"name" => "peter pan", "mutes" => [ "0:32:11.10" , "0:32:15.05", "profanity", "da..", "[da..]ation Reload the cannon quickly", "0:32:38.88" , "0:32:41.55", "profanity", "goodness", "Yah My [goodness] I've gone blind", ], "blank_outs" => [ "2808.0", "2813.7", "violence", "gunshot wound", "5086.0", "5089.0", "violence", "skewer", "5602.7", "5605.4", "violence", "he was et", ], "volume_name" => "PETER_PAN", "disk_unique_id" => "6dc655aa|7e23c7ba", "dvd_title_track" => "1", "dvd_title_track_length" => "6798.400", "subtitle_url" => "http://www.opensubtitles.org/en/subtitles/3345334/peter-pan-en", # "not edited out stuff" => "some...", # "closing thoughts" => "only...", # In mplayer, the DVD timestamp "resets" to zero for some reason, so you need to specify when if you want to use mplayer DVD realtime playback, or use mencoder -edl to split your file. See http://goo.gl/yMfqX "mplayer_dvd_splits" => [], #Also add these two lines for later coordination: "beginning_subtitle" => ["Cinderella flew through the air", "58.05"], "ending_subtitle_entry" => ["Except one", "6129.3"]