require 'base64' require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Animoto::Client do def client options = {} @client ||= "joe", "secret", options end def object @object ||= end describe "supplying credentials and endpoint" do describe "manually" do it "should accept the key and secret as the first two parameters on initialization" do c = "key", "secret" c.key.should == "key" c.secret.should == "secret" end it "should accept an endpoint as an option" do c = "key", "secret", :endpoint => "" c.endpoint.should == "" end describe "when the secret isn't specified (i.e. only 1 parameter was passed)" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).returns(false) # <= to keep it from finding our .animotorc files end it "should raise an error" do lambda { "key" }.should raise_error end end describe "when the endpoint isn't specified" do it "should set the endpoint to the default" do c = "key", "secret" c.endpoint.should == Animoto::Client::API_ENDPOINT end end end describe "automatically" do before do @here_path = File.expand_path("./.animotorc") @home_path = File.expand_path("~/.animotorc") @etc_path = "/etc/.animotorc" @config = "key: joe\nsecret: secret\nendpoint:" end describe "when ./.animotorc exists" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).with(@here_path).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).with(@here_path).returns(@config) end it "should configure itself based on the options in ~/.animotorc" do c = c.key.should == "joe" c.secret.should == "secret" c.endpoint.should == "" end end describe "when ./.animotorc doesn't exist" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).with(@here_path).returns(false) end describe "when ~/.animotorc exists" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).with(@home_path).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).with(@home_path).returns(@config) end it "should configure itself based on the options in ~/.animotorc" do c = c.key.should == "joe" c.secret.should == "secret" c.endpoint.should == "" end end describe "when ~/.animotorc doesn't exist" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).with(@home_path).returns(false) end describe "when /etc/.animotorc exists" do before do File.stubs(:exist?).with(@etc_path).returns(true) File.stubs(:read).with(@etc_path).returns(@config) end it "should configure itself based on the options in /etc/.animotorc" do c = c.key.should == "joe" c.secret.should == "secret" end end describe "when /etc/.animotorc doesn't exist" do it "should raise an error" do lambda { }.should raise_error end end end end end end describe "finding an instance by identifier" do before do @url = "" hash = {'response'=>{'status'=>{'code'=>200},'payload'=>{'storyboard'=>{'links'=>{'self'=>@url,'preview'=>''},'metadata'=>{'duration'=>100,'visuals_count'=>1}}}}} body = client.response_parser.unparse(hash) stub_request(:get, @url).to_return(:body => body, :status => [200,"OK"]) end it "should make a GET request to the given url" do client.find(Animoto::Storyboard, @url) WebMock.should have_requested(:get, @url) end it "should ask for a response in the proper format" do client.find(Animoto::Storyboard, @url) WebMock.should have_requested(:get, @url).with(:headers => { 'Accept' => "application/vnd.animoto.storyboard-v1+json" }) end it "should not sent a request body" do client.find(Animoto::Storyboard, @url) WebMock.should have_requested(:get, @url).with(:body => "") end it "should return an instance of the correct resource type" do client.find(Animoto::Storyboard, @url).should be_an_instance_of(Animoto::Storyboard) end end describe "reloading an instance" do before do @url = '' @job = :state => 'initial', :url => @url hash = {'response'=>{'status'=>{'code'=>200},'payload'=>{'directing_job'=>{'state'=>'retrieving_assets','links'=>{'self'=>@url,'storyboard'=>''}}}}} body = client.response_parser.unparse(hash) stub_request(:get, @url).to_return(:body => body, :status => [200,"OK"]) @job.state.should == 'initial' # sanity check end it "should update the resource's attributes" do client.reload!(@job) @job.state.should == 'retrieving_assets' end end end