use crate::{ io::{Filesystem, WitxIo}, parser::{ CommentSyntax, DeclSyntax, Documented, EnumSyntax, ExpectedSyntax, FlagsSyntax, HandleSyntax, ImportTypeSyntax, ModuleDeclSyntax, RecordSyntax, TupleSyntax, TypedefSyntax, UnionSyntax, VariantSyntax, }, Abi, BuiltinType, Case, Constant, Definition, Document, Entry, HandleDatatype, Id, IntRepr, InterfaceFunc, InterfaceFuncParam, Location, Module, ModuleDefinition, ModuleEntry, ModuleImport, ModuleImportVariant, NamedType, RecordDatatype, RecordKind, RecordMember, Type, TypeRef, Variant, }; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::path::Path; use std::rc::Rc; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ValidationError { #[error("Unknown name `{name}`")] UnknownName { name: String, location: Location }, #[error("Redefinition of name `{name}`")] NameAlreadyExists { name: String, at_location: Location, previous_location: Location, }, #[error("Wrong kind of name `{name}`: expected {expected}, got {got}")] WrongKindName { name: String, location: Location, expected: &'static str, got: &'static str, }, #[error("Recursive definition of name `{name}`")] Recursive { name: String, location: Location }, #[error("Invalid representation `{repr:?}`")] InvalidRepr { repr: BuiltinType, location: Location, }, #[error("ABI error: {reason}")] Abi { reason: String, location: Location }, #[error("Anonymous structured types (struct, union, enum, flags, handle) are not permitted")] AnonymousRecord { location: Location }, #[error("Union expected {expected} variants, found {found}")] UnionSizeMismatch { expected: usize, found: usize, location: Location, }, #[error("Invalid union tag: {reason}")] InvalidUnionTag { reason: String, location: Location }, #[error("Invalid union field `{name}`: {reason}")] InvalidUnionField { name: String, reason: String, location: Location, }, } impl ValidationError { pub fn report_with(&self, witxio: &dyn WitxIo) -> String { use ValidationError::*; match self { UnknownName { location, .. } | WrongKindName { location, .. } | Recursive { location, .. } | InvalidRepr { location, .. } | Abi { location, .. } | AnonymousRecord { location, .. } | UnionSizeMismatch { location, .. } | InvalidUnionField { location, .. } | InvalidUnionTag { location, .. } => { format!("{}\n{}", location.highlight_source_with(witxio), &self) } NameAlreadyExists { at_location, previous_location, .. } => format!( "{}\n{}\nOriginally defined at:\n{}", at_location.highlight_source_with(witxio), &self, previous_location.highlight_source_with(witxio), ), } } pub fn report(&self) -> String { self.report_with(&Filesystem) } } struct IdentValidation { names: HashMap, } impl IdentValidation { fn new() -> Self { Self { names: HashMap::new(), } } fn introduce(&mut self, syntax: &str, location: Location) -> Result { if let Some(introduced) = self.names.get(syntax) { Err(ValidationError::NameAlreadyExists { name: syntax.to_string(), at_location: location, previous_location: introduced.clone(), }) } else { self.names.insert(syntax.to_string(), location); Ok(Id::new(syntax)) } } fn get(&self, syntax: &str, location: Location) -> Result { if self.names.get(syntax).is_some() { Ok(Id::new(syntax)) } else { Err(ValidationError::UnknownName { name: syntax.to_string(), location, }) } } } pub struct DocValidation { scope: IdentValidation, entries: HashMap, constant_scopes: HashMap, bool_ty: TypeRef, } pub struct DocValidationScope<'a> { doc: &'a mut DocValidation, text: &'a str, path: &'a Path, } impl DocValidation { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { scope: IdentValidation::new(), entries: HashMap::new(), constant_scopes: HashMap::new(), bool_ty: TypeRef::Value(Rc::new(Type::Variant(Variant { tag_repr: IntRepr::U32, cases: vec![ Case { name: Id::new("false"), tref: None, docs: String::new(), }, Case { name: Id::new("true"), tref: None, docs: String::new(), }, ], }))), } } pub fn scope<'a>(&'a mut self, text: &'a str, path: &'a Path) -> DocValidationScope<'a> { DocValidationScope { doc: self, text, path, } } pub