# This file is the script that runs within PhantomJS, requests the Jasmine specs # and waits until they are ready. phantom.injectJs 'lib/result.js' # Set default values options = url: phantom.args[0] || '' timeout: parseInt(phantom.args[1] || 5000) specdoc: phantom.args[2] || 'failure' focus: /true/i.test phantom.args[3] console: phantom.args[4] || 'failure' errors: phantom.args[5] || 'failure' # Create the web page. # page = require('webpage').create() # Used to collect log messages for later assignment to the spec # currentSpecId = -1 logs = {} errors = {} # Catch JavaScript errors # page.onError = (msg, trace) -> if currentSpecId && currentSpecId isnt -1 errors[currentSpecId] ||= [] errors[currentSpecId].push({ msg: msg, trace: trace }) # Capture console.log output to add it to # the result when specs have finished. # page.onConsoleMessage = (msg, line, source) -> if /^RUNNER_END$/.test(msg) result = page.evaluate -> window.reporter.runnerResult console.log JSON.stringify(new Result(result, logs, errors, options).process()) page.evaluate -> window.resultReceived = true else if /^SPEC_START: (\d+)$/.test(msg) currentSpecId = Number(RegExp.$1) logs[currentSpecId] = [] else logs[currentSpecId].push(msg) if currentSpecId isnt -1 # Initialize the page before the JavaScript is run. # page.onInitialized = -> page.injectJs 'lib/console.js' page.injectJs 'lib/reporter.js' page.evaluate -> # Attach the console reporter when the document is ready. window.onload = -> window.resultReceived = false window.reporter = new ConsoleReporter() jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(window.reporter) # Open web page and run the Jasmine test runner # page.open options.url, (status) -> # Avoid that a failed iframe load breaks the runner, see https://github.com/netzpirat/guard-jasmine/pull/19 page.onLoadFinished = -> if status isnt 'success' console.log JSON.stringify({ error: "Unable to access Jasmine specs at #{ options.url }" }) phantom.exit() else done = -> phantom.exit() waitFor specsReady, done, options.timeout # Test if the specs have finished. # specsReady = -> page.evaluate -> window.resultReceived # Wait until the test condition is true or a timeout occurs. # # @param [Function] test the test that returns true if condition is met # @param [Function] ready the action when the condition is fulfilled # @param [Number] timeout the max amount of time to wait in milliseconds # waitFor = (test, ready, timeout = 5000) -> start = new Date().getTime() condition = false wait = -> if (new Date().getTime() - start < timeout) and not condition condition = test() else if not condition text = page.evaluate -> document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]?.innerText if text error = """ Timeout waiting for the Jasmine test results! #{ text } """ console.log JSON.stringify({ error: error }) else console.log JSON.stringify({ error: 'Timeout waiting for the Jasmine test results!' }) phantom.exit(1) else ready() clearInterval interval interval = setInterval wait, 250