require "thread" require "base64" require "weakref" require "openssl_pkcs8_pure" module Manticore # @!macro [new] http_method_shared # @param url [String] URL to request # @param options [Hash] # @option options [Hash] query Hash of options to be added to the URL as part of the query string # @option options [Hash] params Hash of options to pass as a request body. For GET, HEAD, and DELETE requests, # :params will be treated as :query if :query is not present. # @option options [Hash] headers Hash of options to pass as additional request headers # @option options [String] proxy Proxy host in form: # @option options [Hash] proxy Proxy host in form: {host: ''[, port: 80[, scheme: 'http']]} # @option options [URI] proxy Proxy host as a URI object # @option options [Float] connect_timeout Request-specific connect timeout (in seconds) # @option options [Float] socket_timeout Request-specific socket timeout (in seconds) # @option options [Float] request_timeout Request-specific request timeout (in seconds) # @option options [Integer] max_redirects Request-specific maximum redirect limit # @option options [Boolean] follow_redirects Specify whether this request should follow redirects # @option options [Hash] auth Specify authentication for the request # @option options [String] auth[:user] Username to auth with # @option options [String] auth[:password] Password to auth with # @option options [Boolean] auth[:eager] Eagerly offer the Authorization header before the server challenges for it. # You should not use this unless you know you specifically need it, as misuse # of it can leak user credentials. # # @!macro [new] http_request_exceptions # @raise [Manticore::Timeout] on socket, connection, or response timeout # @raise [Manticore::SocketException] on internal socket exception (ie, unexpected socket closure) # @raise [Manticore::ClientProtocolException] on protocol errors such as an SSL handshake failure or connection exception # @raise [Manticore::ResolutionFailure] on DNS resolution failure # @return [Response] # # @!macro [new] http_method_shared_async # @example Simple usage # client.$0("", params: {foo: "bar"}, headers: {"X-Custom-Header" => "whee"}). # on_success {|response| # # Do something with response.body, response.code, etc # }.on_failure {|exception| # # Handle request exception # } # client.execute! # # @!macro [new] http_method_shared_sync # @example Simple usage # body = client.$0("", params: {foo: "bar"}, headers: {"X-Custom-Header" => "whee"}).body # @example Passing a block as the success handler: # body = client.$0("", params: {foo: "bar"}, headers: {"X-Custom-Header" => "whee"}) {|response| response.body } # @example Explicit success handler: # body = client.$0("", params: {foo: "bar"}, headers: {"X-Custom-Header" => "whee"}). # on_success {|response| response.body } # @macro http_method_shared # @macro http_request_exceptions # # @!macro [new] http_method_shared_async_with_body # @macro http_method_shared_async # @option options [String] body Body to pass with the request # # @!macro [new] http_method_shared_sync_with_body # @macro http_method_shared_sync # @option options [String] body Body to pass with the request # Core Manticore client, with a backing { PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager} class Client include_package "org.apache.http.client.methods" include_package "org.apache.http.client.entity" include_package "org.apache.http.client.config" include_package "org.apache.http.config" include_package "org.apache.http.conn.socket" include_package "org.apache.http.impl.client" include_package "org.apache.http.impl.conn" include_package "org.apache.http.entity" include_package "org.apache.http.message" include_package "org.apache.http.params" include_package "org.apache.http.protocol" include_package "org.apache.http.auth" include_package "java.util.concurrent" include_package "org.apache.http.client.protocol" include_package "" include_package "" include_package "" java_import "org.apache.http.HttpHost" java_import "" java_import "org.manticore.HttpGetWithEntity" java_import "org.manticore.HttpDeleteWithEntity" java_import "org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials" java_import "org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory" java_import "org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLContextBuilder" java_import "org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustAllStrategy" java_import "org.apache.http.conn.ssl.TrustSelfSignedStrategy" java_import "org.apache.http.client.utils.URIBuilder" java_import "org.apache.http.impl.DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy" java_import "org.apache.http.impl.auth.BasicScheme" # This is a class rather than a proc because the proc holds a closure around # the instance of the Client that creates it. class ExecutorThreadFactory include ::Java::JavaUtilConcurrent::ThreadFactory def newThread(runnable) thread = Executors.defaultThreadFactory.newThread(runnable) thread.daemon = true return thread end end include ProxiesInterface # The default maximum pool size for requests DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 50 DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 60 DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 10 DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS = 5 DEFAULT_EXPECT_CONTINUE = false DEFAULT_STALE_CHECK = false attr_reader :client # Create a new HTTP client with a backing request pool. if you pass a block to the initializer, the underlying # { HttpClientBuilder} # and { RequestConfig.Builder} # will be yielded so that you can operate on them directly. # # @see HttpClientBuilder # @see RequestConfig.Builder # @example Simple instantiation and usage # client = # client.get("") # # @example Instantiation with a block # client = 5) do |http_client_builder, request_builder| # http_client_builder.disable_redirect_handling # end # # @param options [Hash] Client pool options # @option options [String] user_agent The user agent used in requests. # @option options [Integer] pool_max (50) The maximum number of active connections in the pool # @option options [integer] pool_max_per_route (pool_max) Sets the maximum number of active connections for a given target endpoint # @option options [boolean] cookies (true) enable or disable automatic cookie management between requests # @option options [boolean] compression (true) enable or disable transparent gzip/deflate support # @option options [integer] request_timeout (60) Sets the timeout for requests. Raises {Manticore::Timeout} on failure. # @option options [integer] connect_timeout (10) Sets the timeout for connections. Raises Manticore::Timeout on failure. # @option options [integer] socket_timeout (10) Sets SO_TIMEOUT for open connections. A value of 0 is an infinite timeout. Raises Manticore::Timeout on failure. # @option options [boolean] tcp_no_delay (true) Enable or disable Nagle's algorithm # @option options [integer] request_timeout (60) Sets the timeout for a given request. Raises Manticore::Timeout on failure. # @option options [integer] max_redirects (5) Sets the maximum number of redirects to follow. # @option options [integer] automatic_retries (3) Sets the number of times the client will automatically retry failed requests. # @option options [boolean] retry_non_idempotent (false) If true, Manticore will automatically retry failed requests with non-idempotent verbs. Otherwise, it only automatically retries # on GET, HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE # @option options [boolean] expect_continue (false) Enable support for HTTP 100 # @option options [boolean] stale_check (false) Enable support for stale connection checking. Adds overhead. # @option options [integer] check_connection_timeout (2_000) Connections that haven't been used in this many milliseconds will be validated before being used. Set to a negative number to disable. # @option options [String] proxy Proxy host in form: # @option options [Hash] proxy Proxy host in form: {host: ''[, port: 80[, scheme: 'http'[, user: 'username@host', password: 'password']]]} # @option options [Hash] proxy Proxy host in form: {url: ''[, user: 'username@host', password: 'password']]]} # @option options [URI] proxy Proxy host as a URI object # @option options [Boolean] keepalive (true) Whether to allow connections to be reused. Defaults to true. # @option options [Hash] ssl Hash of options for configuring SSL # @option options [Array] ssl[:protocols] (nil) A list of protocols that Manticore should accept # @option options [Array] ssl[:cipher_suites] (nil) A list of cipher suites that Manticore should accept # @option options [Symbol] ssl[:verify] (:strict) Hostname verification setting. Set to `:disable` to turn off hostname verification. Setting to `:browser` will # cause Manticore to accept a certificate for * for all subdomains and sub-subdomains (eg # The default `:strict` is like `:browser` except