fn into_document(self, defs: Vec) -> Document { Document::new(defs, self.entries) } } impl DocValidationScope<'_> { fn location(&self, span: wast::Span) -> Location { // Wast Span gives 0-indexed lines and columns. Location is 1-indexed. let (line, column) = span.linecol_in(self.text); Location { line: line + 1, column: column + 1, path: self.path.to_path_buf(), } } fn introduce(&mut self, name: &wast::Id<'_>) -> Result { let loc = self.location(name.span()); self.doc.scope.introduce(, loc) } fn get(&self, name: &wast::Id<'_>) -> Result { let loc = self.location(name.span()); self.doc.scope.get(, loc) } pub fn validate_decl( &mut self, decl: &DeclSyntax, comments: &CommentSyntax, definitions: &mut Vec, ) -> Result<(), ValidationError> { match decl { DeclSyntax::Typename(decl) => { let name = self.introduce(&decl.ident)?; let docs =; let tref = self.validate_datatype(&decl.def, true, decl.ident.span())?; let rc_datatype = Rc::new(NamedType { name: name.clone(), tref, docs, }); self.doc .entries .insert(name.clone(), Entry::Typename(Rc::downgrade(&rc_datatype))); definitions.push(Definition::Typename(rc_datatype)); } DeclSyntax::Module(syntax) => { let name = self.introduce(&; let mut module_validator = ModuleValidation::new(self); let decls = syntax .decls .iter() .map(|d| module_validator.validate_decl(&d)) .collect::, _>>()?; let rc_module = Rc::new(Module::new( name.clone(), decls, module_validator.entries,, )); self.doc .entries .insert(name, Entry::Module(Rc::downgrade(&rc_module))); definitions.push(Definition::Module(rc_module)); } DeclSyntax::Const(syntax) => { let ty = Id::new(; let loc = self.location(; let scope = self .doc .constant_scopes .entry(ty.clone()) .or_insert_with(IdentValidation::new); let name = scope.introduce(, loc)?; // TODO: validate `ty` is a integer datatype that `syntax.value` // fits within. definitions.push(Definition::Constant(Constant { ty, name, value: syntax.item.value, docs:, })); } } Ok(()) } fn validate_datatype( &self, syntax: &TypedefSyntax, named: bool, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { match syntax { TypedefSyntax::Ident(syntax) => { let i = self.get(syntax)?; match self.doc.entries.get(&i) { Some(Entry::Typename(weak_ref)) => Ok(TypeRef::Name( weak_ref.upgrade().expect("weak backref to defined type"), )), Some(e) => Err(ValidationError::WrongKindName { name: i.as_str().to_string(), location: self.location(syntax.span()), expected: "datatype", got: e.kind(), }), None => Err(ValidationError::Recursive { name: i.as_str().to_string(), location: self.location(syntax.span()), }), } } TypedefSyntax::Enum { .. } | TypedefSyntax::Flags { .. } | TypedefSyntax::Record { .. } | TypedefSyntax::Union { .. } | TypedefSyntax::Handle { .. } if !named => { Err(ValidationError::AnonymousRecord { location: self.location(span), }) } other => Ok(TypeRef::Value(Rc::new(match other { TypedefSyntax::Enum(syntax) => Type::Variant(self.validate_enum(&syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::Tuple(syntax) => Type::Record(self.validate_tuple(&syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::Expected(syntax) => { Type::Variant(self.validate_expected(&syntax, span)?) } TypedefSyntax::Flags(syntax) => Type::Record(self.validate_flags(&syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::Record(syntax) => Type::Record(self.validate_record(&syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::Union(syntax) => Type::Variant(self.validate_union(&syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::Variant(syntax) => { Type::Variant(self.validate_variant(&syntax, span)?) } TypedefSyntax::Handle(syntax) => Type::Handle(self.validate_handle(syntax, span)?), TypedefSyntax::List(syntax) => { Type::List(self.validate_datatype(syntax, false, span)?) } TypedefSyntax::Pointer(syntax) => { Type::Pointer(self.validate_datatype(syntax, false, span)?) } TypedefSyntax::ConstPointer(syntax) => { Type::ConstPointer(self.validate_datatype(syntax, false, span)?) } TypedefSyntax::Builtin(builtin) => Type::Builtin(*builtin), TypedefSyntax::String => { Type::List(TypeRef::Value(Rc::new(Type::Builtin(BuiltinType::Char)))) } TypedefSyntax::Bool => return Ok(self.doc.bool_ty.clone()), TypedefSyntax::Ident { .. } => unreachable!