Then(/^the page should contain the text "(.*?)"$/) do |text| expect(@page.text).to include text end Then(/^the page should contain the html "(.*?)"$/) do |html| expect(@page.html).to include html end Then(/^the page should have the title "(.*?)"$/) do |title| expect(@page.title).to include title end Then(/^I am able to go to baidu\.com$/) do @page.goto end Given(/^I can goto baidu\.com by default$/) do @page = @page.goto end Given(/^I can goto baidu\.com using visit_page without block$/) do visit_page(Page) # @page = visit_page Page end Then(/^the page should have the title "(.*?)" using on_page without block$/) do |text| expect(on_page(Page).title).to include text # expect(on_page(@page).title).to include text end Given(/^I can goto baidu\.com using visit_page with block$/) do visit_page(Page) do |page| expect(page.title).to include "百度" end # @page = visit_page Page do |page| # expect(page.title).to include "百度" # end end Then(/^the page should have the title "(.*?)" using on_page with block$/) do |text| on_page(Page) do |page| expect(page.title).to include text end # on_page(@page) do |page| # expect(page.title).to include text # end end Then(/^I should be able to wait for a block to return true$/) do @page.google_search_id @page.wait_until(10, "too long to display page") do @page.text.include? 'Success' end end When(/^I handle the alert$/) do @msg = @page.alert do @page.alert_button end end Then(/^I should be able to get the alert's message$/) do expect(@msg).to eql "I am an alert" end When(/^I handle the confirm$/) do @msg = @page.confirm(true) do @page.confirm_button end end Then(/^I should be able to get the confirm's message$/) do expect(@msg).to eql "set the value" end When(/^I handle the prompt$/) do @msg = @page.prompt("Tim") do @page.prompt_button end end Then(/^I should be able to get the message and default value$/) do expect(@msg).to eql "enter your name" end When(/^I open a second window$/) do @page.open_window end class SecondPage include Druid end Then(/^I should be able to attach to page object using title$/) do @second_page = @second_page.attach_to_window(:title => "Success") end Then(/^I should be able to attach to page object using url$/) do @second_page = @second_page.attach_to_window(:url => "success.html") end Then(/^I should be able to attach to page object using index$/) do @second_page = @second_page.attach_to_window(:index => 1) end Then(/^I should be able to refresh the page$/) do @page.refresh end When(/^I press the back button$/) do @page.back end When(/^I press the forward button$/) do @page.forward end Then(/^the page should have the expected title$/) do expect(@page).to have_expected_title end Then(/^the page should have the expected element$/) do expect(@page).to have_expected_element end Then(/^the page should not have the expected element$/) do class FakePage include Druid expected_element :blah end expect( have_expected_element end