w( if then else exitwith switch do case default while for from to step foreach ) end def self.constants @constants ||= Set.new %w( true false player confignull controlnull displaynull grpnull locationnull netobjnull objnull scriptnull tasknull teammembernull ) end def self.namespaces @namespaces ||= Set.new %w( currentnamespace missionnamespace parsingnamespace profilenamespace uinamespace ) end def self.diag_commands @diag_commands ||= Set.new %w( diag_activemissionfsms diag_activesqfscripts diag_activesqsscripts diag_activescripts diag_captureframe diag_captureframetofile diag_captureslowframe diag_codeperformance diag_drawmode diag_enable diag_enabled diag_fps diag_fpsmin diag_frameno diag_lightnewload diag_list diag_log diag_logslowframe diag_mergeconfigfile diag_recordturretlimits diag_setlightnew diag_ticktime diag_toggle ) end def self.commands load Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.join("sqf/commands.rb") @commands = self.commands end state :root do # Whitespace rule %r"\s+", Text # Preprocessor instructions rule %r"/\*.*?\*/"m, Comment::Multiline rule %r"//.*\n", Comment::Single rule %r"#(define|undef|if(n)?def|else|endif|include)", Comment::Preproc rule %r"\\\r?\n", Comment::Preproc rule %r"__(EVAL|EXEC|LINE__|FILE__)", Name::Builtin # Literals rule %r"\".*?\"", Literal::String rule %r"'.*?'", Literal::String rule %r"(\$|0x)[0-9a-fA-F]+", Literal::Number::Hex rule %r"[0-9]+(\.)?(e[0-9]+)?", Literal::Number::Float # Symbols rule %r"[\!\%\&\*\+\-\/\<\=\>\^\|\#]", Operator rule %r"[\(\)\{\}\[\]\,\:\;]", Punctuation # Identifiers (variables and functions) rule %r"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+" do |m| name = m[0].downcase if self.class.wordoperators.include? name token Operator::Word elsif self.class.initializers.include? name token Keyword::Declaration elsif self.class.controlflow.include? name token Keyword::Reserved elsif self.class.constants.include? name token Keyword::Constant elsif self.class.namespaces.include? name token Keyword::Namespace elsif self.class.diag_commands.include? name token Name::Function elsif self.class.commands.include? name token Name::Function elsif %r"_.+" =~ name token Name::Variable else token Name::Variable::Global end end end end end end