it'll only accept a single level of subdomains for wildcards, # eg `` will be accepted for a `*` certificate, but `` will not be. # @option options [String] ssl[:truststore] (nil) Path to a custom trust store to use the verifying SSL connections # @option options [String] ssl[:truststore_password] (nil) Password used for decrypting the server trust store # @option options [String] ssl[:truststore_type] (nil) Format of the trust store, ie "JKS" or "PKCS12". If left nil, the type will be inferred from the truststore filename. # @option options [String] ssl[:keystore] (nil) Path to a custom key store to use for client certificate authentication # @option options [String] ssl[:keystore_password] (nil) Password used for decrypting the client auth key store # @option options [String] ssl[:keystore_type] (nil) Format of the key store, ie "JKS" or "PKCS12". If left nil, the type will be inferred from the keystore filename. # @option options [String] ssl[:ca_file] (nil) OpenSSL-style path to an X.509 certificate to use to validate SSL certificates # @option options [String|OpenSSL::X509::Certificate] ssl[:client_cert] (nil) A string containing a base64-encoded X.509 certificate, OR a path to an OpenSSL-style X.509 certificate, OR an instance of OpenSSL::X509::Certificate # @option options [String|OpenSSL::PKey::Pkey] ssl[:client_key] (nil) A string containing a base64-encoded RSA key to use for client authentication, OR a path to an OpenSSL-style RSA key, OR an instance of OpenSSL::PKey::PKey # @option options [boolean] ssl[:track_state] (false) Turn on or off connection state tracking. This helps prevent SSL information from leaking across threads, but means that connections # can't be shared across those threads. This should generally be left off unless you know what you're doing. def initialize(options = {}) @finalizers = [] self.class.shutdown_on_finalize self, @finalizers builder = client_builder builder.set_user_agent options.fetch(:user_agent, "Manticore #{VERSION}") @options = options @use_cookies = options.fetch(:cookies, false) builder.disable_cookie_management unless @use_cookies builder.disable_content_compression if options.fetch(:compression, true) == false builder.set_proxy get_proxy_host(options[:proxy]) if options.key?(:proxy) builder.set_retry_handler options.fetch(:automatic_retries, 3), options.fetch(:retry_non_idempotent, false) # # By default this is used to prevent different contexts from accessing SSL data # Since we're running this for JRuby which does not have context separation within the JVM # We can disable this for connection reuse. builder.disable_connection_state unless options.fetch(:ssl, {}).fetch(:track_state, false) @keepalive = options.fetch(:keepalive, true) if @keepalive == false builder.set_connection_reuse_strategy { |response, context| false } else builder.set_connection_reuse_strategy end builder.set_default_socket_config socket_config_from_options(options) builder.set_connection_manager pool(options) request_config = RequestConfig.custom request_config.set_connection_request_timeout options.fetch(:request_timeout, DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) * 1000 request_config.set_connect_timeout options.fetch(:connect_timeout, DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT) * 1000 request_config.set_socket_timeout options.fetch(:socket_timeout, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) * 1000 request_config.set_max_redirects options.fetch(:max_redirects, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS) request_config.set_expect_continue_enabled options.fetch(:expect_continue, DEFAULT_EXPECT_CONTINUE) request_config.set_stale_connection_check_enabled options.fetch(:stale_check, DEFAULT_STALE_CHECK) request_config.set_circular_redirects_allowed false yield builder, request_config if block_given? builder.set_default_request_config @client = finalize @client, :close @options = options @async_requests = @stubs = {} end # Return a hash of statistics about this client's HTTP connection pool def pool_stats stats = @pool.get_total_stats { max: stats.get_max, leased: stats.get_leased, pending: stats.get_pending, available: stats.get_available, } end ### Sync methods # Perform a HTTP GET request # @macro http_method_shared_sync def get(url, options = {}, &block) options = treat_params_as_query(options) request HttpGetWithEntity, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP PUT request # @macro http_method_shared_sync_with_body