(), }))), } } fn validate_enum( &self, syntax: &EnumSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let mut enum_scope = IdentValidation::new(); let tag_repr = match &syntax.repr { Some(repr) => self.validate_int_repr(repr, span)?, None => IntRepr::U32, }; let cases = syntax .members .iter() .map(|i| { let name = enum_scope.introduce(, self.location(i.item.span()))?; let docs =; Ok(Case { name, tref: None, docs, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(Variant { tag_repr, cases }) } fn validate_tuple( &self, syntax: &TupleSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let members = syntax .types .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, ty)| { Ok(RecordMember { name: Id::new(i.to_string()), tref: self.validate_datatype(ty, false, span)?, docs: String::new(), }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(RecordDatatype { kind: RecordKind::Tuple, members, }) } fn validate_expected( &self, syntax: &ExpectedSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let ok_ty = match &syntax.ok { Some(ok) => Some(self.validate_datatype(ok, false, span)?), None => None, }; let err_ty = match &syntax.err { Some(err) => Some(self.validate_datatype(err, false, span)?), None => None, }; Ok(Variant { tag_repr: IntRepr::U32, cases: vec![ Case { name: Id::new("ok"), tref: ok_ty, docs: String::new(), }, Case { name: Id::new("err"), tref: err_ty, docs: String::new(), }, ], }) } fn validate_flags( &self, syntax: &FlagsSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let repr = match syntax.repr { Some(ty) => self.validate_int_repr(&ty, span)?, None => IntRepr::U32, }; let mut flags_scope = IdentValidation::new(); let mut members = Vec::new(); for flag in syntax.flags.iter() { let name = flags_scope.introduce(, self.location(flag.item.span()))?; let docs =; members.push(RecordMember { name, docs, tref: self.doc.bool_ty.clone(), }); } Ok(RecordDatatype { kind: RecordKind::Bitflags(repr), members, }) } fn validate_record( &self, syntax: &RecordSyntax, _span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let mut member_scope = IdentValidation::new(); let members = syntax .fields .iter() .map(|f| { let name = member_scope .introduce(, self.location(; let tref = self.validate_datatype(&f.item.type_, false,; let docs =; Ok(RecordMember { name, tref, docs }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(RecordDatatype { kind: RecordKind::Other, members, }) } fn validate_union( &self, syntax: &UnionSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let (tag_repr, names) = self.union_tag_repr(&syntax.tag, span)?; if let Some(names) = &names { if names.len() != syntax.fields.len() { return Err(ValidationError::UnionSizeMismatch { expected: names.len(), found: syntax.fields.len(), location: self.location(span), }); } } let cases = syntax .fields .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, case)| { Ok(Case { name: match &names { Some(names) => names[i].clone(), None => Id::new(i.to_string()), }, tref: Some(self.validate_datatype(&case.item, false, span)?), docs:, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; Ok(Variant { tag_repr, cases }) } fn validate_variant( &self, syntax: &VariantSyntax, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { let (tag_repr, names) = self.union_tag_repr(&syntax.tag, span)?; if let Some(names) = &names { if names.len() != syntax.cases.len() { return Err(ValidationError::UnionSizeMismatch { expected: names.len(), found: syntax.cases.len(), location: self.location(span), }); } } let mut name_set = names .as_ref() .map(|names| names.iter().collect::>()); let mut cases = syntax .cases .iter() .map(|case| { let name = Id::new(; if let Some(names) = &mut name_set { if !names.remove(&name) { return Err(ValidationError::InvalidUnionField { name: name.as_str().to_string(), location: self.location(, reason: format!