module Locomotive module Extensions module ContentEntry module Csv extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Get the values from the custom fields as an array. # Values are ordered by the position of the custom fields. # It also adds the created_at value of the instance. # # @param [ Hash ] options For now, stores only the host for the File fields. # # @return [ Array ] # def to_values(options = {}) values = do |field| value = self.send( self.value_from_type(field.type.to_sym, value, options) end.compact values << I18n.l(self.created_at, format: :long) end protected # Return the transformed value for a particular field type (string, text, ...etc). # # @param [ Symbol ] type Type of the field # @param [ Object ] value Value of the field in the current instance # @param [ Hash ] options For now, stores only the host for the File fields. # # @return [ Object ] # def value_from_type(type, value, options) case type when :file value.blank? ? '' : value.guess_url(options[:host]) when :belongs_to value.try(:_label) || '' when :has_many, :many_to_many', ') when :tags [*value].join(', ') else value == nil ? '' : value end end module ClassMethods # Generate a csv from a collection of content entries # # @param [ Hash ] options Options for the csv generation # # @return [ String ] The well-generated CSV document # def to_csv(options = {}) content_type = options.delete(:content_type) || all.first.try(:content_type) csv_options = do |k, v| CSV::DEFAULT_OPTIONS.keys.include?(k.to_sym) end fields = content_type.ordered_entries_custom_fields labels = << I18n.t('mongoid.attributes.locomotive/content_entry.created_at') CSV.generate(csv_options) do |csv| # header csv << labels # body all.each_by(100) do |entry| csv << entry.to_values(options) end end end end end end end end