require 'highline/import' require 'colorize' require 'aws-sdk' require_relative "../notify_slack" require_relative "../instance" module SportNginAwsAuditor module Scripts class Audit class << self attr_accessor :options, :audit_results end #################### EXECUTION #################### def self.execute(environment, options, global_options) begin AWS.configure(environment, global_options) collect_options(environment, options, global_options) print_title @regions.each { |region| audit_region(region) } rescue StandardError => e if options[:slack]"Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong.", options[:config_json]).perform else puts "Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong." end raise e end end # We do this method for each region we're auditing def self.audit_region(region) @region_previously_printed = false @message = "" @instance_types.each { |type| audit_instance_type(type, region) } add_region_to_message(region) unless @message == "" || @region_previously_printed || @slack print_message unless @slack end # We do this method for each type of instance in each region we're auditing def self.audit_instance_type(type, region) @class = type.first @audit_results ={:instances => options[:instances], :reserved => options[:reserved], :class => type.first.to_s, :tag_name => @tag_name, :regexes => @ignore_instances_regexes, :region => region}) @audit_results.gather_data unless add_instance_type_to_message(type) print_audit_results(region) if (type.last || @no_selection) end end def self.print_audit_results(region) do |instance| instance.type = !@zone_output && (instance.tagged? || instance.running?) ? print_without_zone(instance.type) : instance.type end = merge_similar_keys(! { |instance| [instance.category, instance.type] } if @slack print_to_slack(region) elsif options[:reserved] || options[:instances]{ |instance| @message << "#{instance.type}: #{instance.count}\n".colorize(:color => :white) } else print_to_terminal end end #################### PRINTING DATA TO TERMINAL #################### def self.print_to_terminal say_instances say_retired_ris unless @audit_results.retired_ris.empty? say_retired_tags unless @audit_results.retired_tags.empty? end def self.say_instances do |instance| name_type = instance.type count = instance.count color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => instance, :retired_ri => false, :retired_tag => false}) if instance.tagged? if instance.reason description = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: (expiring on #{instance.tag_value} because #{instance.reason})\n" else description = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: (expiring on #{instance.tag_value})\n" end elsif instance.ignored? description = "#{prefix} #{name_type}\n" else description = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: #{count}\n" end @message << description.colorize(:color => color) end end def self.say_retired_ris retired_ris = @audit_results.retired_ris retired_ris.each do |ri| color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => ri, :retired_ri => true, :retired_tag => false}) if ri.availability_zone.nil? # if ri.to_s = 'Linux VPC t2.small'... my_match = ri.to_s.match(/(\w*\s*\w*\s{1})\s*(\s*\S*)/) # then platform = 'Linux VPC '... platform = my_match[1] if my_match # and size = 't2.small' size = my_match[2] if my_match n = "#{platform}#{@audit_results.region} #{size}" else n = ri.to_s end @message << "#{prefix} #{n} (#{ri.count}) on #{ri.expiration_date}\n".colorize(:color => color) end end def self.say_retired_tags retired_tags = @audit_results.retired_tags retired_tags.each do |tag| color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => tag, :retired_ri => false, :retired_tag => true}) if tag.reason description ="#{prefix} #{tag.instance_name} (#{tag.instance_type}) retired on #{tag.value} because #{tag.reason}\n" else description = "#{prefix} #{tag.instance_name} (#{tag.instance_type}) retired on #{tag.value}\n" end @message << description.colorize(:color => color) end end #################### PRINTING DATA TO SLACK #################### def self.print_to_slack(region) @slack_message =, @options[:config_json]) print_instances print_retired_ris unless @audit_results.retired_ris.empty? print_retired_tags unless @audit_results.retired_tags.empty? add_region_to_message(region) unless @region_previously_printed print_message @region_previously_printed = true @message = "" end def self.print_instances data_array = { |instance| instance.matched? } if data_array.empty? @slack_message.attachments.push({"color" => "#32CD32", "text" => "All RIs are properly matched here!", "mrkdwn_in" => ["text"]}) else data_array.each do |instance| name_type = instance.type count = instance.count color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => instance, :retired_ri => false, :retired_tag => false}) if instance.tagged? if instance.reason text = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: (expiring on #{instance.tag_value} because #{instance.reason})" else text = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: (expiring on #{instance.tag_value})" end elsif instance.ignored? text = "#{prefix} #{name_type}" else text = "#{prefix} #{name_type}: #{count}" end @slack_message.attachments.push({"color" => rgb, "text" => text, "mrkdwn_in" => ["text"]}) end end end def self.print_retired_ris retired_ris = @audit_results.retired_ris retired_ris.each do |ri| if ri.availability_zone.nil? # if ri.to_s = 'Linux VPC t2.small'... my_match = ri.to_s.match(/(\w*\s*\w*\s{1})\s*(\s*\S*)/) # then platform = 'Linux VPC '... platform = my_match[1] if my_match # and size = 't2.small' size = my_match[2] if my_match name = "#{platform}#{@audit_results.region} #{size}" else name = ri.to_s end count = ri.count color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => ri, :retired_ri => true, :retired_tag => false}) expiration_date = ri.expiration_date text = "#{prefix} #{name} (#{count}) on #{expiration_date}" @slack_message.attachments.push({"color" => rgb, "text" => text, "mrkdwn_in" => ["text"]}) end end def self.print_retired_tags retired_tags = @audit_results.retired_tags retired_tags.each do |tag| color, rgb, prefix = color_chooser({:instance => tag, :retired_ri => false, :retired_tag => true}) if tag.reason text = "#{prefix} #{tag.instance_name} (#{tag.instance_type}) retired on #{tag.value} because #{tag.reason}" else text = "#{prefix} #{tag.instance_name} (#{tag.instance_type}) retired on #{tag.value}" end @slack_message.attachments.push({"color" => rgb, "text" => text, "mrkdwn_in" => ["text"]}) end end #################### OTHER HELPFUL METHODS #################### def self.gather_regions regions = AWS.ec2.describe_regions[:regions] regions.collect { |r| r.region_name } end def self.collect_options(environment, options, global_options) @options = options @display_name = global_options[:display] || environment @slack = options[:slack] @no_selection = !(options[:ec2] || options[:rds] || options[:cache]) @zone_output = options[:zone_output] @regions = (global_options[:region].split(', ') if global_options[:region]) || gather_regions if options[:no_tag] @tag_name = nil else @tag_name = options[:tag] end @ignore_instances_regexes = [] if options[:ignore_instances_patterns] options[:ignore_instances_patterns].split(', ').each do |r| @ignore_instances_regexes << end end @instance_types = [["EC2Instance", options[:ec2]], ["RDSInstance", options[:rds]], ["CacheInstance", options[:cache]]] end def self.print_title if @slack puts "Condensed results from this audit will print into Slack instead of directly to an output.""_AWS AUDIT FOR #{@display_name}_", @options[:config_json]).perform else puts "AWS AUDIT FOR #{@display_name}".colorize(:color => :yellow, :background => :red).underline puts end end def self.print_message unless @message == "" if @slack @slack_message.perform else puts @message end end end def self.add_region_to_message(region) if @slack @message.prepend("_REGION: *_#{region}_*_\n") @slack_message.text = @message else @message.prepend("REGION: #{region}\n".colorize(:color => :magenta).underline) end end def self.add_instance_type_to_message(type) if @slack @message << "*#{type.first}s*\n" else @message << "#{type.first}s\n".underline end end def self.print_without_zone(type) type.sub(/(-\d\w)/, '') end def self.merge_similar_keys(original_data) combined_data = [] original_data.each_with_index do |instance, index| new_count = instance.count unless instance.replaced for i in index+1..original_data.length-1 if (original_data[i].type == instance.type) && ((original_data[i].running? && instance.running?) || (original_data[i].reserved? && instance.reserved?) || (original_data[i].matched? && instance.matched?)) new_count = new_count + original_data[i].count original_data[i].replaced = true end end if new_count != instance.count combined_data.push(, nil, nil, instance.category, new_count)) instance.replaced = true end end end original_data.reject { |instance| instance.replaced }.concat(combined_data) end def self.color_chooser(data) if data[:retired_ri] return :light_black, "#595959", "RETIRED RI -" elsif data[:retired_tag] return :light_black, "#595959", "RETIRED TAG -" elsif data[:instance].tagged? return :blue, "#0000CC", "TAGGED -" elsif data[:instance].ignored? return :blue, "#0000CC", "IGNORED -" elsif data[:instance].running? return :yellow, "#FFD700", "MISSING RI -" elsif data[:instance].matched? return :green, "#32CD32", "MATCHED RI -" elsif data[:instance].reserved? return :red, "#BF1616", "UNUSED RI -" end end end end end