# Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. require 'ruby-growl' module Ramaze # Informer for the growl notification system on OSX. class Growl < ::Growl trait :defaults => { :name => 'walrus', :host => 'localhost', :password => 'walrus', :all_notifies => %w[error warn debug info], :default_notifies => %w[error warn info] } # Takes the options from the default trait for merging. def initialize(options = {}) options = class_trait[:defaults].merge(options).values_at(:host, :name, :all_notifies, :default_notifies, :password) super(*options) end # integration to Informing def inform(tag, *args) notify(tag.to_s, Time.now.strftime("%X"), args.join("\n")[0..100]) rescue Errno::EMSGSIZE # Send size was to big (not really), ignore end end end