3.0 zedgvrf_with_doas 633b8efc-7bcb-4aa0-8821-d0ee08f960db 2a21b37e-088e-4abb-8d36-880951491a7b 20200319T210022Z 87BA8B1E ZEDGVRFWithDOAS ZEDG VRF with DOAS Adds VRF system with multiple indoor units connected to an outdoor unit. Multiple units allows for capacity variation and simultaneous heating and cooling. Each zone in the model was served by a VRF indoor terminal unit and the DOAS. Performance curves for the outdoor terminal unit entered into the model with a resistive defrost and heat recovery. Kitchen, gym and the cafeteria were served by their own outdoor units. ceilingReturnPlenumSpaceType This space type should be part of a ceiling return air plenum. Choice false false costTotalHVACSystem Total Cost for HVAC System ($). Double true false 0 remake_schedules Apply recommended availability and ventilation schedules for air handlers? Boolean true false true true true false false HVAC.Whole System Uses SketchUp API false boolean Measure Type ModelMeasure string AEDG_HVAC_GenericTestModel_0225_a.osm osm test ED45BF2B test.osm osm test 9D7EFAB2 VRF_AC.osc osc resource B44F5D91 VRF_Terminal.osc osc resource 49418453 README.md.erb erb readmeerb 703C9964 README.md md readme 8F22CB1F LICENSE.md md license E0468DD6 os_lib_constructions.rb rb resource A30C5218 os_lib_helper_methods.rb rb resource AD62E6A4 os_lib_lighting_and_equipment.rb rb resource 2C1B6156 os_lib_geometry.rb rb resource DFD50CB5 os_lib_schedules.rb rb resource E97C0929 OpenStudio 2.0.0 2.0.0 measure.rb rb script E1371D97 measure_Test.rb rb test 54B31487 OsLib_HVAC_zedg_vrf.rb rb resource F0A4C6C7