# frozen_string_literal: true # # cgi.rb -- Yet another CGI library # # Author: IPR -- Internet Programming with Ruby -- writers # Copyright (c) 2003 Internet Programming with Ruby writers. All rights # reserved. # # $Id$ require_relative "httprequest" require_relative "httpresponse" require_relative "config" require "stringio" module WEBrick # A CGI library using WEBrick requests and responses. # # Example: # # class MyCGI < WEBrick::CGI # def do_GET req, res # res.body = 'it worked!' # res.status = 200 # end # end # # MyCGI.new.start class CGI # The CGI error exception class CGIError = Class.new(StandardError) ## # The CGI configuration. This is based on WEBrick::Config::HTTP attr_reader :config ## # The CGI logger attr_reader :logger ## # Creates a new CGI interface. # # The first argument in +args+ is a configuration hash which would update # WEBrick::Config::HTTP. # # Any remaining arguments are stored in the @options instance # variable for use by a subclass. def initialize(*args) if defined?(MOD_RUBY) unless ENV.has_key?("GATEWAY_INTERFACE") Apache.request.setup_cgi_env end end if %r{HTTP/(\d+\.\d+)} =~ ENV["SERVER_PROTOCOL"] httpv = $1 end @config = WEBrick::Config::HTTP.dup.update( :ServerSoftware => ENV["SERVER_SOFTWARE"] || "null", :HTTPVersion => HTTPVersion.new(httpv || "1.0"), :RunOnCGI => true, # to detect if it runs on CGI. :NPH => false # set true to run as NPH script. ) if config = args.shift @config.update(config) end @config[:Logger] ||= WEBrick::BasicLog.new($stderr) @logger = @config[:Logger] @options = args end ## # Reads +key+ from the configuration def [](key) @config[key] end ## # Starts the CGI process with the given environment +env+ and standard # input and output +stdin+ and +stdout+. def start(env=ENV, stdin=$stdin, stdout=$stdout) sock = WEBrick::CGI::Socket.new(@config, env, stdin, stdout) req = HTTPRequest.new(@config) res = HTTPResponse.new(@config) unless @config[:NPH] or defined?(MOD_RUBY) def res.setup_header unless @header["status"] phrase = HTTPStatus::reason_phrase(@status) @header["status"] = "#{@status} #{phrase}" end super end def res.status_line "" end end begin req.parse(sock) req.script_name = (env["SCRIPT_NAME"] || File.expand_path($0)).dup req.path_info = (env["PATH_INFO"] || "").dup req.query_string = env["QUERY_STRING"] req.user = env["REMOTE_USER"] res.request_method = req.request_method res.request_uri = req.request_uri res.request_http_version = req.http_version res.keep_alive = req.keep_alive? self.service(req, res) rescue HTTPStatus::Error => ex res.set_error(ex) rescue HTTPStatus::Status => ex res.status = ex.code rescue Exception => ex @logger.error(ex) res.set_error(ex, true) ensure req.fixup if defined?(MOD_RUBY) res.setup_header Apache.request.status_line = "#{res.status} #{res.reason_phrase}" Apache.request.status = res.status table = Apache.request.headers_out res.header.each{|key, val| case key when /^content-encoding$/i Apache::request.content_encoding = val when /^content-type$/i Apache::request.content_type = val else table[key] = val.to_s end } res.cookies.each{|cookie| table.add("Set-Cookie", cookie.to_s) } Apache.request.send_http_header res.send_body(sock) else res.send_response(sock) end end end ## # Services the request +req+ which will fill in the response +res+. See # WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet#service for details. def service(req, res) method_name = "do_" + req.request_method.gsub(/-/, "_") if respond_to?(method_name) __send__(method_name, req, res) else raise HTTPStatus::MethodNotAllowed, "unsupported method `#{req.request_method}'." end end ## # Provides HTTP socket emulation from the CGI environment class Socket # :nodoc: include Enumerable private def initialize(config, env, stdin, stdout) @config = config @env = env @header_part = StringIO.new @body_part = stdin @out_port = stdout @out_port.binmode @server_addr = @env["SERVER_ADDR"] || "" @server_name = @env["SERVER_NAME"] @server_port = @env["SERVER_PORT"] @remote_addr = @env["REMOTE_ADDR"] @remote_host = @env["REMOTE_HOST"] || @remote_addr @remote_port = @env["REMOTE_PORT"] || 0 begin @header_part << request_line << CRLF setup_header @header_part << CRLF @header_part.rewind rescue Exception raise CGIError, "invalid CGI environment" end end def request_line meth = @env["REQUEST_METHOD"] || "GET" unless url = @env["REQUEST_URI"] url = (@env["SCRIPT_NAME"] || File.expand_path($0)).dup url << @env["PATH_INFO"].to_s url = WEBrick::HTTPUtils.escape_path(url) if query_string = @env["QUERY_STRING"] unless query_string.empty? url << "?" << query_string end end end # we cannot get real HTTP version of client ;) httpv = @config[:HTTPVersion] return "#{meth} #{url} HTTP/#{httpv}" end def setup_header @env.each{|key, value| case key when "CONTENT_TYPE", "CONTENT_LENGTH" add_header(key.gsub(/_/, "-"), value) when /^HTTP_(.*)/ add_header($1.gsub(/_/, "-"), value) end } end def add_header(hdrname, value) unless value.empty? @header_part << hdrname << ": " << value << CRLF end end def input @header_part.eof? ? @body_part : @header_part end public def peeraddr [nil, @remote_port, @remote_host, @remote_addr] end def addr [nil, @server_port, @server_name, @server_addr] end def gets(eol=LF, size=nil) input.gets(eol, size) end def read(size=nil) input.read(size) end def each input.each{|line| yield(line) } end def eof? input.eof? end def <<(data) @out_port << data end def write(data) @out_port.write(data) end def cert return nil unless defined?(OpenSSL) if pem = @env["SSL_SERVER_CERT"] OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(pem) unless pem.empty? end end def peer_cert return nil unless defined?(OpenSSL) if pem = @env["SSL_CLIENT_CERT"] OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(pem) unless pem.empty? end end def peer_cert_chain return nil unless defined?(OpenSSL) if @env["SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_0"] keys = @env.keys certs = keys.sort.collect{|k| if /^SSL_CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN_\d+$/ =~ k if pem = @env[k] OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(pem) unless pem.empty? end end } certs.compact end end def cipher return nil unless defined?(OpenSSL) if cipher = @env["SSL_CIPHER"] ret = [ cipher ] ret << @env["SSL_PROTOCOL"] ret << @env["SSL_CIPHER_USEKEYSIZE"] ret << @env["SSL_CIPHER_ALGKEYSIZE"] ret end end end end end