1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 | /*global CompilerContext, Handlebars, shouldCompileTo, shouldThrow */ describe('Regressions', function() { it("GH-94: Cannot read property of undefined", function() { var data = {"books":[{"title":"The origin of species","author":{"name":"Charles Darwin"}},{"title":"Lazarillo de Tormes"}]}; var string = "{{#books}}{{title}}{{author.name}}{{/books}}"; shouldCompileTo(string, data, "The origin of speciesCharles DarwinLazarillo de Tormes", "Renders without an undefined property error"); }); it("GH-150: Inverted sections print when they shouldn't", function() { var string = "{{^set}}not set{{/set}} :: {{#set}}set{{/set}}"; shouldCompileTo(string, {}, "not set :: ", "inverted sections run when property isn't present in context"); shouldCompileTo(string, {set: undefined}, "not set :: ", "inverted sections run when property is undefined"); shouldCompileTo(string, {set: false}, "not set :: ", "inverted sections run when property is false"); shouldCompileTo(string, {set: true}, " :: set", "inverted sections don't run when property is true"); }); it("GH-158: Using array index twice, breaks the template", function() { var string = "{{arr.[0]}}, {{arr.[1]}}"; var data = { "arr": [1,2] }; shouldCompileTo(string, data, "1, 2", "it works as expected"); }); it("bug reported by @fat where lambdas weren't being properly resolved", function() { var string = '<strong>This is a slightly more complicated {{thing}}.</strong>.\n' + '{{! Just ignore this business. }}\n' + 'Check this out:\n' + '{{#hasThings}}\n' + '<ul>\n' + '{{#things}}\n' + '<li class={{className}}>{{word}}</li>\n' + '{{/things}}</ul>.\n' + '{{/hasThings}}\n' + '{{^hasThings}}\n' + '\n' + '<small>Nothing to check out...</small>\n' + '{{/hasThings}}'; var data = { thing: function() { return "blah"; }, things: [ {className: "one", word: "@fat"}, {className: "two", word: "@dhg"}, {className: "three", word:"@sayrer"} ], hasThings: function() { return true; } }; var output = '<strong>This is a slightly more complicated blah.</strong>.\n' + 'Check this out:\n' + '<ul>\n' + '<li class=one>@fat</li>\n' + '<li class=two>@dhg</li>\n' + '<li class=three>@sayrer</li>\n' + '</ul>.\n'; shouldCompileTo(string, data, output); }); it('GH-408: Multiple loops fail', function() { var context = [ { name: "John Doe", location: { city: "Chicago" } }, { name: "Jane Doe", location: { city: "New York"} } ]; var template = CompilerContext.compile('{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}{{#.}}{{name}}{{/.}}'); var result = template(context); equals(result, "John DoeJane DoeJohn DoeJane DoeJohn DoeJane Doe", 'It should output multiple times'); }); it('GS-428: Nested if else rendering', function() { var succeedingTemplate = '{{#inverse}} {{#blk}} Unexpected {{/blk}} {{else}} {{#blk}} Expected {{/blk}} {{/inverse}}'; var failingTemplate = '{{#inverse}} {{#blk}} Unexpected {{/blk}} {{else}} {{#blk}} Expected {{/blk}} {{/inverse}}'; var helpers = { blk: function(block) { return block.fn(''); }, inverse: function(block) { return block.inverse(''); } }; shouldCompileTo(succeedingTemplate, [{}, helpers], ' Expected '); shouldCompileTo(failingTemplate, [{}, helpers], ' Expected '); }); it('GH-458: Scoped this identifier', function() { shouldCompileTo('{{./foo}}', {foo: 'bar'}, 'bar'); }); it('GH-375: Unicode line terminators', function() { shouldCompileTo('\u2028', {}, '\u2028'); }); it('GH-534: Object prototype aliases', function() { Object.prototype[0xD834] = true; shouldCompileTo('{{foo}}', { foo: 'bar' }, 'bar'); delete Object.prototype[0xD834]; }); it('GH-437: Matching escaping', function() { shouldThrow(function() { CompilerContext.compile('{{{a}}'); }, Error); shouldThrow(function() { CompilerContext.compile('{{a}}}'); }, Error); }); it("GH-676: Using array in escaping mustache fails", function() { var string = "{{arr}}"; var data = { "arr": [1,2] }; shouldCompileTo(string, data, data.arr.toString(), "it works as expected"); }); it("Mustache man page", function() { var string = "Hello {{name}}. You have just won ${{value}}!{{#in_ca}} Well, ${{taxed_value}}, after taxes.{{/in_ca}}"; var data = { "name": "Chris", "value": 10000, "taxed_value": 10000 - (10000 * 0.4), "in_ca": true }; shouldCompileTo(string, data, "Hello Chris. You have just won $10000! Well, $6000, after taxes.", "the hello world mustache example works"); }); it("Passing falsy values to Handlebars.compile throws an error", function() { shouldThrow(function() { CompilerContext.compile(null); }, Error, 'You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.precompile. You passed null'); }); it('GH-731: zero context rendering', function() { shouldCompileTo('{{#foo}} This is {{bar}} ~ {{/foo}}', {foo: 0, bar: 'OK'}, ' This is ~ '); }); it('GH-820: zero pathed rendering', function() { shouldCompileTo('{{foo.bar}}', {foo: 0}, ''); }); if (Handlebars.AST) { it("can pass through an already-compiled AST via compile/precompile", function() { equal(Handlebars.compile(new Handlebars.AST.ProgramNode(true, [ new Handlebars.AST.ContentNode("Hello")]))(), 'Hello'); }); it("can pass through an empty string", function() { equal(Handlebars.compile('')(), ''); }); } }); |