class Bio::DB::Vcf
Public Class Methods
new(line=nil, sample_names=nil)
click to toggle source
create the vcf object, use the ordered list of sample names to label samples if provided ['A', 'B', 'C'], otherwise uses, 1,2,3 etc
vcf = Bio::DB::Vcf("19 111 . A C 9.6 . . GT:HQ 0|0:10,10 0|0:10,10 0/1:3,3")
# File lib/bio/db/vcf.rb, line 15 def initialize(line=nil, sample_names=nil) @info = {} @samples = {} parse_line(line, sample_names) if line != nil end
Public Instance Methods
click to toggle source
tests if the current variable is an Integer
x - any variable
# File lib/bio/db/vcf.rb, line 23 def int_or_raw(x) rescue x end
parse_line(line, sample_names=nil)
click to toggle source
gets the info in the Vcf lines and parses it, setting the attributes
# File lib/bio/db/vcf.rb, line 28 def parse_line(line, sample_names=nil) return false if line[0,1] == '#' f = line.chomp.split("\t", -1) raise "VCF lines must have at least 8 fields" if f.size < 8 @chrom = f[0] @pos = f[1].to_i @id = '.' == f[2] ? nil : f[2] @ref = f[3] @alt = f[4] @qual = f[5].to_f @filter = '.' == f[6] ? nil : f[6] @info = '.' == f[7] ? nil : {} if @info info_vec = f[7].split(";") info_vec.each do |x| keyval = x.split("=", -1) if keyval.size == 2 # If it's key=value @info[keyval[0]] = keyval[1] else # Otherwise, it's just a flag @info[x] = nil end end end @samples = {} return true if f.size == 8 # Has just upto info raise "Can't have format with no samples" if f.size == 9 @format = f[8] sample_keys = @format.split(":") num_samples = f.size - 9 # How many fields are past the format if sample_names == nil # Make the sample names just ["1", "2", ... , "num_samples}" sample_names = (1..num_samples){|i| i.to_s} elsif sample_names.size != num_samples raise "Unexpected number of samples (#{num_samples}) based on the provided sample names (#{sample_names.inspect})" end sample_names.each_with_index do |sample_name, sample_index| i = sample_index + 9 # index into columns (f) sample_values = f[i].split(":") raise "Expected number of sample values to be <= number of sample keys in FORMAT column Format=#{@format} but sample=#{f[i]}" if sample_values.size > sample_keys.size @samples[sample_name] = {} sample_keys.each_with_index {|key, value_index| @samples[sample_name][key] = sample_values[value_index] || ""} end return true; end