--- name: ratch spec_version: 1.0.0 repositories: public: git://github.com/rubyworks/ratch.git title: Ratch contact: trans requires: - group: [] name: facets version: 2.9.1+ - group: [] name: minitar version: 0.5.3+ - group: - test name: ko version: 1.2.0~ - group: - test name: qed version: 0+ - group: - build name: syckle version: 0+ resources: code: http://github.org/rubyworks/ratch mail: http://groups.gooogle.com/group/rubyworks-mailinglist home: http://rubyworks.github.org/ratch manifest: - .ruby - bin/ludo - bin/ratch - lib/ratch/batch.rb - lib/ratch/console.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/facets.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/filetest.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/to_actual_filename.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/to_console.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/to_list.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/to_yamlfrag.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext/unfold_paragraphs.rb - lib/ratch/core_ext.rb - lib/ratch/file_list.rb - lib/ratch/script/help.rb - lib/ratch/script.rb - lib/ratch/shell.rb - lib/ratch/system.rb - lib/ratch/utils/cli.rb - lib/ratch/utils/config.rb - lib/ratch/utils/email.rb - lib/ratch/utils/ftp.rb - lib/ratch/utils/pom.rb - lib/ratch/utils/rdoc.rb - lib/ratch/utils/tar.rb - lib/ratch/utils/xdg.rb - lib/ratch/utils/zlib.rb - lib/ratch.rb - lib/ratch.yml - man/ratch.1 - spec/01_shell.rdoc - spec/02_script.rdoc - spec/03_batch.rdoc - spec/04_system.rdoc - spec/applique/array.rb - spec/applique/setup.rb - test/case_batch.rb - test/case_shell.rb - test/core_ext/case_pathname.rb - test/helper.rb - test/utils/case_cli.rb - test/utils/case_config.rb - test/utils/case_email.rb - test/utils/case_ftp.rb - test/utils/case_pom.rb - test/utils/case_rdoc.rb - test/utils/case_tar.rb - test/utils/case_zlib.rb - test/utils/fixtures/pom_sample/Profile - test/utils/fixtures/rdoc_sample/README.rdoc - test/utils/fixtures/rdoc_sample/lib/rdoc_sample/rdoc_sample.rb - README.rdoc - History.rdoc - Version - License.txt - COPYING version: 1.2.0 licenses: - Apache 2.0 copyright: Copyright (c) 2009 Thomas Sawyer description: Ratch is a Ruby-based batch scripting language. It's a DSL over regular Ruby to make the life of the batch script writter easier. summary: Ruby-based Batch Scripting organization: RubyWorks authors: - Trans created: 2009-09-22