if node["lxc"]["mount_volume"] # if we are on an Openstack host, mount volume and create file system.. include_recipe "lxc::mount_volume" else # else, dont create the file system, but create the /data/ directory bash "host_link_datadir" do code <<-EOH rm -rf /data ln -s /mnt /data EOH not_if "ls /data/* > /dev/null 2>&1" only_if "test -e /mnt" end bash "host_create_datadir" do code <<-EOH mkdir -p /data EOH not_if "test -e /data" end end bash "host_mount_cgroup" do code <<-EOH # mount control group filesystem mkdir -p /cgroup mount none -t cgroup /cgroup 2> /dev/null exit 0 EOH not_if "(test -d /cgroup) && (df | grep '/cgroup')" end if platform_family?("debian") apt_package "btrfs-tools" do action :install not_if "which btrfs" only_if do node["lxc"]["host"]["use_copy_on_write"] end end apt_package "host" do action :install not_if "which host" ignore_failure true end apt_package "openjdk-7-jdk" do action :install not_if "which javac" ignore_failure true only_if 'apt-cache search openjdk-7-jdk | grep ""' end # fallback to java 6 if java 7 is not available apt_package "openjdk-6-jdk" do action :install not_if "which javac" ignore_failure true end elsif platform_family?("fedora") || platform_family?("linux") yum_package "btrfs-progs" do action :install not_if "which btrfs" only_if do node["lxc"]["host"]["use_copy_on_write"] end end yum_package "bind-utils" do action :install not_if "which host" end yum_package "java-1.7.0-openjdk" do action :install not_if "which javac" end end bash "host_create_btrfs_image" do code <<-EOH echo "INFO: Creating image file for btrfs filesystem under #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]}" # make sure the parent directory for the image file exists mkdir -p #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]} rm -rf #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]} # create image file dd if=/dev/zero of=#{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]} bs=1MB count=#{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_size_MB"]} mkfs.btrfs #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]} EOH not_if "test -f #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]}" only_if do node["lxc"]["host"]["use_copy_on_write"] end end bash "host_config_btrfs" do code <<-EOH mkdir -p /mnt/btrfs mount -t btrfs -o loop #{node["lxc"]["host"]["btrfs_img_path"]} /mnt/btrfs if [ ! -e #{node["lxc"]["root_path"]} ]; then ln -s /mnt/btrfs #{node["lxc"]["root_path"]} fi EOH only_if do node["lxc"]["host"]["use_copy_on_write"] end not_if "df | grep /mnt/btrfs" end bash "host_install_lxc" do code <<-EOH # install requirements for lxc and some tools yum install --skip-broken -y libcap-devel febootstrap bridge-utils libvirt git screen # install lxc yum install --skip-broken -y lxc # fix for https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/31211 mount --make-rprivate / EOH not_if "which lxc-ls 2> /dev/null" # don't execute if we use docker.io tools not_if do node["lxc"]["use_docker.io"] end end # configure SSH settings to disable strict host checking when connecting to LXC containers bash "host_config_ssh" do code <<-EOH mkdir -p /root/.ssh echo "Host #{node["network"]["ip_pattern"]}" >> /root/.ssh/config echo ' UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' >> /root/.ssh/config echo ' StrictHostKeyChecking=no' >> /root/.ssh/config echo ' ConnectionAttempts=10' >> /root/.ssh/config EOH not_if "cat /root/.ssh/config | grep \"#{node["network"]["ip_pattern"]}\"" end # install docker.io tools for LXC handling if node["lxc"]["use_docker.io"] include_recipe "lxc::install_docker" end # configure network bridge on host bash "host_create_bridge" do code <<-EOH /usr/sbin/brctl addbr #{node["network"]["host"]["bridge_device"]} /usr/sbin/brctl setfd #{node["network"]["host"]["bridge_device"]} 0 EOH not_if "/sbin/iptables | grep #{node["network"]["host"]["bridge_device"]}" # don't execute if we use docker.io tools not_if do node["lxc"]["use_docker.io"] end end # configure network bridge on host bash "host_config_bridge" do code <<-EOH /sbin/ifconfig #{node["network"]["host"]["bridge_device"]} #{node["network"]["gateway"]} netmask promisc up EOH not_if "/sbin/iptables | grep #{node["network"]["host"]["bridge_device"]}" end bash "host_setup_bridge_iptables" do code <<-EOH /sbin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o #{node["network"]["host"]["wan_device"]} -j MASQUERADE echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward EOH not_if "/sbin/iptables -t nat -L POSTROUTING | grep MASQUERADE | grep anywhere" end # disable iptables if packet rejection is turned on bash "host_disable_iptables_reject" do code <<-EOH /sbin/service iptables stop EOH only_if "iptables -L | grep 'reject-with icmp-host-prohibited'" end # setup squid proxy on host include_recipe "lxc::setup_proxy" # setup DB server on host include_recipe "lxc::setup_database" # required gem for adding encoding headers to avoid "invalid multibyte char" errors gem_package "magic_encoding" do action :install ignore_failure true end