("does not correspond to variant in tag `tag`"), }); } } Ok(Case { name: Id::new(, tref: match &case.item.ty { Some(ty) => { Some(self.validate_datatype(ty, false, } None => None, }, docs:, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; // If we have an explicit tag with an enum then that's instructing us to // reorder cases based on the order of the enum itself, so do that here. if let Some(names) = names { let name_pos = names .iter() .enumerate() .map(|(i, name)| (name, i)) .collect::>(); cases.sort_by_key(|c| name_pos[&&]); } Ok(Variant { tag_repr, cases }) } fn union_tag_repr( &self, tag: &Option>>, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result<(IntRepr, Option>), ValidationError> { let ty = match tag { Some(tag) => self.validate_datatype(tag, false, span)?, None => return Ok((IntRepr::U32, None)), }; match &**ty.type_() { Type::Variant(e) => { let mut names = Vec::new(); for c in e.cases.iter() { if c.tref.is_some() { return Err(ValidationError::InvalidUnionTag { location: self.location(span), reason: format!("all variant cases should have empty payloads"), }); } names.push(; } return Ok((e.tag_repr, Some(names))); } Type::Builtin(BuiltinType::U8 { .. }) => return Ok((IntRepr::U8, None)), Type::Builtin(BuiltinType::U16) => return Ok((IntRepr::U16, None)), Type::Builtin(BuiltinType::U32 { .. }) => return Ok((IntRepr::U32, None)), Type::Builtin(BuiltinType::U64) => return Ok((IntRepr::U64, None)), _ => {} } Err(ValidationError::WrongKindName { name: "tag".to_string(), location: self.location(span), expected: "enum or builtin", got: ty.type_().kind(), }) } fn validate_handle( &self, _syntax: &HandleSyntax, _span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { Ok(HandleDatatype {}) } fn validate_int_repr( &self, type_: &BuiltinType, span: wast::Span, ) -> Result { match type_ { BuiltinType::U8 { .. } => Ok(IntRepr::U8), BuiltinType::U16 => Ok(IntRepr::U16), BuiltinType::U32 { .. } => Ok(IntRepr::U32), BuiltinType::U64 => Ok(IntRepr::U64), _ => Err(ValidationError::InvalidRepr { repr: type_.clone(), location: self.location(span), }), } } } struct ModuleValidation<'a> { doc: &'a DocValidationScope<'a>, scope: IdentValidation, pub entries: HashMap, } impl<'a> ModuleValidation<'a> { fn new(doc: &'a DocValidationScope<'a>) -> Self { Self { doc, scope: IdentValidation::new(), entries: HashMap::new(), } } fn validate_decl( &mut self, decl: &Documented, ) -> Result { match &decl.item { ModuleDeclSyntax::Import(syntax) => { let loc = self.doc.location(syntax.name_loc); let name = self.scope.introduce(, loc)?; let variant = match syntax.type_ { ImportTypeSyntax::Memory => ModuleImportVariant::Memory, }; let rc_import = Rc::new(ModuleImport { name: name.clone(), variant, docs:, }); self.entries .insert(name, ModuleEntry::Import(Rc::downgrade(&rc_import))); Ok(ModuleDefinition::Import(rc_import)) } ModuleDeclSyntax::Func(syntax) => { let loc = self.doc.location(syntax.export_loc); let name = self.scope.introduce(syntax.export, loc)?; let mut argnames = IdentValidation::new(); let params = syntax .params .iter() .map(|f| { Ok(InterfaceFuncParam { name: argnames.introduce(, self.doc.location(, )?, tref: self.doc.validate_datatype( &f.item.type_, false,, )?, docs:, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let results = syntax .results .iter() .map(|f| { let tref = self.doc .validate_datatype(&f.item.type_, false,; Ok(InterfaceFuncParam { name: argnames.introduce(, self.doc.location(, )?, tref, docs:, }) }) .collect::, _>>()?; let noreturn = syntax.noreturn; let abi = Abi::Preview1; abi.validate(¶ms, &results) .map_err(|reason| ValidationError::Abi { reason, location: self.doc.location(syntax.export_loc), })?; let rc_func = Rc::new(InterfaceFunc { abi, name: name.clone(), params, results, noreturn, docs:, }); self.entries .insert(name, ModuleEntry::Func(Rc::downgrade(&rc_func))); Ok(ModuleDefinition::Func(rc_func)) } } } }