<%= simple_fields_for 'question', @questions do |f| %> Number of columns: <%= f.input :dropdown_column_count, :collection => 10.times.map{|i| [(i+1).to_s + " column".pluralize(i+1), i+1]}, :as => :select, :label => false, :include_blank => false, :wrapper_html=>{:class => 'shrink_slider'} %> <%= f.simple_fields_for :question_group, @question_group do |qg| %> <%= qg.hidden_field :id %> Columns: Columns: enter the choices for each column option on a separate line under "Column Options"
  <%= qg.simple_fields_for :columns do |c| %> <%= render "grid_dropdown_columns", c: c %> <% end -%>
<% end -%>
Rows: add each row as a new line
<%= f.input :grid_rows_textbox, :as => :text, :wrapper_html => {:class=>'answers_collection'}, :label => false %>

<%= f.input :other_text, label: "add a choice for", hint: "user determines choice", placeholder: "Other", as: :string, wrapper_html: {class: 'other_text fl'} %>: <%= f.input_field :other, label: false, as: :boolean %>

<%= f.input :comments_text, label: "at the bottom of questions, add", hint: "box for notes/comments", placeholder: "Comments", as: :string, wrapper_html: {class: 'comments_text fl'} %>: <%= f.input_field :comments, label: false, as: :boolean %> <% end -%>