win = @ $ = @$ class @NE.TweetPlayer constructor : (id) -> @tweetEl = $(id) @authorEl = document.getElementById( 'author' ) @avatarEl = document.getElementById( 'avatar' ) @backgroundEl = document.getElementById( 'background' ) @tweets = [] @displayTime = 10000 @cursor = 0 win.addEventListener 'load:program', @onLoad, false win.addEventListener 'update:program', @onUpdate, false render : => return unless tweet = @nextTweet() @renderText tweet.text @renderAuthor tweet.user @renderAvatar tweet.user nextTweet : -> @cursor = 0 if @cursor > @tweets.length - 1 t = @tweets[@cursor] @cursor++ t renderText : (text) -> buffer = [] pointer = -1 wc = 0 # Trailing ellipsis look awful text = text.replace /(…|\.{2,})$/, '' # TODO: Refactor text.split( /\s/ ).forEach (substr, i, txt) -> # First word if buffer.length == 0 buffer.push substr pointer++ wc = 1 # Last word was special-a else if buffer[pointer].match( /,|!|\?|\.|@|#|:|\// ) and !substr.match(/https?:/) and (buffer[pointer].length > 4 or wc >= 4) buffer.push substr pointer++ wc = 1 # Current word is special-b, the buffer has more than 4 characters or more # than 3 words, and the current word is NOT the last and more than 4 # characters else if substr.match( /!|\?|@|#|:|;|\// ) and !buffer[pointer].match(/https?:/) and (buffer[pointer].length > 4 or wc >= 4) and (i < txt.length - 1 and substr.length > 4) and substr != '&' buffer.push substr pointer++ wc = 1 # Current word is a URL and the buffer has more than 3 words else if substr.match( /^https?/ ) and wc >= 3 buffer.push substr pointer++ wc = 1 # Buffer has 5 or more words else if wc >= 5 and substr != '&' buffer.push substr pointer++ wc = 1 # Append it else buffer[pointer] += " #{substr}" wc++ text = buffer.join '
' text = "
" @tweetEl.html( text ).bigtext() renderAuthor : (user) -> @authorEl.innerHTML = user.screen_name # Generates the URL for the original profile image by chopping off the suffix renderAvatar : (user) -> @backgroundEl.src = user.profile_image_url.replace '_normal', '' onLoad : (e) => @tweets = setInterval @render, @displayTime @render() onUpdate : (e) => # ...