#!/usr/bin/rake -T require 'yaml' class R10KHelper attr_accessor :puppetfile attr_accessor :modules attr_accessor :basedir require 'r10k/puppetfile' # Horrible, but we need to be able to manipulate the cache class R10K::Git::ShellGit::ThinRepository def cache_repo @cache_repo end # Return true if the repository has local modifications, false otherwise. def dirty? repo_status = false return repo_status unless File.directory?(path) Dir.chdir(path) do %x(git update-index -q --ignore-submodules --refresh) repo_status = "Could not update git index for '#{path}'" unless $?.success? unless repo_status %x(git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules --) repo_status = "'#{path}' has unstaged changes" unless $?.success? end unless repo_status %x(git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --ignore-submodules --) repo_status = "'#{path}' has uncommitted changes" unless $?.success? end unless repo_status untracked_files = %x(git ls-files -o -d --exclude-standard) if $?.success? unless untracked_files.empty? untracked_files.strip! if untracked_files.lines.count > 0 repo_status = "'#{path}' has untracked files" end end else # We should never get here raise Error, "Failure running 'git ls-files -o -d --exclude-standard' at '#{path}'" end end end repo_status end end def initialize(puppetfile) @modules = [] @basedir = File.dirname(File.expand_path(puppetfile)) Dir.chdir(@basedir) do R10K::Git::Cache.settings[:cache_root] = File.join(@basedir,'.r10k_cache') unless File.directory?(R10K::Git::Cache.settings[:cache_root]) FileUtils.mkdir_p(R10K::Git::Cache.settings[:cache_root]) end r10k = R10K::Puppetfile.new(Dir.pwd, nil, puppetfile) r10k.load! @modules = r10k.modules.collect do |mod| mod_status = mod.repo.repo.dirty? mod = { :name => mod.name, :path => mod.path.to_s, :git_source => mod.repo.repo.origin, :git_ref => mod.repo.head, :module_dir => mod.basedir, :status => mod_status ? mod_status : :known, :r10k_module => mod, :r10k_cache => mod.repo.repo.cache_repo } end end module_dirs = @modules.collect do |mod| mod = mod[:module_dir] end module_dirs.uniq! module_dirs.each do |module_dir| known_modules = @modules.select do |mod| mod[:module_dir] == module_dir end known_modules.map! do |mod| mod = mod[:name] end current_modules = Dir.glob(File.join(module_dir,'*')).map do |mod| mod = File.basename(mod) end (current_modules - known_modules).each do |mod| # Did we find random git repos in our module spaces? if File.exist?(File.join(module_dir, mod, '.git')) @modules << { :name => mod, :path => File.join(module_dir, mod), :module_dir => module_dir, :status => :unknown, } end end end end def puppetfile last_module_dir = nil pupfile = Array.new @modules.each do |mod| module_dir = mod[:path].split(@basedir.to_s).last.split('/')[1..-2].join('/') next unless mod[:r10k_module] if last_module_dir != module_dir pupfile << "moduledir '#{module_dir}'\n" last_module_dir = module_dir end pupfile << "mod '#{mod[:r10k_module].title}'," pupfile << " :git => '#{mod[:git_source]}'," pupfile << " :ref => '#{mod[:r10k_module].repo.head}'\n" end pupfile << '# vim: ai ts=2 sts=2 et sw=2 ft=ruby' pupfile.join("\n") end def each_module(&block) Dir.chdir(@basedir) do @modules.each do |mod| # This works for Puppet Modules block.call(mod) end end end def unknown_modules @modules.select do |mod| mod[:status] == :unknown end.map do |mod| mod = mod[:name] end end end module Simp; end module Simp::Rake; end module Simp::Rake::Build class Deps < ::Rake::TaskLib require 'pager' include Pager def initialize( base_dir ) @base_dir = base_dir @verbose = ENV.fetch('SIMP_PKG_verbose','no') == 'yes' define_tasks end def define_tasks namespace :deps do desc <<-EOM Checks out all dependency repos. This task used R10k to update all dependencies. Arguments: * :method => The update method to use (Default => 'tracking') tracking => checks out each dep (by branch) according to Puppetfile.tracking stable => checks out each dep (by ref) according to in Puppetfile.stable EOM task :checkout, [:method] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:method => 'tracking') r10k_helper = R10KHelper.new("Puppetfile.