def put(url, options = {}, &block) request HttpPut, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP HEAD request # @macro http_method_shared_sync def head(url, options = {}, &block) options = treat_params_as_query(options) request HttpHead, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP POST request # @macro http_method_shared_sync_with_body def post(url, options = {}, &block) request HttpPost, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP DELETE request # @macro http_method_shared_sync def delete(url, options = {}, &block) options = treat_params_as_query(options) request HttpDeleteWithEntity, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP OPTIONS request # @macro http_method_shared_sync def options(url, options = {}, &block) request HttpOptions, url, options, &block end # Perform a HTTP PATCH request # @macro http_method_shared_sync_with_body def patch(url, options = {}, &block) request HttpPatch, url, options, &block end %w(get put head post delete options patch).each do |func| define_method "#{func}!" do |url, options, &block| send(func, url, options, &block).call end end # Perform an HTTP request, passing the method as a parameter # @param method [String, Symbol] Method to call (get put head post options patch) # @macro http_method_shared # @macro http_request_exceptions def http(method, url, options = {}, &block) case method.to_s.downcase when *%w(get put head post delete options patch) send method, url, options, &block else raise "Invalid method: #{method}" end end # Cause this client to return a stubbed response for this URL # @param url [String] URL to stub for # @param stubs [Hash] Hash of options to return for the stubbed response def stub(url, stubs) @stubs[url_as_regex(url)] = stubs end # Cause this client to unstubbed previously-stubbed URL def unstub(url) @stubs.delete(url_as_regex(url)) end # Wipe all currently-set stubs. def clear_stubs! @stubs.clear end # Remove all pending asynchronous requests. # # @return nil def clear_pending @async_requests.clear nil end # Execute all queued async requests # # @return [Array] An array of the responses from the requests executed. def execute! method = executor.java_method(:submit, [java.util.concurrent.Callable.java_class]) result = [] result << until @async_requests.empty? do |future| begin future.get rescue Java::JavaUtilConcurrent::ExecutionException => e # These exceptions should be handled in on_failure blocks. end end end # Free resources associated with the CloseableHttpClient def close @client.close if @client end # Get at the underlying ExecutorService used to invoke asynchronous calls. def executor create_executor_if_needed @executor end def self.shutdown_on_finalize(client, objs) ObjectSpace.define_finalizer client, -> { objs.each { |obj, args| obj.send(*args) rescue nil } } end protected # Takes an object and a message to pass to the object to destroy it. This is done rather than # a proc to avoid creating a closure that would maintain a reference to this client, which # would prevent the client from being cleaned up. def finalize(object, args) @finalizers << [, Array(args)] end def url_as_regex(url) if url.is_a?(String) %r{^#{Regexp.escape url}$} else url end end def client_builder HttpClientBuilder.create end def pool_builder(options) http_sf = # :nocov: if options[:ignore_ssl_validation] $stderr.puts "The options[:ignore_ssl_validation] setting is deprecated in favor of options[:ssl][:verify]" options[:ssl] ||= {} options[:ssl] = {:verify => !options.delete(:ignore_ssl_validation)}.merge(options[:ssl]) end # :nocov: https_sf = ssl_socket_factory_from_options options.fetch(:ssl, {}) registry = RegistryBuilder.create.register("http", http_sf).register("https", https_sf).build end def pool(options = {}) @pool ||= begin @max_pool_size = options.fetch(:pool_max, DEFAULT_MAX_POOL_SIZE) pool_builder(options).tap do |cm| cm.set_validate_after_inactivity options.fetch(:check_connection_timeout, 2_000) cm.set_default_max_per_route options.fetch(:pool_max_per_route, @max_pool_size) cm.set_max_total @max_pool_size cm.set_default_socket_config socket_config_from_options(options) finalize cm, :shutdown end end end def socket_config_from_options(options) socket_config_builder = SocketConfig.custom socket_config_builder.set_so_timeout(options.fetch(:socket_timeout, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT) * 1000) socket_config_builder.set_tcp_no_delay(options.fetch(:tcp_no_delay, true)) end def