require 'di' require 'ADB' require 'stf/client' require 'stf/log/log' require 'stf/errors' require 'stf/model/session' module Stf class StartOneDebugSessionInteractor include Log include ADB def execute(device) return false if device.nil? serial = device.serial begin success = DI[:stf].add_device serial if success "Device added #{serial}" else logger.error "Can't add device #{serial}" raise end result = DI[:stf].start_debug serial if result.success "Debug started #{serial}" else logger.error "Can't start debugging session for device #{serial}" raise end execute_adb_with 30, "connect #{result.remoteConnectUrl}" # Check for adb device status execute_adb_with(30, 'devices') device_list = last_stdout.split("\n") device_list.shift devices = Hash[device_list.collect {|device| [device.split("\t").first, device.split("\t").last]}] if devices["#{result.remoteConnectUrl}"] != "device" raise "adb connect #{result.remoteConnectUrl} succeeded but device is not in the adb devices list" end shell('exit', {serial: "#{result.remoteConnectUrl}"}, 30) return true rescue => e begin # we will try clean anyway DI[:stf].remove_device serial rescue end logger.error "Failed to connect to #{serial}" return false end end end end