= Documentation for Login Password Requirements Base Feature The login password requirements base feature is automatically loaded when you use a Rodauth feature that requires setting logins or passwords. == Auth Value Methods already_an_account_with_this_login_message :: The error message to display when there already exists an account with the same login login_confirm_label :: The label to use for login confirmations. login_confirm_param :: The parameter name to use for login confirmations. login_does_not_meet_requirements_message :: The error message to display when the login does not meet the requirements you have set. login_maximum_length :: The maximum length for logins, 255 by default. login_minimum_length :: The minimum length for logins, 3 by default. login_too_long_message :: The error message fragment to show if the login is too long. login_too_short_message :: The error message fragment to show if the login is too short. logins_do_not_match_message :: The error message to display when login and login confirmation do not match. password_confirm_label :: The label to use for password confirmations. password_confirm_param :: The parameter name to use for password confirmations. password_does_not_meet_requirements_message :: The error message to display when the password does not meet the requirements you have set. password_hash_cost :: The bcrypt cost to use for the password hash. password_minimum_length :: The minimum length for passwords, 6 by default. password_too_short_message :: The error message fragment to show if the password is too short. passwords_do_not_match_message :: The error message to display when password and password confirmation do not match. require_email_address_logins? :: Whether logins need to be valid email addresses, true by default. require_login_confirmation? :: Whether login confirmations are required when changing logins or creating accounts. require_password_confirmation? :: Whether password confirmations are required when changing/resetting passwords and creating accounts. same_as_existing_password_message :: The error message to display when a new password is the same as the existing password. == Auth Methods login_meets_requirements?(login) :: Whether the given login meets the requirements. By default, just checks that the login is a valid email address. password_meets_requirements?(password) :: Whether the given password meets the requirements. Can be used to implement complexity requirements for passwords. password_hash(password) :: A hash of the given password. set_password(password) :: Set the password for the current account to the given password.