require "rails_base/engine" # explicitly require gems that provide assets # when engine loads, this adds assets to Main apps assets pipeline # (Only a problem for lazy loaded non prod ENVs) require 'jquery_mask_rails' require 'allow_numeric' require 'jquery-rails' require 'coffee-rails' require 'turbolinks' require 'popper_js' require 'bootstrap' require 'sassc-rails' require 'switch_user' require 'rails_base/admin/action_cache' require 'rails_base/config' require 'rails_base/mfa_event' module RailsBase def self.___execute_initializer___? # Fixes rails 6 changes to ARGV's -- dont rerun initializers during rake tasks return false if Rake.application.top_level_tasks.any? { |task| task.include?(":") } rescue nil # Only execute when not doing DB actions boolean = defined?(ARGV) ? true : false # for when no ARGVs are provided, we know its a railsc or rails s explicit boolean = false if boolean && ARGV[0]&.include?('db') # when its the DB rake tasks boolean = false if boolean && ARGV[0]&.include?('asset') # when its an asset boolean = false if boolean && ARGV[0]&.include?(':') # else this delim should never be included boolean = false if ENV['SKIP_CUSTOM_INIT'] == 'true' # explicitly set the variable to skip shit boolean end def self.url_routes Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end def self.app_name end def self.default_app_name ::Rails.application.class.module_parent_name end def self.route_exist?(path) Rails.application.routes.recognize_path(path) true rescue StandardError, ActionController::RoutingError false end def self.configure(&block) yield(config) if block_given? config.validate_configs! end def self.config @config ||= RailsBase::Config.instance end def self.appearance @appearance ||= config.appearance end def self.reset_config! config.reset_config! end # This method allows the downstream service to explicitly set the paths to reload # This can be very useful if you want to add new methods to already defined classes from RailsBase # EG: You want to add a new method to the User Model # EG: You want to overload a method for the services/rails_base/name_change.rb def self.reloadable_paths!(relative_path: nil, only_files: [], skip_files: []) unless Array === skip_files raise ArgumentError, "When `skip_files` provided, it is expected to be an array" end unless Array === only_files raise ArgumentError, "When `only_files` provided, it is expected to be an array" end override_files = if relative_path Dir.glob("#{Rails.root.join(relative_path)}/**/*.rb") elsif only_files.presence { Rails.root.join(_1) } else [] end Rails.autoloaders.main.ignore(*override_files) Rails.configuration.to_prepare do override_files.sort.each do |override| if skip_files.any? { override.include?(_1) } next end load override end end end AdminStruct =, :new_attribute, :user) end