# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'selenium-webdriver' require 'shared_selenium_session' require 'shared_selenium_node' require 'rspec/shared_spec_matchers' def selenium_host ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_HOST', '') end def selenium_port ENV.fetch('SELENIUM_PORT', 4445) end def ensure_selenium_running! timer = Capybara::Helpers.timer(expire_in: 20) begin TCPSocket.open(selenium_host, selenium_port) rescue StandardError if timer.expired? raise 'Selenium is not running. ' \ "You can run a selenium server easily with: \n. " \ '$ docker-compose up -d selenium_firefox' else puts 'Waiting for Selenium docker instance...' sleep 1 retry end end end Capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox_remote do |app| ensure_selenium_running! url = "http://#{selenium_host}:#{selenium_port}/wd/hub" browser_options = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Options.new Capybara::Selenium::Driver.new app, browser: :remote, options: browser_options, url: url end FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER = :selenium_firefox_remote module TestSessions RemoteFirefox = Capybara::Session.new(FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER, TestApp) end skipped_tests = %i[response_headers status_code trigger download] Capybara::SpecHelper.run_specs TestSessions::RemoteFirefox, FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER.to_s, capybara_skip: skipped_tests do |example| case example.metadata[:full_description] when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #click should allow multiple modifiers' skip "Firefox doesn't generate an event for shift+control+click" if firefox_gte?(62, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #accept_prompt should accept the prompt with a blank response when there is a default' pending "Geckodriver doesn't set a blank response in FF < 63 - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1486485" if firefox_lt?(63, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #attach_file with multipart form should fire change once when uploading multiple files from empty' pending "FF < 62 doesn't support setting all files at once" if firefox_lt?(62, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #reset_session! removes ALL cookies' pending "Geckodriver doesn't provide a way to remove cookies outside the current domain" when /#accept_confirm should work with nested modals$/ # skip because this is timing based and hence flaky when set to pending skip 'Broken in FF 63 - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1487358' if firefox_gte?(63, @session) when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote #fill_in should handle carriage returns with line feeds in a textarea correctly' pending 'Not sure what firefox is doing here' when 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should find elements inside the shadow dom using CSS', 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should find nested shadow roots', 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should click on elements', 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should use convenience methods once moved to a descendant of the shadow root', 'Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should produce error messages when failing', 'Capybara::Session with remote firefox with selenium driver #evaluate_script returns a shadow root' pending "Firefox doesn't yet have full W3C shadow root support" when /Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root should get visible text/ pending "Selenium doesn't currently support getting visible text for shadow root elements" when /Capybara::Session selenium_firefox_remote node #shadow_root/ skip 'Not supported with this geckodriver version' if geckodriver_lt?('0.31.0', @session) when /Capybara::Session selenium node #set should submit single text input forms if ended with \\n/ pending 'Firefox/geckodriver doesn\'t submit with values ending in \n' end end RSpec.describe 'Capybara::Session with remote firefox' do include Capybara::SpecHelper ['Capybara::Session', 'Capybara::Node', Capybara::RSpecMatchers].each do |examples| include_examples examples, TestSessions::RemoteFirefox, FIREFOX_REMOTE_DRIVER end it 'is considered to be firefox' do expect(session.driver.browser.browser).to eq :firefox end end