# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 require 'open-uri' module TwitterCldr module Resources class LanguageCodesImporter < Importer BCP_47_FILE, ISO_639_FILE = %w[bcp-47.txt iso-639.txt] INPUT_DATA = { BCP_47_FILE => 'https://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry/language-subtag-registry', ISO_639_FILE => 'https://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/iso-639-3_20120614.tab' } KEYS_TO_STANDARDS = { iso_639_1: :iso_639_1, iso_639_2: :iso_639_2, iso_639_2_term: :iso_639_2, iso_639_3: :iso_639_3, bcp_47: :bcp_47, bcp_47_alt: :bcp_47 } output_path 'shared' ruby_engine :mri private def execute prepare_data import_data end def prepare_data INPUT_DATA.each do |file, url| source_path = source_path_for(file) open(source_path, 'wb') { |file| file << open(url).read } end end def source_path_for(file) File.join(TwitterCldr::VENDOR_DIR, file) end def import_data result = import_iso_639 result = import_bcp_47(result) language_codes = Hash[result.inject({}) { |memo, (key, value)| memo[key] = Hash[value.sort]; memo }.sort] language_codes_table = build_table(language_codes) write('language_codes_table.dump', Marshal.dump(language_codes_table)) end def write(file, data) File.write(File.join(params.fetch(:output_path), file), data) end # Generates codes in the following format: # # { # :Albanian => { # :iso_639_1 => "sq", # :iso_639_2 => "alb", # default (bibliographic) code # :iso_639_2_term => "sqi", # terminology code (optional) # :iso_639_3 => "sqi" # } # } # def import_iso_639(result = {}) File.open(source_path_for(ISO_639_FILE)) do |file| lines = file.each_line lines.next # skip header lines.each do |line| entry = line.chomp.gsub(/"(.*)"/) { $1.gsub("\t", '') } data = Hash[ISO_639_COLUMNS.zip(entry.split("\t"))] # either bibliographic and terminology codes are the same (:bt_equiv is empty) # or :iso_639_2 contains terminology code and :bt_equiv contains bibliographic code # skip 'collection' scope if (data[:bt_equiv].empty? || !data[:b_code].empty?) && data[:name] != 'Reserved for local use' && data[:scope] != 'C' h = result[data[:name].to_sym] ||= {} set_iso_639_data(h, :iso_639_1, data[:iso_639_1]) if data[:bt_equiv].empty? set_iso_639_data(h, :iso_639_2, data[:iso_639_2]) else set_iso_639_data(h, :iso_639_2, data[:bt_equiv]) set_iso_639_data(h, :iso_639_2_term, data[:iso_639_2]) end set_iso_639_data(h, :iso_639_3, data[:iso_639_3]) end end end result end def set_iso_639_data(data, key, value) data[key] = value.to_sym unless value.nil? || value.empty? end # Generates codes in the following format: # # { # :Bangka => { # :bcp_47 => "mfb", # preferred code # :bcp_47_alt => "ms-mfb" # alternative code (optional) # } # } def import_bcp_47(result = {}) File.open(source_path_for(BCP_47_FILE)) do |file| lines = file.each_line lines.next # skip header data = {} entry = '' lines.each do |line| line.chomp! if line == '%%' process_bcp_47_entry(entry, data) process_bcp_47_data(data, result) else if line.include?(':') process_bcp_47_entry(entry, data) entry = line else entry += line end end end process_bcp_47_entry(entry, data) process_bcp_47_data(data, result) end result end def process_bcp_47_entry(entry, data) return if entry.nil? || entry.empty? key, value = entry.chomp.split(':', 2).map(&:strip) if key == 'Description' (data['names'] ||= []) << value.to_sym else data[key.downcase] = value end entry.clear end def process_bcp_47_data(data, result) if !data.empty? && %w[language extlang].include?(data['type']) && !data['names'].include?('Private use') && data['scope'] != 'collection' existing_names = data['names'].select { |name| result.has_key?(name) } prefered = data['preferred-value'] alternative = [data['prefix'], data['subtag']].compact.join('-') bcp_47 = {} bcp_47[:bcp_47] = (prefered || alternative).to_sym bcp_47[:bcp_47_alt] = alternative.to_sym if prefered existing_names.each do |name| result[name.to_sym].merge!(bcp_47) end bcp_47.merge!(result[existing_names.first]) unless existing_names.empty? (data['names'] - existing_names).each do |name| result[name.to_sym] = bcp_47.dup end end data.clear end def build_table(language_codes_map) # can't use Hash with default proc here, because we won't be able to marshal this hash later in this case table = ([:name] + KEYS_TO_STANDARDS.values.uniq.sort_by(&:to_s)).inject({}) do |memo, key| memo.merge!(key => {}) end language_codes_map.each do |name, codes| table[:name][name] = { name: name }.merge(codes) end table[:name].values.each do |data| KEYS_TO_STANDARDS.each do |key, standard| table[standard][data[key].to_sym] = data if data[key] end end table.each do |key, codes| table[key] = Hash[codes.sort] end end ISO_639_COLUMNS = [ :code, # Code :status, # Status :partner_agency, # Partner Agency :iso_639_3, # 639_3 :iso_639_2, # 639_2 (alpha-3 bibliographic/terminology code) :b_code, # alpha-3 bibliographic code if iso_639_2 contains terminology code :bt_equiv, # bt_equiv (alpha-3 bibliographic/terminology equivalent) :iso_639_1, # 639_1 :name, # Reference_Name :scope, # Element_Scope :type, # Language_Type :docs # Documentation ] end end end