require "examples/example_helper" module RR describe ScenarioCreator, :shared => true do before(:each) do @space = @subject = @creator = end end describe ScenarioCreator, " strategy definition", :shared => true do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" it "returns self when passing no args" do @creator.__send__(@method_name).should === @creator end it "returns a ScenarioMethodProxy when passed a subject" do scenario = @creator.__send__(@method_name, @subject).foobar scenario.should be_instance_of(ScenarioDefinition) end it "returns a ScenarioMethodProxy when passed Kernel" do scenario = @creator.__send__(@method_name, Kernel).foobar scenario.should be_instance_of(ScenarioDefinition) end it "raises error if passed a method name and a block" do proc do @creator.__send__(@method_name, @subject, :foobar) {} end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "Cannot pass in a method name and a block") end it "raises error when using mock strategy" do @creator.mock proc do @creator.__send__(@method_name) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "This Scenario already has a mock strategy" ) end it "raises error when using stub strategy" do @creator.stub proc do @creator.__send__(@method_name) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "This Scenario already has a stub strategy" ) end it "raises error when using do_not_call strategy" do @creator.do_not_call proc do @creator.__send__(@method_name) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "This Scenario already has a do_not_call strategy" ) end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#mock" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator strategy definition" before do @method_name = :mock end it "sets up the RR mock call chain" do should create_mock_call_chain(@creator.mock(@subject)) end it "creates a mock Scenario for method when passed a second argument with rr_mock" do should create_scenario_with_method_name( @creator.mock(@subject, :foobar) ) end def create_scenario_with_method_name(scenario) scenario.with(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation scenario.argument_expectation.expected_arguments.should == [1, 2] @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end def create_mock_call_chain(creator) scenario = creator.foobar(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation scenario.argument_expectation.expected_arguments.should == [1, 2] @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#stub" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator strategy definition" before do @method_name = :stub end it "sets up the RR stub call chain" do should create_stub_call_chain(@creator.stub(@subject)) end it "creates a stub Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do should create_scenario_with_method_name(@creator.stub(@subject, :foobar)) end def create_scenario_with_method_name(scenario) scenario.with(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end def create_stub_call_chain(creator) scenario = creator.foobar(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#do_not_call" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator strategy definition" before do @method_name = :do_not_call end it "raises error when probed" do @creator.probe proc do @creator.do_not_call end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "Scenarios cannot be probed when using do_not_call strategy" ) end it "sets up the RR do_not_call call chain" do should create_do_not_call_call_chain(@creator.do_not_call(@subject)) end it "sets up the RR do_not_call call chain" do should create_do_not_call_call_chain(@creator.dont_call(@subject)) end it "sets up the RR do_not_call call chain" do should create_do_not_call_call_chain(@creator.do_not_allow(@subject)) end it "sets up the RR do_not_call call chain" do should create_do_not_call_call_chain(@creator.dont_allow(@subject)) end it "creates a mock Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do should create_scenario_with_method_name(@creator.do_not_call(@subject, :foobar)) end it "creates a mock Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do should create_scenario_with_method_name(@creator.dont_call(@subject, :foobar)) end it "creates a mock Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do should create_scenario_with_method_name(@creator.do_not_allow(@subject, :foobar)) end it "creates a mock Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do should create_scenario_with_method_name(@creator.dont_allow(@subject, :foobar)) end def create_scenario_with_method_name(scenario) scenario.with(1, 2) scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation scenario.argument_expectation.expected_arguments.should == [1, 2] proc do @subject.foobar(1, 2) end.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) reset nil end def create_do_not_call_call_chain(creator) scenario = creator.foobar(1, 2) scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation scenario.argument_expectation.expected_arguments.should == [1, 2] proc do @subject.foobar(1, 2) end.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) reset nil end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#probe and #stub" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do class << @subject def foobar(*args) :original_foobar end end end it "raises error when using do_not_call strategy" do @creator.do_not_call proc do @creator.probe end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "Scenarios cannot be probed when using do_not_call strategy" ) end it "sets up the RR probe call chain" do scenario = @creator.stub.probe(@subject).foobar(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end it "creates a probe Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do scenario = @creator.stub.probe(@subject, :foobar) scenario.with(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#instance_of" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" it "raises an error when not passed a class" do proc do @creator.instance_of( end.should raise_error(ArgumentError, "instance_of only accepts class objects") end it "sets up the RR probe call chain" do klass = scenario = @creator.stub.instance_of(klass).foobar(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation, 2).should == :baz end it "creates a probe Scenario for method when passed a second argument" do klass = scenario = @creator.stub.instance_of(klass, :foobar) scenario.with(1, 2) {:baz} scenario.times_matcher.should == scenario.argument_expectation.class.should == RR::Expectations::ArgumentEqualityExpectation, 2).should == :baz end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using no strategy" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" it "raises error" do proc do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) end.should raise_error( Errors::ScenarioDefinitionError, "This Scenario has no strategy" ) end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using mock strategy" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do @creator.mock end it "sets expectations on the subject" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) {:baz}.twice @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz proc {@subject.foobar(1, 2)}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using stub strategy" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do @creator.stub end it "stubs the subject without any args" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar) {:baz} @subject.foobar.should == :baz end it "stubs the subject mapping passed in args with the output" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) {:one_two} @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1) {:one} @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar) {:nothing} @subject.foobar.should == :nothing @subject.foobar(1).should == :one @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :one_two end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using do_not_call strategy" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do @creator.do_not_call end it "sets expectation for method to never be called with any arguments when on arguments passed in" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar) proc {@subject.foobar}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) proc {@subject.foobar(1, 2)}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "sets expectation for method to never be called with passed in arguments" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) proc {@subject.foobar}.should raise_error(Errors::ScenarioNotFoundError) proc {@subject.foobar(1, 2)}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "sets expectation for method to never be called with no arguments when with_no_args is set" do @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar).with_no_args proc {@subject.foobar}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) proc {@subject.foobar(1, 2)}.should raise_error(Errors::ScenarioNotFoundError) end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using mock strategy with probe" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do @creator.mock @creator.probe end it "sets expectations on the subject while calling the original method" do def @subject.foobar(*args); :baz; end @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar,1, 2).twice @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :baz proc {@subject.foobar(1, 2)}.should raise_error(Errors::TimesCalledError) end it "sets after_call on the scenario when passed a block" do real_value = (class << @subject; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:foobar) {real_value} end @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) do |value| mock(value).a_method {99} value end return_value = @subject.foobar(1, 2) return_value.should === return_value return_value.a_method.should == 99 end end describe ScenarioCreator, "#create! using stub strategy with probe" do it_should_behave_like "RR::ScenarioCreator" before do @creator.stub @creator.probe end it "sets up a scenario with passed in arguments" do def @subject.foobar(*args); :baz; end @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) proc do @subject.foobar end.should raise_error(Errors::ScenarioNotFoundError) end it "sets expectations on the subject while calling the original method" do def @subject.foobar(*args); :baz; end @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) {:new_value} 10.times do @subject.foobar(1, 2).should == :new_value end end it "sets after_call on the scenario when passed a block" do real_value = (class << @subject; self; end).class_eval do define_method(:foobar) {real_value} end @creator.create!(@subject, :foobar, 1, 2) do |value| mock(value).a_method {99} value end return_value = @subject.foobar(1, 2) return_value.should === return_value return_value.a_method.should == 99 end end end