module Chulai class Base attr_reader :identity, :token API_BASE_URL = "" GIT_ROOT = "" SSH_KEY = "chulai" SUFFIX = "" def initialize root = '.' @root = root rescue => e puts "Error: #{e.inspect}" exit end def account if Git.global_config.keys.include? 'chulai.token' account_check else account_sign_in end end def auth_token if @auth_token @auth_token else account end @auth_token end def git return @git if @git @git = @root#, log: unless @git.log.first.to_s == @git.branches[:master].gcommit.log.first.to_s puts "Error: please checkout to master branch first" exit end @git rescue => e puts "Error: git not initailzed" exit end def account_check puts "checking account" @auth_token = Git.global_config 'chulai.token' res = http_without_auth :post, "/account_check.json", auth_token: @auth_token @username = res["username"] if res["status"] == 'success' [@username, @auth_token] else puts "error: #{res["message"]}" exit end end def account_sign_in puts "please sign in" print "email: " email = $stdin.gets.chomp print "password: " password = STDIN.noecho(&:gets).chomp puts res = http_without_auth :post, "/account_sign_in.json", user: { email: email, password: password } if res["status"] == 'success' @username = res["username"] @auth_token = res["auth_token"] Git.global_config 'chulai.token', @auth_token else puts "error: #{res["message"]}" end end def ssh_key puts "checking ssh key" key_dir = File.expand_path "~/.ssh" Dir.mkdir key_dir unless Dir.exist? key_dir key_path = File.join key_dir, SSH_KEY key = key_path rescue => e puts "sshkey ~/.ssh/chulai not found, generate a new one" key = SSHKey.generate, "w") do |f| f.write key.private_key f.chmod 0400 end"#{key_path}.pub", "w") do |f| f.write key.ssh_public_key end res = http :post, "/keys.json", key: {name: Socket.gethostname, content: key.ssh_public_key} end def ssh_config puts "checking ssh config" config_dir = File.expand_path "~/.ssh" Dir.mkdir config_dir unless Dir.exist? config_dir config_path = File.join config_dir, "config" unless File.exist?(config_path) and Net::SSH::Config.load(config_path, SSH_KEY).length > 1 config_path, "a" do |f| f.write [ "", "Host #{SSH_KEY}", "HostName #{GIT_ROOT}", "User git", "IdentityFile ~/.ssh/#{SSH_KEY}", "", ].join("\n") end end end def gemfile puts "checking Gemfile" unless File.exist? 'Gemfile' puts "Error: Gemfile not found, please make sure you are in a Rails project dir" exit end @gemfile ="Gemfile") @gems = unless @gems.include? 'rails' puts "Error: chulai ONLY support Rails projects by now" exit end end def push puts "pushing to git server" remote = git.remote(:chulai) if remote.url.nil? res = http :post, "/birth.json" raise res.inspect unless res['status'] == 'success' @identity, @name = res["identity"], res["name"] git.add_remote :chulai, "#{SSH_KEY}:#{@identity}.git" git.config 'chulai.identity', @identity git.config '', @name else @identity = git.config 'chulai.identity' res = http :post, "/check.json", identity: @identity raise res.inspect unless res && res['status'] == 'success' @name = res["name"] end git.push(git.remote("chulai")) rescue => exc puts "failed to push code to git server: #{exc.to_s}" exit end def deploy puts "deploying" stream :post, "/", identity: identity, commit: git.log.first.sha , comment: git.log.first.message, gems: @gems do |chunk| puts chunk end rescue => exc puts "deploy failed: #{exc.to_s}" exit end def clean puts "cleaning" res = http :post, "/clean.json", identity: @identity puts res.inspect rescue => exc puts "failed to clean old instances: #{exc.to_s}" exit end def open url = "http://#{@username}.#{@name}.#{SUFFIX}" url rescue => exc puts "failed to launch any browser: #{exc.to_s}" puts url exit end private METHODS = [:get, :post, :put, :patch, :delete] def http_without_auth method, path, body = {} raise "method #{method} not allowed" unless METHODS.include? method # # for debug # return {"status" => "success"} url = "#{API_BASE_URL}#{path}" res = RestClient.send method, url, body.to_json, content_type: :json JSON.parse res rescue => exc puts "failed to #{method} #{url}\n#{exc.inspect}\nbody: #{body}\nresponse: #{res}\n" exit end def http method, path, body = {} http_without_auth method, path, body.merge({auth_token: auth_token}) end def fake_stream method, path, body = {} puts "*"*50 + "fake stream" [method, "#{API_BASE_URL}#{path}", body].each do |chunk| yield chunk end puts "*"*50 end def req_factory method, uri method = method.to_s method[0] = method[0].upcase eval("Net::HTTP::#{method}.new uri") end def stream method, path, body = {} raise "method #{method} not allowed" unless METHODS.include? method # # for debug # return fake_stream method, path, body do |chunk| # yield chunk # end uri = URI "#{API_BASE_URL}#{path}" Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, read_timeout: 150) do |http| req = req_factory method, uri req.body = body.merge({auth_token: auth_token}).to_json req.content_type = "application/json" http.request req do |res| res.read_body do |chunk| yield chunk end end end end end end