class Trailblazer::Activity module TaskWrap # This "circuit" is optimized for # a) merging speed at run-time, since features like tracing will be applied here. # b) execution speed. Every task in the real circuit is wrapped with one of us. # # It doesn't come with built-in insertion mechanics (except for {Pipeline.prepend}). # Please add/remove steps using the {Activity::Adds} methods. class Pipeline def initialize(sequence) @sequence = sequence # [[id, task], ..] end # Execute the pipeline and call all its steps, passing around the {wrap_ctx}. def call(wrap_ctx, original_args) @sequence.each { |(_id, task)| wrap_ctx, original_args = task.(wrap_ctx, original_args) } return wrap_ctx, original_args end # Comply with the Adds interface. def to_a @sequence end # TODO: remove me when old tW extension API is deprecated. def self.method(name) new_name = { insert_before: :Prepend, insert_after: :Append, append: :Append, prepend: :Prepend }.fetch(name) warn "[Trailblazer] Using `Trailblazer::Activity::TaskWrap::Pipeline.method(:#{name})` is deprecated. Please use the new API: #FIXME!!!" Trailblazer::Activity::Adds::Insert.method(new_name) end def self.Row(id, task) Row[id, task] end class Row < Array def id self[0] end end # TODO: remove {Merge} when old tW extension API is deprecated. class Merge def*inserts) warn "[Trailblazer] Using `` is deprecated. Please use the new TaskWrap.Extension() API: #FIXME!!!" # We can safely assume that users calling {} are using the old tW extension API, not # the "friendly API". That's why we don't go through {}.*inserts) end end # Merge # Implements adapter for a callable in a Pipeline. class TaskAdapter < Circuit::TaskAdapter # Returns a {Pipeline::TaskAdapter} instance that can be used directly in a Pipeline. # When `call`ed, it returns a Pipeline-interface return set. # # @see Circuit::TaskAdapter.for_step def self.for_step(callable, **) circuit_step = Circuit.Step(callable, option: false) # Since we don't have {:exec_context} in Pipeline, Option doesn't make much sense. # return a {Pipeline::TaskAdapter} end def call(wrap_ctx, args) _result, _new_wrap_ctx = @circuit_step.([wrap_ctx, args]) # For funny reasons, the Circuit::Step's call interface is compatible to the Pipeline's. # DISCUSS: we're mutating wrap_ctx, that's the whole point of this abstraction (plus kwargs). return wrap_ctx, args end end # TaskAdapter end end end