#{args[:method]}") r10k_issues = Parallel.map( Array(r10k_helper.modules), :in_processes => get_cpu_limit, :progress => 'Submodule Checkout' ) do |mod| issues = [] Dir.chdir(@base_dir) do unless File.directory?(mod[:path]) FileUtils.mkdir_p(mod[:path]) end # Only for known modules... unless mod[:status] == :unknown # Since r10k is destructive, we're enumerating all valid states if [ :absent, :mismatched, :outdated, :insync, :dirty ].include?(mod[:r10k_module].status) unless mod[:r10k_cache].synced? mod[:r10k_cache].sync end if mod[:status] == :known mod[:r10k_module].sync else # If we get here, the module was dirty and should be skipped issues << "#{mod[:name]}: Skipped - #{mod[:status]}" next end else issues << "#{mod[:name]}: Skipped - Unknown status type #{mod[:r10k_module].status}" end end end issues end r10k_issues.flatten! unless r10k_issues.empty? $stderr.puts('='*80) unless @verbose $stderr.puts('Warning: Some repositories were skipped!') $stderr.puts(' * If this is a fresh build, this could be an issue') $stderr.puts(' * This is expected if re-running a build') $stderr.puts(' * Run with SIMP_PKG_verbose=yes for full details') else $stderr.puts("R10k Checkout Issues:") r10k_issues.each do |issue| $stderr.puts(" * #{issue}") end end $stderr.puts('='*80) end end desc <<-EOM Get the status of the project Git repositories Arguments: * :method => The update method to use (Default => 'tracking') tracking => checks out each dep (by branch) according to Puppetfile.tracking stable => checks out each dep (by ref) according to in Puppetfile.stable EOM task :status, [:method] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:method => 'tracking') @dirty_repos = nil r10k_helper = R10KHelper.new("Puppetfile.#{args[:method]}") mods_with_changes = {} r10k_helper.each_module do |mod| unless File.directory?(mod[:path]) $stderr.puts("Warning: '#{mod[:path]}' is not a module...skipping") if File.exist?(mod[:path]) next end if mod[:status] != :known # Clean up the path a bit for printing dirty_path = mod[:path].split(r10k_helper.basedir.to_s).last if dirty_path[0].chr == File::SEPARATOR dirty_path[0] = '' end mods_with_changes[mod[:name]] = dirty_path end end if mods_with_changes.empty? puts "No repositories have changes." @dirty_repos = false else puts "The following repositories have changes:" puts mods_with_changes.map{|k,v| " + #{k} => #{v}"}.join("\n") @dirty_repos = true end unknown_mods = r10k_helper.unknown_modules unless unknown_mods.empty? puts "The following modules were unknown:" puts unknown_mods.map{|k,v| " ? #{k}"}.join("\n") end end desc <<-EOM Records the current dependencies into Puppetfile.stable. Arguments: * :source => The source Puppetfile to use (Default => 'tracking') EOM task :record, [:method] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:source => 'tracking') r10k_helper = R10KHelper.new("Puppetfile.#{args[:source]}") File.open('Puppetfile.stable','w'){|f| f.puts r10k_helper.puppetfile } end desc <<-EOM Provide a log of changes to all modules from the given top level Git reference. Arguments: * :ref => The top level git ref to use as the oldest point for all logs. * :source => The source Puppetfile to use (Default => 'tracking') EOM task :changelog, [:ref] do |t,args| args.with_defaults(:source => 'tracking') r10k_helper = R10KHelper.new("Puppetfile.#{args[:source]}") git_logs = Hash.new Dir.chdir(r10k_helper.basedir) do ref = args[:ref] refdate = nil begin refdate = %x(git log -1 --format=%ai '#{ref}') refdate = nil unless $?.success? rescue Exception #noop end fail("You must specify a valid reference") unless ref fail("Could not find a Git log for #{ref}") unless refdate mods_with_changes = {} log_output = %x(git log --since='#{refdate}' --stat --reverse).chomp git_logs['__SIMP CORE__'] = log_output unless log_output.strip.empty? r10k_helper.each_module do |mod| if File.directory?(mod[:path]) Dir.chdir(mod[:path]) do log_output = %x(git log --since='#{refdate}' --stat --reverse).chomp git_logs[mod[:name]] = log_output unless log_output.strip.empty? end end end if git_logs.empty? puts( "No changes found for any components since #{refdate}") else page git_logs.keys.sort.each do |mod_name| puts <<-EOM ======== #{mod_name}: #{git_logs[mod_name].gsub(/^/,' ')} EOM end end end end end end end end # vim: ai ts=2 sts=2 et sw=2 ft=ruby