create_executor_if_needed return @executor if @executor @executor = Executors.new_cached_thread_pool( finalize @executor, :shutdown end def request(klass, url, options, &block) req, context = request_from_options(klass, url, options) async = options.delete(:async) background = options.delete(:async_background) create_executor_if_needed if (background || async) response = response_object_for(req, context, &block) if async @async_requests << response elsif background response.background = true end if block_given? && (background || !async) else response end end def response_object_for(request, context, &block) request_uri = request.getURI.to_s match_key = @stubs.keys.find { |k| request_uri.match(k) } if match_key, request, context, &block).stub(@stubs[match_key]) else, request, context, &block) end end def uri_from_url_and_options(url, options) url = url.to_s if url.is_a?(URI) builder = pairs = struct_to_name_value_pairs(options[:query]) builder.add_parameters pairs unless pairs.empty? builder.to_string end def request_from_options(klass, url, options) req = uri_from_url_and_options(url, options).to_s if (options[:params] || options[:body] || options[:entity]) && req.kind_of?(HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase) if options[:params] pairs = struct_to_name_value_pairs(options[:params]) encoding = minimum_encoding_for options[:params].to_s req.set_entity, encoding) elsif options[:body] if options[:body].encoding == Encoding::ASCII_8BIT req.set_entity[:body].to_java_bytes) else req.set_entity[:body], minimum_encoding_for(options[:body])) end elsif options[:entity] req.set_entity options[:entity] end end req_options = @options.merge(options) if options.key?(:proxy) || options.key?(:connect_timeout) || options.key?(:socket_timeout) || options.key?(:max_redirects) || options.key?(:follow_redirects) config = RequestConfig.custom() if req_options[:proxy] config.set_proxy get_proxy_host(req_options[:proxy]) end config.set_max_redirects req_options[:max_redirects] if req_options[:max_redirects] config.set_redirects_enabled !!req_options[:follow_redirects] if req_options.fetch(:follow_redirects, nil) != nil config.set_connect_timeout req_options[:connect_timeout] * 1000 if req_options[:connect_timeout] config.set_socket_timeout req_options[:socket_timeout] * 1000 if req_options[:socket_timeout] config.set_connection_request_timeout req_options[:request_timeout] * 1000 if req_options[:request_timeout] req.set_config end headers = [] # Support keepalive on HTTP/1.0 connections headers.push"Connection", "Keep-Alive") if @keepalive if options.key?(:headers) options[:headers].each do |k, v| Array(v).each do |_v| headers.push, _v) end end end req.set_headers headers.to_java(BasicHeader) unless headers.empty? context = proxy_user = req_options[:proxy].is_a?(Hash) && (req_options[:proxy][:user] || req_options[:proxy][:username]) auth_from_options(req, req_options, context) if @use_cookies == :per_request store = context.setAttribute(ClientContext::COOKIE_STORE, store) end return req, context end def get_proxy_host(opt) host = nil if opt.is_a? String uri = URI.parse(opt) if get_proxy_host uri else uri = URI.parse("http://#{opt}") get_proxy_host uri end elsif opt.is_a? Hash if opt.key?(:url) get_proxy_host URI.parse(opt[:url]) elsif opt.key?(:host)[:host], (opt[:port] || 80).to_i, opt[:scheme] || "http") end elsif opt.is_a? URI opt.scheme ||= "http" opt.port ||= 80, opt.port, opt.scheme) end end def auth_from_options(req, options, context) proxy = options.fetch(:proxy, {}) proxy_user, proxy_pass = if proxy.is_a?(String) proxy_uri = URI.parse(proxy) [proxy_uri.user, proxy_uri.password] else [(proxy[:user] || proxy[:username]), (proxy[:pass] || proxy[:password])] end if options[:auth] || proxy_user provider = if options[:auth] username = options[:auth][:user] || options[:auth][:username] password = options[:auth][:pass] || options[:auth][:password] provider.set_credentials AuthScope::ANY,, password) if options[:auth][:eager] uri = URI.parse req.uri.to_string target =, uri.port, uri.scheme) scheme = cache = cache.put target, scheme context.set_auth_cache cache end end if proxy_user provider.set_credentials,, proxy_pass) end context.set_credentials_provider(provider) end end def struct_to_name_value_pairs(value, namespace = nil) case value when nil [] when Hash value.flat_map { |key, val| struct_to_name_value_pairs val, namespace ? "#{namespace}[#{key}]" : key } when Array value.flat_map { |val| struct_to_name_value_pairs val, namespace } else, value.to_s) end end # Apache HTTP assumes ISO_8859_1 for StringEntities; we'll try to be nice and pass that when possible # so that it doesn't have to any multibyte work. ISO_8859_1 = "ISO-8859-1".freeze def minimum_encoding_for(string) if string.ascii_only? ISO_8859_1 else string.encoding.to_s end end # Configure the SSL Context def ssl_socket_factory_from_options(ssl_options) trust_store = trust_strategy = nil case ssl_options.fetch(:verify, :strict) when false trust_store = nil trust_strategy = TrustSelfSignedStrategy::INSTANCE verifier = SSLConnectionSocketFactory::ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER when :disable, :none trust_store = nil trust_strategy = TrustAllStrategy::INSTANCE verifier = SSLConnectionSocketFactory::ALLOW_ALL_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER when :browser verifier = SSLConnectionSocketFactory::BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER when true, :strict, :default verifier = SSLConnectionSocketFactory::STRICT_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER else raise "Invalid value for :verify. Valid values are (:all, :browser, :default)" end context = setup_trust_store ssl_options, context, trust_strategy setup_key_store ssl_options, context, ssl_options[:protocols].to_java(:string), ssl_options[:cipher_suites].to_java(:string), verifier end def setup_trust_store(ssl_options, context, trust_strategy) trust_store = get_store(:truststore, ssl_options) if ssl_options.key?(:truststore) # Support OpenSSL-style ca_file. We don't support ca_path for now. if ssl_options[:ca_file] trust_store ||= blank_keystore open(ssl_options[:ca_file]) do |fp| cert_collection = CertificateFactory.get_instance("X509").generate_certificates(fp.to_inputstream).to_a cert_collection.each_with_index do |cert, i| trust_store.set_certificate_entry("#{i}#" +, cert) end end end context.load_trust_material(trust_store, trust_strategy) end KEY_EXTRACTION_REGEXP = /(?:^-----BEGIN(.* )PRIVATE KEY-----\n)(.*?)(?:-----END\1PRIVATE KEY.*$)/m def setup_key_store(ssl_options, context) key_store = get_store(:keystore, ssl_options) if ssl_options.key?(:keystore) keystore_password = (ssl_options[:keystore_password] || "").to_java.toCharArray # Support OpenSSL-style bare X.509 certs with an RSA key if ssl_options[:client_cert] && ssl_options[:client_key] key_store ||= blank_keystore certs, key = nil, nil cert_str = if ssl_options[:client_cert].is_a?(OpenSSL::X509::Certificate) ssl_options[:client_cert].to_s elsif ssl_options[:client_cert].is_a?(String) && File.exists?(ssl_options[:client_cert])[:client_cert]) else ssl_options[:client_cert].to_s end cert_stream = certs = CertificateFactory.get_instance("X509").generate_certificates(cert_stream).to_array([].to_java(Certificate)) key_str = if ssl_options[:client_key].is_a?(OpenSSL::PKey::PKey) ssl_options[:client_key].to_pem_pkcs8 elsif ssl_options[:client_key].is_a?(String) && File.exists?(ssl_options[:client_key])[:client_key]) else ssl_options[:client_key].to_s end # Add each of the keys in the given keyfile into the keystore. key_parts = key_str.scan(KEY_EXTRACTION_REGEXP) key_parts.each do |type, b64key| body = Base64.decode64 b64key spec = type = type.strip type = "RSA" if type == "" key = KeyFactory.getInstance(type).generatePrivate(spec) key_store.set_key_entry("key-#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(body)}", key, keystore_password, certs) end end context.load_key_material(key_store, keystore_password) if key_store end def get_store(prefix, options) KeyStore.get_instance(options[:"#{prefix}_type"] || guess_store_type(options[prefix])).tap do |store| instream = open(options[prefix], "rb").to_inputstream store.load(instream, options.fetch(:"#{prefix}_password", nil).to_java.toCharArray) end end def blank_keystore KeyStore.get_instance(KeyStore.get_default_type).tap { |k| k.load(nil, nil) } end def guess_store_type(filename) if filename.end_with?(".p12") || filename.end_with?(".pfx") "pkcs12" else KeyStore.get_default_type end end def treat_params_as_query(options) if options.key?(:params) && !options.key?(:query) options.dup.tap { |o| o[:query] = o.delete(:params) } else options end end end class LoggingStandardRetryHandler < Java::OrgApacheHttpImplClient::StandardHttpRequestRetryHandler def retryRequest(exception, executionCount, context) context.setAttribute "retryCount", executionCount super(exception, executionCount, context) end end end