module Credentials module Extensions #:nodoc: module Object module ClassMethods # The main method for specifying and retrieving the permissions of # a member of this class. # # When called with a block, this method yields a Credentials::Rulebook # object, allowing you to specify the class's credentials # in a declarative fashion. For example: # # class User # credentials do |user| # user.can :edit, User, :if => :administrator? # user.can :edit, :self # end # end # # You can also specify options in this way: # # class User # credentials(:default => :allow) do |user| # user.cannot :eat, "ice cream", :if => :lactose_intolerant? # end # end # # The following options are supported: # # [+:default+] Whether to +:allow+ or +:deny+ permissions that aren't # specified explicitly. The default default (!) is +:deny+. # # When called without a block, +credentials+ just returns the class's # Credentials::Rulebook, creating it if necessary. def credentials(options = nil) @credentials ||= if block_given? @credentials.options.merge!(options) unless options.nil? yield @credentials else raise ArgumentError, "you can only set options with a block" unless options.nil? end @credentials end def inherited_with_credentials(child_class) #:nodoc: inherited_without_credentials(child_class) if child_class.respond_to? :inherited_without_credentials child_class.instance_variable_set("@credentials", Rulebook.for(child_class)) end end # Returns true if the receiver has access to the specified resource or action. def can?(*args) self.class.credentials.allow? self, *args end alias_method :able_to?, :can? # Allows you to use magic methods to test permissions. # For example: # # class User # credentials do |user| # user.can :edit, :self # end # end # # user = # user.can_edit? user #=> true def method_missing_with_credentials(sym, *args) if sym.to_s =~ /\Acan_(.*)\?\z/ can? $1.to_sym, *args else method_missing_without_credentials sym, *args end end def self.included(receiver) #:nodoc: receiver.extend ClassMethods receiver.send :alias_method, :method_missing_without_credentials, :method_missing receiver.send :alias_method, :method_missing, :method_missing_with_credentials class << receiver alias_method :inherited_without_credentials, :inherited if respond_to? :inherited alias_method :inherited, :inherited_with_credentials end end end end end