import * as types from '../../../consts'; import { contentId, productId, initialState, loadingState, requestSuccessResponse, successState, errorState, enabledState, enablingState, enablingFailedState, } from '../repositorySetRepositories.fixtures'; import reducer from '../repositorySetRepositories'; describe('repositorySetRepositories reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { expect(reducer(undefined, {})).toEqual(initialState); }); it('should set loading state on REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_REQUEST', () => { expect(reducer(initialState, { type: types.REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_REQUEST, contentId, })).toEqual(loadingState); }); it('should flatten repositories response REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_SUCCESS', () => { expect(reducer(initialState, { type: types.REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_SUCCESS, contentId, productId, results: requestSuccessResponse.results, })).toEqual(successState); }); it('should have error on REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_FAILURE', () => { expect(reducer(initialState, { type: types.REPOSITORY_SET_REPOSITORIES_FAILURE, payload: { contentId }, error: 'Unable to process request.', })).toEqual(errorState); }); it('should set enabled to true on REPOSITORY_ENABLED', () => { expect(reducer(successState, { type: types.REPOSITORY_ENABLED, repository: { contentId, releasever: '7.2', arch: 'x86_64', }, })).toEqual(enabledState); }); it('should set enabled to false on REPOSITORY_DISABLED', () => { expect(reducer(enabledState, { type: types.REPOSITORY_DISABLED, repository: { contentId, releasever: '7.2', arch: 'x86_64', }, error: 'Unable to process request.', })).toEqual(successState); }); it('sets loading of a repo to true on ENABLE_REPOSITORY_REQUEST', () => { expect(reducer(successState, { type: types.ENABLE_REPOSITORY_REQUEST, repository: { contentId, releasever: '7.2', arch: 'x86_64', }, })).toEqual(enablingState); }); it('sets loading of a repo to false and error to true on ENABLE_REPOSITORY_FAILURE', () => { expect(reducer(successState, { type: types.ENABLE_REPOSITORY_FAILURE, payload: { repository: { contentId, releasever: '7.2', arch: 'x86_64', }, error: 'Unable to process request.', }, })).toEqual(enablingFailedState); }); });