require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') class Person < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name has_many :androids, :foreign_key => :owner_id, :dependent => :destroy end class Android < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name is_paranoid before_update :raise_hell def raise_hell raise "hell" end end class AndroidWithScopedUniqueness < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :androids validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :deleted_at is_paranoid end describe Android do before(:each) do Android.delete_all Person.delete_all @luke = Person.create(:name => 'Luke Skywalker') @r2d2 = Android.create(:name => 'R2D2', :owner_id => @c3p0 = Android.create(:name => 'C3P0', :owner_id => end it "should delete normally" do Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 2 Android.delete_all Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 0 end it "should handle Model.destroy_all properly" do lambda{ Android.destroy_all("owner_id = #{}") }.should change(Android, :count).from(2).to(0) Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 2 end it "should handle Model.destroy(id) properly without hitting update/save related callbacks" do lambda{ Android.destroy( }.should change(Android, :count).from(2).to(1) Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 2 end it "should be not show up in the relationship to the owner once deleted" do @luke.androids.size.should == 2 @r2d2.destroy @luke.androids.size.should == 1 Android.count.should == 1 Android.first(:conditions => {:name => 'R2D2'}).should be_blank end it "should be able to find deleted items via find_with_destroyed" do @r2d2.destroy Android.find(:first, :conditions => {:name => 'R2D2'}).should be_blank Android.first_with_destroyed(:conditions => {:name => 'R2D2'}).should_not be_blank end it "should be able to find only deleted items via find_destroyed_only" do @r2d2.destroy Android.all_destroyed_only.size.should == 1 Android.first_destroyed_only.should == @r2d2 end it "should have a proper count inclusively and exclusively of deleted items" do @r2d2.destroy @c3p0.destroy Android.count.should == 0 Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 2 end it "should mark deleted on dependent destroys" do lambda{ @luke.destroy }.should change(Android, :count).from(2).to(0) Android.count_with_destroyed.should == 2 end it "should allow restoring without hitting update/save related callbacks" do @r2d2.destroy lambda{ @r2d2.restore }.should change(Android, :count).from(1).to(2) end it "should respond to various calculations" do @r2d2.destroy Android.sum('id').should == Android.sum_with_destroyed('id').should == + Android.average_with_destroyed('id').should == ( + / 2.0 end it "should not ignore deleted items in validation checks unless scoped" do # Androids are not validates_uniqueness_of scoped @r2d2.destroy lambda{ Android.create!(:name => 'R2D2') }.should raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) lambda{ # creating shouldn't raise an error another_r2d2 = AndroidWithScopedUniqueness.create!(:name => 'R2D2') # neither should destroying the second incarnation since the # validates_uniqueness_of is only applied on create another_r2d2.destroy }.should_not raise_error end end class Ninja < ActiveRecord::Base validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope => :visible is_paranoid :field => [:visible, false, true] end class Pirate < ActiveRecord::Base is_paranoid :field => [:alive, false, true] end class DeadPirate < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :pirates is_paranoid :field => [:alive, true, false] end class RandomPirate < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :pirates def after_destroy raise 'after_destroy works' end end class UndestroyablePirate < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name :pirates is_paranoid :field => [:alive, false, true] def before_destroy false end end describe 'Ninjas and Pirates' do it "should allow specifying alternate fields and field values" do ninja = Ninja.create(:name => 'Esteban') ninja.destroy Ninja.first.should be_blank Ninja.find_with_destroyed(:first).should == ninja pirate = Pirate.create(:name => 'Reginald') pirate.destroy Pirate.first.should be_blank Pirate.find_with_destroyed(:first).should == pirate == lambda{ DeadPirate.first.destroy }.should change(Pirate, :count).from(0).to(1) end it "should handle before_destroy and after_destroy callbacks properly" do edward = UndestroyablePirate.create(:name => 'Edward') lambda{ edward.destroy }.should_not change(UndestroyablePirate, :count) raul = RandomPirate.create(:name => 'Raul') lambda{ begin edward.destroy rescue => ex ex.message.should == 'after_destroy works' end }.should_not change(RandomPirate, :count) end end