# The store encapsolutes the logic that (1) saves instrumented data by Metric name to memory and (2) maintains a stack (just an Array) # of instrumented methods that are being called. It's accessed via +ScoutRails::Agent.instance.store+. class ScoutRails::Store # Limits the size of the metric hash to prevent a metric explosion. MAX_SIZE = 1000 # Limit the number of samples that we store metrics with to prevent writing too much data to the layaway file if there are are many processes and many slow samples. MAX_SAMPLES_TO_STORE_METRICS = 10 attr_accessor :metric_hash attr_accessor :transaction_hash attr_accessor :stack attr_accessor :sample attr_accessor :samples # array of slow transaction samples attr_reader :transaction_sample_lock def initialize @metric_hash = Hash.new # Stores aggregate metrics for the current transaction. When the transaction is finished, metrics # are merged with the +metric_hash+. @transaction_hash = Hash.new @stack = Array.new # ensure background thread doesn't manipulate transaction sample while the store is. @transaction_sample_lock = Mutex.new @samples = Array.new end # Called when the last stack item completes for the current transaction to clear # for the next run. def reset_transaction! Thread::current[:ignore_transaction] = nil Thread::current[:scout_scope_name] = nil @transaction_hash = Hash.new @stack = Array.new end def ignore_transaction! Thread::current[:ignore_transaction] = true end # Called at the start of Tracer#instrument: # (1) Either finds an existing MetricStats object in the metric_hash or # initialize a new one. An existing MetricStats object is present if this +metric_name+ has already been instrumented. # (2) Adds a StackItem to the stack. This StackItem is returned and later used to validate the item popped off the stack # when an instrumented code block completes. def record(metric_name) item = ScoutRails::StackItem.new(metric_name) stack << item item end def stop_recording(sanity_check_item, options={}) item = stack.pop stack_empty = stack.empty? # if ignoring the transaction, the item is popped but nothing happens. if Thread::current[:ignore_transaction] return end # unbalanced stack check - unreproducable cases have seen this occur. when it does, sets a Thread variable # so we ignore further recordings. +Store#reset_transaction!+ resets this. if item != sanity_check_item ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.warn "Scope [#{Thread::current[:scout_scope_name]}] Popped off stack: #{item.inspect} Expected: #{sanity_check_item.inspect}. Aborting." ignore_transaction! return end duration = Time.now - item.start_time if last=stack.last last.children_time += duration end meta = ScoutRails::MetricMeta.new(item.metric_name, :desc => options[:desc]) meta.scope = nil if stack_empty # add backtrace for slow calls ... how is exclusive time handled? if duration > ScoutRails::TransactionSample::BACKTRACE_THRESHOLD and !stack_empty meta.extra = {:backtrace => ScoutRails::TransactionSample.backtrace_parser(caller)} end stat = transaction_hash[meta] || ScoutRails::MetricStats.new(!stack_empty) stat.update!(duration,duration-item.children_time) transaction_hash[meta] = stat if store_metric?(stack_empty) # Uses controllers as the entry point for a transaction. Otherwise, stats are ignored. if stack_empty and meta.metric_name.match(/\AController\//) aggs=aggregate_calls(transaction_hash.dup,meta) store_sample(options[:uri],transaction_hash.dup.merge(aggs),meta,stat) # deep duplicate duplicate = aggs.dup duplicate.each_pair do |k,v| duplicate[k.dup] = v.dup end merge_metrics(duplicate.merge({meta.dup => stat.dup})) # aggregrates + controller end end # TODO - Move more logic to TransactionSample # # Limits the size of the transaction hash to prevent a large transactions. The final item on the stack # is allowed to be stored regardless of hash size to wrapup the transaction sample w/the parent metric. def store_metric?(stack_empty) transaction_hash.size < ScoutRails::TransactionSample::MAX_SIZE or stack_empty end # Returns the top-level category names used in the +metrics+ hash. def categories(metrics) cats = Set.new metrics.keys.each do |meta| next if meta.scope.nil? # ignore controller if match=meta.metric_name.match(/\A([\w|\d]+)\//) cats << match[1] end end # metrics.each cats end # Takes a metric_hash of calls and generates aggregates for ActiveRecord and View calls. def aggregate_calls(metrics,parent_meta) categories = categories(metrics) aggregates = {} categories.each do |cat| agg_meta=ScoutRails::MetricMeta.new("#{cat}/all") agg_meta.scope = parent_meta.metric_name agg_stats = ScoutRails::MetricStats.new metrics.each do |meta,stats| if meta.metric_name =~ /\A#{cat}\// agg_stats.combine!(stats) end end # metrics.each aggregates[agg_meta] = agg_stats unless agg_stats.call_count.zero? end # categories.each aggregates end # Stores the slowest transaction. This will be sent to the server. # Includes the legacy single slow transaction and the array of samples. def store_sample(uri,transaction_hash,parent_meta,parent_stat,options = {}) @transaction_sample_lock.synchronize do if parent_stat.total_call_time >= 2 and (@sample.nil? or (@sample and parent_stat.total_call_time > @sample.total_call_time)) @sample = ScoutRails::TransactionSample.new(uri,parent_meta.metric_name,parent_stat.total_call_time,transaction_hash.dup) end # tree map of all slow transactions if parent_stat.total_call_time >= 2 @samples.push(ScoutRails::TransactionSample.new(uri,parent_meta.metric_name,parent_stat.total_call_time,transaction_hash.dup)) ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.debug "Slow transaction sample added. Array Size: #{@samples.size}" end end end # Returns the slow sample and resets the values - used when reporting. def fetch_and_reset_sample! sample = @sample @transaction_sample_lock.synchronize do self.sample = nil end sample end # Finds or creates the metric w/the given name in the metric_hash, and updates the time. Primarily used to # record sampled metrics. For instrumented methods, #record and #stop_recording are used. # # Options: # :scope => If provided, overrides the default scope. # :exclusive_time => Sets the exclusive time for the method. If not provided, uses +call_time+. def track!(metric_name,call_time,options = {}) meta = ScoutRails::MetricMeta.new(metric_name) meta.scope = options[:scope] if options.has_key?(:scope) stat = metric_hash[meta] || ScoutRails::MetricStats.new stat.update!(call_time,options[:exclusive_time] || call_time) metric_hash[meta] = stat end # Combines old and current data def merge_data(old_data) {:metrics => merge_metrics(old_data[:metrics]), :samples => merge_samples(old_data[:samples])} end # Merges old and current data, clears the current in-memory metric hash, and returns # the merged data def merge_data_and_clear(old_data) merged = merge_data(old_data) self.metric_hash = {} # TODO - is this lock needed? @transaction_sample_lock.synchronize do self.samples = [] end merged end def merge_metrics(old_metrics) old_metrics.each do |old_meta,old_stats| if stats = metric_hash[old_meta] metric_hash[old_meta] = stats.combine!(old_stats) elsif metric_hash.size < MAX_SIZE metric_hash[old_meta] = old_stats end end metric_hash end # Merges samples together, removing transaction sample metrics from samples if the > MAX_SAMPLES_TO_STORE_METRICS def merge_samples(old_samples) # need transaction lock here? self.samples += old_samples if trim_samples = self.samples[MAX_SAMPLES_TO_STORE_METRICS..-1] ScoutRails::Agent.instance.logger.debug "Trimming metrics from #{trim_samples.size} samples." i = MAX_SAMPLES_TO_STORE_METRICS trim_samples.each do |sample| self.samples[i] = sample.clear_metrics! end end self.samples end end # class Store