require 'rubyvis' module Statsample module Graph # = Scatterplot # # From Wikipedia: # A scatter plot or scattergraph is a type of mathematical diagram using # Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. # # The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis.[2] This kind of plot is also called a scatter chart, scatter diagram and scatter graph. # == Usage # === Svg output # a=[1,2,3,4].to_scale # b=[3,4,5,6].to_scale # puts,b).to_svg # === Using ReportBuilder # a=[1,2,3,4].to_scale # b=[3,4,5,6].to_scale # # rb.add(,b)) # rb.save_html('scatter.html') class Scatterplot include Summarizable attr_accessor :name # Total width of Scatterplot attr_accessor :width # Total height of Scatterplot attr_accessor :height attr_accessor :dot_alpha # Add a line on median of x and y axis attr_accessor :line_median # Top margin attr_accessor :margin_top # Bottom margin attr_accessor :margin_bottom # Left margin attr_accessor :margin_left # Right margin attr_accessor :margin_right attr_reader :data attr_reader :v1,:v2 # Array with assignation to groups of bars # For example, for four vectors, # boxplot.groups=[1,2,1,3] # Assign same color to first and third element, and different to # second and fourth attr_accessor :groups attr_reader :x_scale, :y_scale # Minimum value on x axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set attr_accessor :minimum_x # Maximum value on x axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set attr_accessor :maximum_x # Minimum value on y axis. Set to 0 if not set attr_accessor :minimum_y # Maximum value on y axis. Calculated automaticly from data if not set. attr_accessor :maximum_y # Create a new Scatterplot. # Params: # * v1: Vector on X axis # * v2: Vector on Y axis # * opts: Hash of options. See attributes of Scatterplot def initialize(v1,v2, @v1_name,@v2_name =, @v1,@v2 = Statsample.only_valid_clone(v1,v2) opts_default={ :name=>_("Scatterplot (%s - %s)") % [@v1_name, @v2_name], :width=>400, :height=>300, :dot_alpha=>0.5, :line_median=>false, :margin_top=>10, :margin_bottom=>20, :margin_left=>20, :margin_right=>20, :minimum_x=>nil, :maximum_x=>nil, :minimum_y=>nil, :maximum_y=>nil, :groups=>nil } @opts=opts_default.merge(opts) opts_default.keys.each {|k| send("#{k}=", @opts[k]) } @data=[] @v1.each_with_index {|d1,i| @data.push({:x=>d1, :y=>@v2[i]}) } end # Add a rule on median of X and Y axis def add_line_median(vis) # :nodoc: that=self x=@x_scale y=@y_scale vis.execute { rule do data [that.v1.median] left x stroke_style Rubyvis.color("#933").alpha(0.5) label(:anchor=>"top") do text x.tick_format end end rule do data [that.v2.median] bottom y stroke_style Rubyvis.color("#933").alpha(0.5) label(:anchor=>"right") do text y.tick_format end end } end # Returns a Rubyvis panel with scatterplot def rubyvis_panel # :nodoc: that=self #p {|v| v} @minimum_x||=@v1.min @maximum_x||=@v1.max @minimum_y||=@v2.min @maximum_y||=@v2.max colors=Rubyvis::Colors.category10 margin_hor=margin_left + margin_right margin_vert=margin_top + margin_bottom x=Rubyvis::Scale.linear(@minimum_x, @maximum_x).range(0, width - margin_hor) y=Rubyvis::Scale.linear(@minimum_y, @maximum_y).range(0, height - margin_vert) @x_scale=x @y_scale=y do |pan| pan.width width - margin_hor pan.height height - margin_vert pan.bottom margin_bottom pan.left margin_left pan.right margin_right margin_top # X axis pan.rule do data y.ticks bottom y stroke_style {|d| d!=0 ? "#eee" : "#000"} label(:anchor=>'left') do visible {|d| d!=0 and d < that.width} text y.tick_format end end # Y axis pan.rule do data x.ticks left x stroke_style {|d| d!=0 ? "#eee" : "#000"} label(:anchor=>'bottom') do visible {|d| d>0 and d < that.height} text x.tick_format end end # Add lines on median add_line_median(pan) if line_median pan.panel do data( dot do left {|d| x[d[:x]]} bottom {|d| y[d[:y]]} fill_style {|v| alpha=(that.dot_alpha-0.3<=0) ? 0.1 : that.dot_alpha-0.3 if that.groups colors.scale(that.groups[index]).alpha(alpha) else colors.scale(0).alpha(alpha) end } stroke_style {|v| if that.groups colors.scale(that.groups[parent.index]).alpha(that.dot_alpha) else colors.scale(0).alpha(that.dot_alpha) end } shape_radius 2 end end end vis end # Returns SVG with scatterplot def to_svg rp=rubyvis_panel rp.render rp.to_svg end def report_building(builder) # :nodoc: builder.section(:name=>name) do |b| b.image(to_svg, :type=>'svg', :width=>width, :height=>height) end end end end end