# Frozen-string-literal: true

module Jekyll
  module Utils
    module Ansi
      extend self

      ESCAPE = format("%c", 27)
      MATCH = %r!#{ESCAPE}\[(?:\d+)(?:;\d+)*(j|k|m|s|u|A|B|G)|\e\(B\e\[m!ix
      COLORS = {
        :red     => 31,
        :green   => 32,
        :black   => 30,
        :magenta => 35,
        :yellow  => 33,
        :white   => 37,
        :blue    => 34,
        :cyan    => 36,

      # Strip ANSI from the current string.  It also strips cursor stuff,
      # well some of it, and it also strips some other stuff that a lot of
      # the other ANSI strippers don't.

      def strip(str)
        str.gsub MATCH, ""


      def has?(str)
        !!(str =~ MATCH)

      # Reset the color back to the default color so that you do not leak any
      # colors when you move onto the next line. This is probably normally
      # used as part of a wrapper so that we don't leak colors.

      def reset(str = "")
        @ansi_reset ||= format("%c[0m", 27)

      # SEE: `self::COLORS` for a list of methods.  They are mostly
      # standard base colors supported by pretty much any xterm-color, we do
      # not need more than the base colors so we do not include them.
      # Actually... if I'm honest we don't even need most of the
      # base colors.

      COLORS.each do |color, num|
        define_method color do |str|
          "#{format("%c", 27)}[#{num}m#{str}#{reset}"