require 'spec_helper' require 'msgpack' describe Ably::Util::Crypto do let(:seret_key) { random_str } let(:cipher_options) { { key: seret_key } } subject { } context 'defaults' do let(:expected_defaults) do { algorithm: 'AES', mode: 'CBC', key_length: 128 } end specify 'match other client libraries' do expect(Ably::Util::Crypto::DEFAULTS).to eql(expected_defaults) expect(Ably::Util::Crypto::BLOCK_LENGTH).to eql(16) end end context 'get_default_params' do it 'uses the defaults and generates a key if not provided' do expect(Ably::Util::Crypto.get_default_params[:algorithm]).to eql('AES') expect(Ably::Util::Crypto.get_default_params[:mode]).to eql('CBC') expect(Ably::Util::Crypto.get_default_params[:key_length]).to eql(128) expect(Ably::Util::Crypto.get_default_params[:key].unpack('b*').first.length).to eql(128) end it 'uses the defaults and sets the key size when key is provided' do key_192 = '123456781234567812345678' params = Ably::Util::Crypto.get_default_params(key_192) expect(params[:algorithm]).to eql('AES') expect(params[:mode]).to eql('CBC') expect(params[:key_length]).to eql(192) expect(params[:key]).to eql(key_192) end end context 'encrypts & decrypt' do let(:string) { random_str } let(:byte_array) { random_str.to_msgpack.unpack('C*') } specify '#encrypt encrypts a string' do encrypted = subject.encrypt(string) expect(subject.decrypt(encrypted)).to eql(string) end specify '#decrypt decrypts a string' do encrypted = subject.encrypt(string) expect(subject.decrypt(encrypted)).to eql(string) end end context 'encrypting an empty string' do let(:empty_string) { '' } it 'raises an ArgumentError' do expect { subject.encrypt(empty_string) }.to raise_error ArgumentError, /data must not be empty/ end end context 'using shared client lib fixture data' do let(:resources_root) { File.expand_path('../../../../lib/submodules/ably-common/test-resources', __FILE__) } let(:encryption_data_128) { JSON.parse(, 'crypto-data-128.json'))) } let(:encryption_data_256) { JSON.parse(, 'crypto-data-256.json'))) } shared_examples 'an Ably encrypter and decrypter' do let(:algorithm) { data['algorithm'].upcase } let(:mode) { data['mode'].upcase } let(:key_length) { data['keylength'] } let(:secret_key) { Base64.decode64(data['key']) } let(:iv) { Base64.decode64(data['iv']) } let(:cipher_options) { { key: secret_key, algorithm: algorithm, mode: mode, key_length: key_length } } context 'text payload' do let(:payload) { data['items'].first['encoded']['data'] } let(:encrypted) { data['items'].first['encrypted']['data'] } it 'encrypts exactly the same binary data as other client libraries' do expect(subject.encrypt(payload, iv: iv)).to eql(Base64.decode64(encrypted)) end it 'decrypts exactly the same binary data as other client libraries' do expect(subject.decrypt(Base64.decode64(encrypted))).to eql(payload) end end end context 'with AES-128-CBC' do let(:data) { encryption_data_128 } it_behaves_like 'an Ably encrypter and decrypter' end context 'with AES-256-CBC' do let(:data) { encryption_data_256 } it_behaves_like 'an Ably encrypter and decrypter' end end end