require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../spec_helper' require 'yaml' begin require 'spec/runner/differs/default' # RSpec >=1.2.4 rescue ::LoadError require 'spec/expectations/differs/default' # RSpec <=1.2.3 end module Cucumber module Cli describe Main do before(:each) do @out = @err = Kernel.stub!(:exit).and_return(nil) File.stub!(:exist?).and_return(false) # When Configuration checks for cucumber.yml Dir.stub!(:[]).and_return([]) # to prevent cucumber's features dir to being laoded end describe "verbose mode" do before(:each) do @empty_feature =,''),, []), "Feature", []) end it "should show feature files parsed" do @cli ={--verbose example.feature}, @out) @cli.stub!(:require) FeatureFile.stub!(:new).and_return(mock("feature file", :parse => @empty_feature)) @cli.execute!( @out.string.should include('example.feature') end end describe "diffing" do before :each do @configuration = mock('Configuration', :null_object => true, :drb? => false) Configuration.should_receive(:new).and_return(@configuration) @step_mother = mock('StepMother', :null_object => true) @cli =, @out) end it "uses Spec Differ::Default when diff is enabled" do @configuration.should_receive(:diff_enabled?).and_return(true) ::Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default.should_receive(:new) @cli.execute!(@step_mother) end it "does not use Spec Differ::Default when diff is disabled" do @configuration.should_receive(:diff_enabled?).and_return(false) ::Spec::Expectations::Differs::Default.should_not_receive(:new) @cli.execute!(@step_mother) end end describe "--format with class" do describe "in module" do it "should resolve each module until it gets Formatter class" do cli ={--format ZooModule::MonkeyFormatterClass}, nil) mock_module = mock('module') Object.stub!(:const_defined?).and_return(true) mock_module.stub!(:const_defined?).and_return(true) f = stub('formatter', :null_object => true) Object.should_receive(:const_get).with('ZooModule').and_return(mock_module) mock_module.should_receive(:const_get).with('MonkeyFormatterClass').and_return(mock('formatter class', :new => f)) cli.execute!( end end end [ProfilesNotDefinedError, YmlLoadError, ProfileNotFound].each do |exception_klass| it "rescues #{exception_klass}, prints the message to the error stream and returns true" do Configuration.stub!(:new).and_return(configuration = mock('configuration')) configuration.stub!(:parse!).and_raise("error message")) main ='', out =, error = main.execute!( be_true error.string.should == "error message\n" end end context "--drb" do before(:each) do @configuration = mock('Configuration', :drb? => true, :null_object => true) Configuration.stub!(:new).and_return(@configuration) @args = ['features'] @cli =, @out, @err) @step_mother = mock('StepMother', :null_object => true) end it "delegates the execution to the DRB client passing the args and streams" do DRbClient.should_receive(:run).with(@args, @err, @out).and_return(true) @cli.execute!(@step_mother) end it "returns the result from the DRbClient" do DRbClient.stub!(:run).and_return('foo') @cli.execute!(@step_mother).should == 'foo' end it "ceases execution if the DrbClient is able to perform the execution" do DRbClient.stub!(:run).and_return(true) @configuration.should_not_receive(:build_formatter_broadcaster) @cli.execute!(@step_mother) end context "when the DrbClient is unable to perfrom the execution" do before { DRbClient.stub!(:run).and_raise('error message.')) } it "alerts the user that execution will be performed locally" do @cli.execute!(@step_mother) @err.string.should include("WARNING: error message. Running features locally:") end end end end end end